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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> 350D without a serial Number!?
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04/12/2005 08:57:27 AM · #1
I got my 350D a couple of weeks ago, and wanted to register it on the Canon Web page, looked on the bottom for the serial no. & it is blank.
I found one on the box, but isn't it normal to have it stamped on the camera as well??
04/12/2005 09:40:15 AM · #2
Hmmmm... surely looks spooky. I am sure there should be a number on the body of the camera. Would recommend that you call Canon and check this out otherwise return the piece.
04/12/2005 09:40:17 AM · #3
I would think every legit camera has one on it. At least my S1 IS does
04/12/2005 09:43:11 AM · #4
Something doesn't seem quite right there.

All genuine Canon equipment has a serial number...lenses, cameras, battery grips etc.

Call Canon and check it out.

04/12/2005 09:43:23 AM · #5
mine has it on the bottom..
04/12/2005 09:43:45 AM · #6
I confirmed that the model should have a serial on the bottom... check out Steve's Digicams for the picture showing this.

04/12/2005 10:04:57 AM · #7
Exactly what I thought. But on the label on the bottom is a big empty square.
04/12/2005 10:07:41 AM · #8
Some Canon serial numbers are hard to read due to the method used to imprint it. If not in the expected place is there a number somewhere else on the Camera? Sometimes it's just imprinted into the body (i.e. black on black) so it's hard to read unless the light hits it in a certain way.
04/12/2005 10:18:12 AM · #9
Out of curiosity, where did you purchase your camera?
04/12/2005 10:25:12 AM · #10
I bought it in Germany from an internet company called HifiComponents.
I contated Canon & they say "No serial number = No Guarantee" therefore I should send it back to where I bought it, and they should replace it!
My problem is that it is now nearly 3 weeks since I bought it.
I am waiting for a reply from HifiComponents. (Of course they don't answer the telephone & say contact them over e-mail.)
04/12/2005 10:25:16 AM · #11
I would suggest if you take some photos you took with the camera and check the EXIF info on the file and see if the Serial Number inside your file matches the box Serial Number .... The box and the file serial number should match ... if they don't than you really have a problem ... however if they do maybe it was just something that slipped the Quality Tests and/or fell off.

I use this freeware software to view the EXIF info from the photo file Opanda IExif 1.8

04/12/2005 10:29:08 AM · #12
Connect the camera to the computer using the USB connector. Use the EOS Viewer Utlity software that came with the camera. Then select Options/Camera Settings. This will give you the camera body number. This is the same as the number which ought to be on the bottom of the camera.
Hope this helps!
04/12/2005 10:40:07 AM · #13
Originally posted by Moose101:

I would suggest if you take some photos you took with the camera and check the EXIF info on the file and see if the Serial Number inside your file matches the box Serial Number .... The box and the file serial number should match ... if they don't than you really have a problem ... however if they do maybe it was just something that slipped the Quality Tests and/or fell off.

I use this freeware software to view the EXIF info from the photo file Opanda IExif 1.8

Very nice EXIF program... thanks for the link.
04/12/2005 10:41:11 AM · #14
Ok, In the EXIF it's there.
I'll check the box when I get home. In the meantime I have sent an e-mail to the supplier. I can just guess what their reply will be (If they reply). Send it to Canon. Canon explicitly said send it to the supplier.
I think I would still like to get it changed as if the camera doesn't start at all, noone can reade the EXIF to get the number. In the other hand, I'm not looking foreward to not having the camera!
04/12/2005 10:43:23 AM · #15
The serial number might have been there and rubbed off. When I went to register my Rebel XT after two days of use I noticed that my serial number had almost completely rubbed off. There were maybe two and a half digits left and they were pretty faint. You can get the serial number from the EXIF data. I ended up doing that and etching it on the bottom of the body.

04/12/2005 10:49:14 AM · #16
I think it will be ok. I just done a google search and found this thread, look at the 8th post down. I just looked at my 350D, I have had it for 2 weeks, and the last number of the serial number is halfway rubbed off. I guess from using a tripod because the serial number is directly under the tripod mount.

04/12/2005 10:52:09 AM · #17
It definitley wasn't there from the start, as there is an action here in Germany where you get a 256MB cf card when you register with Canon. I wanted to do that back then & it wasn't there. Anyway I thought the number might be printed somewhere else on the camera.
04/12/2005 10:57:46 AM · #18
I just talked to canon concerning warranty without serial number on camera body. If you have a problem with the camera they will honor the warranty, you just have to send the camera with a copy of the warranty card to them. When they fix the camera they will replace the serial number label as well.
Hope this helps
Scott W.
04/12/2005 11:13:59 AM · #19
Originally posted by SDW65:

Originally posted by Moose101:

I use this freeware software to view the EXIF info from the photo file Opanda IExif 1.8

Very nice EXIF program... thanks for the link.

Yes, it's a handy little tool. I love it and use it often. Enjoy...
04/14/2005 04:39:08 PM · #20
Here's an update.
I checked the EXIF, & it is the same as the one that was on the box. Next I phoned Canon, and they said "No Number = No Guarantee!" and that I should take it back to the dealer. I was in toen today, & popped in, and they were quite surprised, but swapped it on the spot without any questions. That is the reason I bought from them as they have an office in town, so in situations like this, you can talk to someone in person, and don't have to send the camera in & be without it for a while. So after 1500 shots I have a new camera.
I will post a new thread about some quality issues.
04/14/2005 08:12:12 PM · #21
This has been hotly discussed here //forums.dpreview.com/forums/readflat.asp?forum=1031&thread=12997844

I suspect there may be a country to country issue here and that ulimately there be nothing to the worried about. But having said that it will take someone to report having problems for us all to get a heads up that this is important!

04/14/2005 09:31:07 PM · #22
I don't agree with Canon's response: "no serial number no warranty". While I understand that there would probably be a good bit of people outt here who might try to rip them off (somehow or another) with this method, if a camera came with no serial number on the bottom, it's obviously a quality control issue on canon's part. They should stamp it somewhere inside too just incase.

Basically Canon said: We screwed up...you're out of luck unless the place where you purchased it will help. Luckily for you, the place where you purchased it was legit and nice about it. I could only IMAGINE!!!! trying to get that done through ritzcamera.com...it would be a bigger nightmare than what I'm in with them now over my defective lowerpro mini trekker AW.
04/14/2005 09:46:22 PM · #23
Obviously you got a camera that was made for the NSA. Expect a visit from two gentlemen in black any day soon... :P
04/14/2005 09:51:28 PM · #24
Originally posted by SDW65:

I just talked to canon concerning warranty without serial number on camera body. If you have a problem with the camera they will honor the warranty, you just have to send the camera with a copy of the warranty card to them. When they fix the camera they will replace the serial number label as well.
Hope this helps
Scott W.

Just a reminder what canon told me. You can call them @ 1 800 828-4040
and they will verify.
04/15/2005 06:39:32 AM · #25
Originally posted by jonr:

Obviously you got a camera that was made for the NSA. Expect a visit from two gentlemen in black any day soon... :P


SDW65, Thanks, but 800 numbers don't work from Germany.
I'm sleeping well now, so as far as I'm concerned the problem is solved.
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