Author | Thread |
04/14/2005 03:39:25 AM · #101 |
I hate to change the subject, but I have to wonder something. When people see their scores dropping, do you think it affects the score they give other photos? I know that I am having a difficult time with this right now. My Abandoned building has gone from a high of 5.94 to it's current score of 4.99. I am trying very hard to keep my scoring focused on the technical aspects of the current picture as well as the challenge subject. I'm looking at an average photo that meets the challenge and thinking this should get a 5 or 6. Then I think of how my photo is doing, which of course meets the challenge and is an awesome photo, ;-). People are giving it 2,3,4's after it was initially getting 5,6,7's. Do I think the photo I am judging should be getting higher scores than mine is getting? No not really, but I am not handing out 2's because I don't think the photo is exciting. Let's face it, abandoned buildings just don't excite most people. I on the other hand find them very interesting. I get the sense in this challenge that there is a large group of voters who are going through photos and saying "old building 2, old building 2, old building 2, cat on windowsill of old building 8, old building 2, whoa, awesome sunset, and I think thats an abandoned building 10". I agree that looking for a unique angle or an "outside the box" approach should be rewarded, but low scores of 1,2,3 should be reserved for photos which are of low quality and/or don't bother to meet the challenge. I believe that an technically good photo which meets the challenge should be getting a 4,5,6 score. Stunning, heart stopping, creative photos, which meet the challenge should be getting 7,8,9,and even 10's.
I am starting to wonder if it would be better to hide the scores until the voting is over. Maybe at least an option to hide my own score until I finish voting. Since I am pretty new here, I don't know if this has been tried or even suggested. I for one would find it easier to vote fairly if I didn't know how my photo was doing. Does anyone else suffer from this or am I alone here?
I don't feel like my photo should be getting 8,9,10's, but I also don't see that it deserves 2's or 3's. At least not with some constructive criticizm letting me know why it got a 2.
Thanks for letting me vent. now I guess I should get back to my homework.... only 234 left to score..
04/14/2005 05:06:45 AM · #102 |
Originally posted by notonline:
I also feel there is a strong distinction between abandoned buildings and a ruin. They are 2 very different subjects. |
Stop being so pedantic, if you can't see without a shadow of the doubt that the building is not abandoned then score it as if it meets the challenge.
04/14/2005 05:50:29 AM · #103 |
There is an option to hide your own score while voting. |
04/14/2005 05:52:26 AM · #104 |
Originally posted by Kathy: This might explain why the scores are low - the subject is so incredibly sad.
I found the sheer number of entries sad. What does that say about us - that we let so many structures go from places of love or hope to abandoned pieces of rubbish?
Because they're cool. |
04/14/2005 06:08:58 AM · #105 |
Originally posted by 2Shay: I hate to change the subject, but I have to wonder something. When people see their scores dropping, do you think it affects the score they give other photos?... |
My score, like everyone else's is dropping. Was just shy, and I mean just shy of 6 yesterday morning, and now I'm 5.4744. I did all my voting yesterday, and the only changes I have made have been upward. I did not expect to win this challenge, but I did have my sites set on reaching and exceeding 6 for the first time. To me, this is not a challenge of beating other photographers' scores, it is a challenge of surpassing my past performances. I am intriqued that everyone's scores are dropping so much. Are people going back and changing their votes. That's a lot of pictures to go through to do that. I don't think that is it. I think the sheer number of entries is the issue this time. People, I believe, just get tired of viewing and voting on so many images that are so similiar. This is one of my favorite challenges, and I enjoyed it very much, both in taking and preparing my image, as well as viewing and voting on the other 498 images. I'm just coureous about the dropping scores which are happening to everyone.
04/14/2005 06:14:48 AM · #106 |
5.0 now but the funniest thing is one of the comments just says 1. no explanation and no offer of help just 1. THANKS A LOT.
04/14/2005 06:16:52 AM · #107 |
I think we should all just take our WEDNESDAY morning scores and run with them! Close the voting down, before it gets any worse!
04/14/2005 07:32:03 AM · #108 |
2Shay I can agree to what your saying and have thought that on more then one instance but no matter what your score is vote fairly. Be the bigger person so to speak and judge a photo for what its worth and don't compare it to your own. Also try to comment on the ones you didn't like so they may be able to reflect on your words and learn. After all I know that is what attracted me to this site... except now I only get a few constructive comments.
04/14/2005 08:03:54 AM · #109 |
You have rated 63 of 497 images (13%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 63 images (13%) in this challenge.
04/14/2005 08:05:34 AM · #110 |
I do wish more people were leaving comments. Only 7 comments with over 160 votes. I leave tons of comments (over 100 in the challenge alone), and I thrive on feedback, so I'm kinda pulling my hair out, wondering what people are thinking and feeling about my images.
04/14/2005 08:11:32 AM · #111 |
lol I've only recieve 3 comments so far and my score is dropping like a rock. Oh well live and learn. I just wish I knew what people didn't like about it.
04/14/2005 08:21:32 AM · #112 |
I no longer have that problem since I turned my "Score" off.
If I do get comments, I can read them after the challenge is over. Should I feel really frustrated with my score, I can always opt to throw the photo in a forum and ask for opinions and I remain convinced I will get a lot more comments that way than I have received so far.
04/14/2005 08:52:04 AM · #113 |
Votes: 152
Views: 181
Avg Vote: 4.7697
Comments: 4
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/14/05 08:00 am
04/14/2005 09:08:55 AM · #114 |
Average winning scores for what it is worth are usually around 7.5. I wonder if there will be any that high in this challenge. Mine sure won't.
04/14/2005 09:10:33 AM · #115 |
Originally posted by ClickNSee: Average winning scores for what it is worth are usually around 7.5. I wonder if there will be any that high in this challenge. Mine sure won't. |
Just make sure to comment on as many photos as you can. This way people can hopefull learn something.
04/14/2005 09:12:31 AM · #116 |
stats: You have rated 19 of 497 images (4%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 19 images (4%) in this challenge.
I just started voting yesterday night. I am going to make an attempt to give a constructive critique for everyone. As you can see, it's going very slowly, but if I can do it for this challange, I'll have proved (at least to myself) that it can be done. I don't think too many challanges are going to have this many entries. One thing I did notice though: I'm finding myself actually looking for the problem areas that I think could have been better, instead of just saying nice photo, bad focus, blah blah blah. . .
Wish me luck.
Message edited by author 2005-04-14 09:13:12. |
04/14/2005 09:16:19 AM · #117 |
This is my first submission here and I don't think I'm dong that bad. Honestly I had a hard time with this challenge. Old buildings are torn down and new condos are built ever 5 min's around here.
Votes: 163
Views: 186
Avg Vote: 4.3252
Comments: 3
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 04/14/05 09:00 am
04/14/2005 09:19:55 AM · #118 |
Votes: 132
Views: 162
Avg Vote: 4.4621
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
and still falling stared with a score has not even though about going the other direction. not even once has it gone up when I hit the update button. BTW my 2 comments.. both were positive...I'm lost.... someone please DQ me so the pain will stop.
04/14/2005 09:45:25 AM · #119 |
Almost 500 people went out to find a subject for this challenge, which shows some effort on the part those who entered, i think thats pretty cool! The fact that my entry has also dropped to an embarresing level is not going to disgruntle me to giving lower scores. In fact i plan to vote generously and comment as much as i can. There are entries from all levels of experience, but everyone made an effort. If it meets the challenge and is a technically decent shot it gets at LEAST a 5 from me. I'm sure there are alot of good scores out there that are going up, mine is not one of those, having dropped to a 5.3. Good luck to all and I hope that those of us with lower scores keep a positive attitude and maybe get comments that help us figure out why! |
04/14/2005 09:46:34 AM · #120 |
You have rated 82 of 497 images (16%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 82 images (16%) in this challenge.
Very tiring. All comments are over 2 lines and mostly constructive.
Message edited by author 2005-04-14 09:47:24.
04/14/2005 09:49:50 AM · #121 |
Originally posted by notonline: You have rated 82 of 497 images (16%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 82 images (16%) in this challenge.
Very tiring. All comments are over 2 lines and mostly constructive. |
You're coming up on the magic 20% number. Keep up the good work. |
04/14/2005 09:51:28 AM · #122 |
My first challenge...
Votes - 156
Views - 178
Average - 3.8
For a first try... and I got a got a good comment.
04/14/2005 09:53:57 AM · #123 |
Originally posted by ReallyColorBlind: Originally posted by notonline: You have rated 82 of 497 images (16%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 82 images (16%) in this challenge.
Very tiring. All comments are over 2 lines and mostly constructive. |
You're coming up on the magic 20% number. Keep up the good work. |
But my eyes can't see clearly any more and I'mn almost outta cold beer. lol
04/14/2005 10:13:22 AM · #124 |
Originally posted by notonline: You have rated 82 of 497 images (16%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 82 images (16%) in this challenge.
Very tiring. All comments are over 2 lines and mostly constructive. |
I do hope that mine is in the 84% that you have left to do...Looking for some feedback. :o)
04/14/2005 10:16:54 AM · #125 |
Originally posted by ClickNSee: Originally posted by notonline: You have rated 82 of 497 images (16%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 82 images (16%) in this challenge.
Very tiring. All comments are over 2 lines and mostly constructive. |
I do hope that mine is in the 84% that you have left to do...Looking for some feedback. :o) |
You have rated 91 of 497 images (18%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 91 images (18%) in this challenge.
Well you may or may not like what I have to say but at least I'm honest. I think I may have to stop at 20% tho and give some others a chance to comment. lol let me know when I get to yours.
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