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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Rock & Water Challenge - How'd you do?
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 25, (reverse)
04/27/2005 01:49:49 AM · #1
Oh, I mean Rock, Paper, Scissors. Not much discussion about it. People probably still voting on the Minimalism entries.
04/27/2005 02:01:25 AM · #2
41 seconds total exposure for top 3.
04/27/2005 02:07:43 AM · #3
Given the outcome of the challenge, I wonder whether my "Rock 'n' Roll" entry would actually finish higher without the "Roll" part? :)
04/27/2005 02:10:23 AM · #4
Originally posted by ltsimring:

Given the outcome of the challenge, I wonder whether my "Rock 'n' Roll" entry would actually finish higher without the "Roll" part? :)

Hey 28th aint bad. If only you had showed a blurred outhouse on the shore with the door open and someone reaching out or even just sitting there - shot from the knees down. That would've added 2 points from me. :)
04/27/2005 02:37:09 AM · #5
Well, I got a good place and 1 user added my pics as a fav. BUt, I got the sensation that my entry could be do it better, but voters have ever the last word. So, I accept their opinions.

Message edited by author 2005-04-27 04:07:17.
04/27/2005 02:41:17 AM · #6
This was mine.My first ever submission on DPC.

I know these three flaws:
1) Whitebalance - I just learnt to set it.
2) Lighting - the light for this came from my table lamp.
3) No post processing at all - am new to digital,will have to learn..
Any comments about the kind of lighting equipment to buy appreciated.
any other comments appreciated too.

Message edited by author 2005-04-27 02:45:50.
04/27/2005 02:43:18 AM · #7
I was going to reshoot Alcatraz again but didn't have time:

04/27/2005 02:44:46 AM · #8
Originally posted by manurao:

This was mine.My first ever submission on DPC.
I know these three flaws:
1) Whitebalance - I just learnt to set it.
2) Lighting - the light for this came from my table lamp.
3) No post processing at all - am new to digital,will have to learn..
Any comments about the kind of lighting equipment to buy appreciated.
any other comments appreciated too.

Well, at least your title wasn't too prophetic. ;-)

Not a bad job. Can't add much to the comments made on the photo - just hang in there.
04/27/2005 03:06:11 AM · #9
Originally posted by faidoi:

41 seconds total exposure for top 3.

And still don`t get it...
04/27/2005 03:09:40 AM · #10
very happy with my results. it's my first photo to go over 5 and now it's one of the top photos on my camera. i thought my photo got through the creativity of it, but i know i could have taken and made a more polished photo.
04/27/2005 07:33:17 AM · #11
Ok, I'm left scratching my head on this one. The top three photos for this challenge are stunning. Great shots, hang em on the wall type images.

I thought this was a satire type, funny, put something creative together type of challenge. Man, was I way off! DPC is really starting to confuse me (I know, I know - that's easily done. Ha-ha!).

Message edited by author 2005-04-27 07:33:58.
04/27/2005 08:02:12 AM · #12
ya, my image wasnt an award winner for this one, but I saw some creative shots that I thought would have fared top 3 over the ones that did.

again, great shots that won, just not for this challenge IMO.
04/27/2005 08:11:01 AM · #13
I didn't do that good, I have entered challenges that have done better and worse.
4.795 167 / 248 33%

things can only get better....well I hope :O)
04/27/2005 08:28:19 AM · #14
I did not enter this challenge because to be truthful I lacked the imagination to shoot an image I thought would work. I would however like to mention that I'm disappointed in the submissions and voting.

It appears most people assumed you HAD to have all 3 items in your shot, this ruined it for many as they went overboard trying to be creative. This also has hurt people who didn't add all 3 items. I have seen quite a few comments where the people are wondering where all 3 items are and even one that said he would have voted higher if there was all 3.

The challenge did not require all three and I think it is unfair to vote someone down for not having them all. There are some (few) great pictures here that got hurt by someone misinterperting the challenge.
04/27/2005 08:31:53 AM · #15
yeah, I think there were two camps on this one...

The 1) Rock, paper, scissors camp

and the 2) Rock, or paper, or scissors stock photo camp

I agree with Glad2BADad, the top 3 are beautiful, but I fell into the first camp and felt the photos that came in fourth and fifth were more about this challenge and first,second, and third belonged more in the "Waterscapes" challenge. Obviously though, it seems the majority of voters fell into the 2nd camp and the way the challenge was written, it makes sense.
04/27/2005 08:48:14 AM · #16
i loved this challenge it was my 2nd entry and it came to me immediatly...which is why i didnt take the time to see the mistakes...actually at the time i didnt realize i could even pull it edit it and repost....it really reflects the warpedness of my personality thank you for all your votes and comments...i am having the best time............ //buzzmom.blogster.com/PhotoApp/GalleryImage.asp?photoId=6728&photoCaption=rock+paper+scissors&u=buzzmom
04/27/2005 08:53:39 AM · #17
If I had Laurie's inventory of clip art, I'd post one of the happy-dance dude :) The scary thing is that my entry was almost an afterthought. I didn't shoot it for the challenge; It was just part of a landscape I was working on.

Thanks to so many people for an inspring set of comments. I'm glad I could share my vision of Nature and have it be enjoyed.
04/27/2005 09:06:43 AM · #18
I painted myself into a corner and used all three...silly me. It's a mediocre image, at best mostly because my lighting stunk and no PS assistance, which was badly needed.

I could have gotten some amazing Rock, Water shots even in New York but I enjoy the difficulty of getting into "the box", as for me, that IS the challenge. Not being in your comfort zone provides a really great sink or swim scenario. Dare I say...."In The Box"!!!

This whole site offers me...or better yet, forces me to take shots of things I would never do on my own. It squeezes out new photo opportunities, where I've been doing some serious learning. Self imposed school assignments.

........I'm beginning to hate the phrase "Out Of The Box" BTW.
04/27/2005 09:19:07 AM · #19
There you go...trying to get something started eh? ;^)

Originally posted by pawdrix:

........I'm beginning to hate the phrase "Out Of The Box" BTW.

04/27/2005 11:08:03 AM · #20
I'm pretty happy with my classification - finished in 68% :) As a matter of fact, it was my best so far.

Just wanted to thank all the people who bothered to vote and leave comments and tips.
04/27/2005 11:27:23 AM · #21
Well it was the best I have done so far here but I have only entered 9 challenges so far. I ended up 9th place with this one.

I wonder if I would have done better without the frame. Most comments liked the frame but others were dead set against it. Oh well can't make everyone happy I guess(-: Thanks to all for the votes.
04/27/2005 01:36:32 PM · #22
Originally posted by pawdrix:

I painted myself into a corner and used all three...silly me. It's a mediocre image, at best mostly because my lighting stunk and no PS assistance, which was badly needed.

I could have gotten some amazing Rock, Water shots even in New York but I enjoy the difficulty of getting into "the box", as for me, that IS the challenge. Not being in your comfort zone provides a really great sink or swim scenario. Dare I say...."In The Box"!!!

This whole site offers me...or better yet, forces me to take shots of things I would never do on my own. It squeezes out new photo opportunities, where I've been doing some serious learning. Self imposed school assignments.

........I'm beginning to hate the phrase "Out Of The Box" BTW.

I agree on all points and I shot a very similar image to pawdrix. And reading this...
Originally posted by cghubbell:

I didn't shoot it for the challenge; It was just part of a landscape I was working on.

...makes the results even more disappointing. No offense to cghubbell, but I thought the whole point of this site is to treat a challenge like an assignment and specifically shoot for it. I know what he did was within the rules and met the challenge and it has been done before, but to me it diminishes the basic concepts and benefits of the site.

04/27/2005 02:06:12 PM · #23
Originally posted by glad2badad:

There you go...trying to get something started eh? ;^)

Originally posted by pawdrix:

........I'm beginning to hate the phrase "Out Of The Box" BTW.

I aim to please...... ;)
04/27/2005 02:08:46 PM · #24
I agree on all points and I shot a very similar image to pawdrix. And reading this...

I even left you a nice compliment...whaddaya know?
04/27/2005 02:14:16 PM · #25
Originally posted by pawdrix:

I even left you a nice compliment...whaddaya know?

Oh yeah - "Via Con Dios!" - I don't know what it means, but it sounded very complimentary. ;-) LOL

ps - thanks Steve. To be honest, I gave yours the same score that I gave Cascading and Ragged and higher than Where the Water Meets the Land.

Message edited by author 2005-04-27 14:19:25.
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