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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Bored scores
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 159, (reverse)
03/23/2005 01:04:55 PM · #51
Well. . I wasn't even going to submit to this challenge because I refused to take a set-up picture of someone trying to have a bored look on their face. But I was just walking around and found this perfect, very candid shot, so decided to enter. Last I looked mine was at 5.76, which I'm disappointed in because I think this one, being totally candid and perfect for the challenge, and it's not blurry or anything should be scoring better. I hope it jumps up. But it looks like this is a pretty low scoring challenge, huh???

03/23/2005 01:09:35 PM · #52
Owie. I'm hovering around a 3.8--worst ever. I was having a lot of technical difficulty with the computer, so a once-crisp photo now looks out of focus and grainy. It really hurts because the photo DID look good (at one point in time). Still, I wasn't expecting to get slammed THAT hard. Has anyone else noticed, or is it just my poutinng, but do many people seem to see one bad flaw in an otherwise nice picture and knock off several whole points for it? Here's how I vote:

10-Utterly outstanding. Not only technically perfect, but really awed me, as well.
9-Technically superior and really caught my eye as pretty darn great.
8-Technically great, theme caught my eye.
7-Technically fairly decent with an enjoyable theme.
6-If the picture still has a great idea behind it (I 'like' it), but has some technical flawing, or if it's technically good, but otherwise leaning heavily towards mediocre in theme, it's a six.
5-Technically pretty flawed, but I really enjoy the idea behind it, or technically okay, but very mediocre in theme. Fives also apply to really good photos, but they really, really stretch to meet the challenge (different from thinking outside of the box--thinking outside of the box catches my eye as good).
4-Not only pretty technically damaged, but not so interesting in theme, although it went along well with the challenge.
3-Technically pretty bad off, and a really uninteresting photograph that doesn't tie in well with the theme.
2-Really doesn't work at all with the challenge(even with much thought), technically bad, bad, bad and just makes me shake my head and say, "huh?"
1-I think I have yet to give one of these (can't remember), but it would go towards an absoloutly atrocious photograph that has nothing to do with the challenge.

Looking at mine, I'd give myself a 5, a 4, if I was a person that wasn't into my particular subject matter. I guess it just doesn't work well with other people's rubrics.


03/23/2005 01:23:24 PM · #53
I think ppl score low for medium and medium for great
03/23/2005 01:23:51 PM · #54
I think that the winner of this one is going to no higher than a six.
03/23/2005 01:37:45 PM · #55
Boy, how I wish I'd found my local guitar toting, metal and leather clad, "nut-job dude" for this Challenge. He always looks bored, weird, out of place and hangs out on the stairs, of this cool looking Brownstone, smoking cigs. Looks like he was kicked out of The Allman Brothers 30 years back for partying too much. Which was a next to impossible feat back then. Would have been a ribbon for sure....if taken in perfect focus, of course.
03/23/2005 01:56:55 PM · #56
Votes: 78
Views: 115
Avg Vote: 6.1026
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0

I guess I can't complain after reading the others, I hope this goes up a full point like my other entries at the end!
03/23/2005 02:00:42 PM · #57
Talk abot taking the wind out of my sails.... I thought I had a pretty decent photo and interpretatin of the challenge.

Votes: 73
Views: 90
Avg Vote: 4.2329
Comments: 3
03/23/2005 02:06:00 PM · #58
Yeah, this is the weirdest challenge ever. Terrible idea, ADMIN!!! lol

Message edited by author 2005-03-23 14:08:26.
03/23/2005 02:24:26 PM · #59
Well, I don't feel too bad about my 4.8 now :)

I submitted what I (and my commenters) think is a pretty good picture artistically but it doesn't do a very good job of depicting 'bordom'.

03/23/2005 02:46:52 PM · #60
The way I voted was:
- Did it meet the challenge?
- Was it interesting?
- *Did it look staged?*
- Was it an easy shot to get or did it take effort?
- Was it technically good?

On this one, I really looked at creativity and candidness. Most really looked staged and were easy to get. I gave all animal and pet shots low scores because anyone can go to the zoo or take a picture of their pet laying around but that doesn't say "bored".
I think candidness and how hard the shot was to get should rise up in this one. Anyone can take a photo of a guy leaning against his hand. But what does the rest of the photo say? Does it show WHY he's bored? A good photo says a thousand words, not just one: "bored."
03/23/2005 03:11:21 PM · #61
The way I voted was:
- Did it meet the challenge?
- Was it interesting?
- *Did it look staged?*
- Was it an easy shot to get or did it take effort?
- Was it technically good?

why on earth shouldnt it be 'staged'?? its not the candid challenge.
just sayin...........
03/23/2005 03:22:30 PM · #62


Votes: 94
Views: 133
Avg Vote: 4.0957
Comments: 8
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 03/23/05 03:00 pm

Message edited by mk - removed title of current entry.
03/23/2005 03:23:08 PM · #63
I voted...but I didn't enter this one. There were some pretty good ones I thought.
03/23/2005 03:23:42 PM · #64
The way I vote is this

Do I like the picture.. massive points
Does it fit the challenge.. depends on how I feel, usually adds not detracts
Technical aspects.. usually adds not subtracts
Focus, Composition, Warts and hairs.. depends on how I feel
Then.. if I like the picture, I toss out most of this and add massive points
03/23/2005 03:25:10 PM · #65
This was one thing I was counting on... recognition for setting up the scene. But apparently it did not work. Hovering around 4.0 right now with only 1 useful comment.

Originally posted by crockettdl:

The way I voted was:
- Did it meet the challenge?
- Was it interesting?
- *Did it look staged?*
- Was it an easy shot to get or did it take effort?
- Was it technically good?

On this one, I really looked at creativity and candidness. Most really looked staged and were easy to get. I gave all animal and pet shots low scores because anyone can go to the zoo or take a picture of their pet laying around but that doesn't say "bored".
I think candidness and how hard the shot was to get should rise up in this one. Anyone can take a photo of a guy leaning against his hand. But what does the rest of the photo say? Does it show WHY he's bored? A good photo says a thousand words, not just one: "bored."

03/23/2005 04:07:58 PM · #66
How does one find out if a picture was DQed or not?

I looked through the entries for "bored" 3 times in a row, and didn't find one of the entries that brought my attention to.
03/23/2005 04:12:31 PM · #67
We're gonna get a thread soon saying "I got DQed!" or "I am upset!" or something like this :)
Originally posted by scuds:

How does one find out if a picture was DQed or not?

I looked through the entries for "bored" 3 times in a row, and didn't find one of the entries that brought my attention to.

Message edited by author 2005-03-23 16:12:57.
03/23/2005 04:16:05 PM · #68
I think that everyone is sick of pets animals and people. My entry was one of those and im doing bad. I think its hard to be original when your competing world wide. I thought my doggy was good but I guess not. :(
03/23/2005 04:24:41 PM · #69
I hear about staged shots and animal shots getting automatic low scores, because they're apparently effortless or something. What about staged animal shots? I do those for the pure reason that they are tricky. Not that I expect high scores when I take them, but I have a fun time working (sometimes hours) with my pets to coax them into even one good shot. It's not easy. They don't understand 'okay, Mommy wants me to be good and sit still like this so that she can get a good picture.' It takes a lot of treats, pats, and patience. Like I said, not that I'm expecting a grand scores out of them, but I wish people took more consideration to the effort. They're not models that you can pose as you please in the studio, nor or they shots of 'housepets laying around.'
I never liked to mass categorize what things I'll score well and what things I won't. As a rule, There's certian types of shots that I generally like and generally don't, but I'm not going to say, "I'm going to score all pictures of guitar amplifiers low because they're easy to take pictures of. What if the guitar amplifier was flying through the air lit aflame? I'm sure that was a tricky shot. Even if it looked 'easy,' does that mean it was? Not necissarily. Yeah, I give bonus points for extra effort, but I don't generalize what I think is easy and score low for them all.

03/23/2005 04:53:44 PM · #70
Originally posted by conceptphoto:

Yeah, this is the weirdest challenge ever. Terrible idea, ADMIN!!! lol

Don't blame D&L. The challenge leaves many opportunities and it is up to us to seize it. Unfortunately, many shot the first thing that came into their mind, or so it seems.
03/23/2005 04:55:30 PM · #71
I honestly don't think the difficulty in getting a shot should make any difference. If it did, all 'studio' shots would always score above 'nature' shots. And, sometimes people assume that a nature shot or a pet shot or a 'candid' shot was easy. Having 'stalked' locations for hours thinking about the right angle and the right light, I can tell you as much prep goes into that as a studio shot. In fact, I would think studio shots are easier - the photographer controls everything. Not true in the 'outside' world.

I thought part of the art of photography was to make it look easy.

This is similar to the post processing debate in my opinion. If you can tell it was done, doesn't that lessen the appeal? I much prefer Librodo's seemingly candid portraits to those that look seated and posed.

Just my $.02

03/23/2005 05:02:48 PM · #72
Originally posted by timmotyka:

I think that everyone is sick of pets animals and people. My entry was one of those and im doing bad. I think its hard to be original when your competing world wide. I thought my doggy was good but I guess not. :(

timmotyka - I'm definitely tired of the "pets and people" shots, but I really liked your "Tom and Jerry" (Best Friends) and voted that way. It always depends on the shot.

Generally though, I think "pets and people" always do well. In my opinion, pictures with the highest scores aren't really Avant-guard ideas. They're usually just a well executed shot of a common idea.

The ribbons in the Best Friends Challenge all went to very well executed shots of the same idea. Sometimes I get frustrated with that, but the truth is, if I executed my shots as well as those winners, I'd get better scores. Just have to keep trying I guess.
03/23/2005 05:16:41 PM · #73
The past couple of challenges seem to have been discouraging thinking outside of the box, and encouraging repetition of previous ideas. I am also personally extremely sick of photos of animals that have nothing to offer in the way of imagination.
03/23/2005 05:27:35 PM · #74
Originally posted by Catbird:

I hear about staged shots and animal shots getting automatic low scores, because they're apparently effortless or something. What about staged animal shots? I do those for the pure reason that they are tricky.


I, too, didn't give the animal shots good scores. There are roughly 45 UNstaged animal shots in this challenge - basically a fifth of the entries. For me, they don't cut it and I voted accordingly, but I admit that there are some great animal shots in the bunch - it is just that for me, they don't convey boredom - at all. Sleepyness, maybe; laziness, maybe. Enter those same shots in an Animal challenge and you won't have to toot your own horn, I'll toot it for you.

Your shot, Catbird, is of a staged animal, and I didn't vote it low just for having an animal in it. The tricky thing with staging is to make it look unstaged, when possible. Obviously, certian shots must be staged, like if you have two vegitables fighting each other in medieval armour, but that is different.

It's too bad that I couldn't take my camera into the future, photograph myself voting, and then come back to the past (which would have been at least last night) and submit that. Sure, it would still be a bad photo (it is me taking it after all) but I would feel better about it.
03/23/2005 06:37:20 PM · #75
I don't get it.

Who cares? Staged. Unstaged. Indoors. Outdoors. Animal, human, mineral, or vegetable oil.

It meets the challenge.
It's a good image.

5 or 5+

Justify your arrogance! Comment on the photos!

My reasoning? What I think I'm hearing is:
1. I didn't enter. But you all are boring me.
2. I voted on as many as I could stand. But I'm too bored to comment.
3. This whole thing is below my standards. But I dare not justify my opinion.
4. I wouldn't have entered what all you lazy people entered. After all, I want to be entertained. This is boring.
5. I'm here to judge, not to learn, not to teach.

Yup! I'm a slacker! I entered a zoo shot. I have not yet viewed all of the entries. I have voted on none of the entries (and have commented on none, as well.* Shoot me!

Better yet, shoot down my photo by doing me the honor of leaving a comment with your 1, 2, or 3.

*I will get around to viewing all, voting on all, and commenting on everything I give less than a 4.
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