Author | Thread |
07/03/2005 12:16:46 AM · #26 |
16 months and 30,000+ shutter releases. I have the onboard flash problem as well (popped up and wont go back down) but i think i caused that myself (don't ask). Scotch tape solved that nicely since I've never used it anyway.
I'd buy another one tomorrow without thinking about it. Awesome cam. |
07/03/2005 12:26:49 AM · #27 |
you all should just go to canons
07/03/2005 09:37:52 AM · #28 |
lol...I prefer the versatility, superior flash system, and ergonomics of my d70...probably over any Canon out there. Of course, if I could afford a 1dsmkII, I'd still get a d2x, save myself a few grand and get some nice glass. :-p~
07/04/2005 02:40:25 PM · #29 |
I had exactly the same problem last February. I went to the Nikon shop to have it fixed...fortunately for me, it was still during the warranty period. It only took them 4 days to have it fixed. I couldn't speak Thai so I can't tell you what's wrong with it.
But the lady seemed to tell me that it is the usual problem for D70. I hope it won't die on me in my trip to Scandinavia (on Saturday). I guess I have to bring my Coolpix, just in case.
Manny |
07/06/2005 06:19:57 PM · #30 |
Off to the CA Nikon repair shop it goes. I guess I will know Monday if I need to start yelling. Better get my voice in shape over the weekend...Squirt, squirt......mememememeeeeeeee.
07/12/2005 01:59:56 AM · #31 |
Is there anyway I can get my NEW camera put in? I think I can have the highest rating for it.
Since my camera is in the shop and I have not heard anything yet. I will now be shooting with this...
BLUES Camera!
And I got em at this point!!
07/13/2005 12:04:19 AM · #32 |
Damn Nikon Service is slow. No confirmation that they even recieved it yet...even though delivered on Thurs to Emanuel. I am getting desperate....ALREADY!!
07/13/2005 12:09:37 AM · #33 |
ok, the other day i turned the cam on and got the blinking light. then i turned it off and back on again and it worked.
i'm at 14000 shots. should i be panicking? |
07/13/2005 12:25:41 AM · #34 |
Mine just happened out of the blue. That Green Blinking Light of Death! Mine didn't reset or come back on though.
I think I was only around 8000-9000 releases, too!!
Is it still under warranty?
07/13/2005 10:06:07 PM · #35 |
SO I GOT THE ESTIMATE BACK AND $216 TO REPAIR IT! the following is what I wrote back to nikon and await a reply. I included many links to discussions on the matter for their perusal. Hopefully something will come of it.
I have been looking into this problem that my camera is having at this time, and is at the service center for. And discovering that this is most likely a manufacturing problem. If this is happening to so many D70's, how could it not be? And the fact, that alot of technicians have been qouted as saying that it is a common problem and would be fixed even if it is out a few months from warranty. ????
I had my D70 in for service about a year ago this time to fix the shutter problem and it sticking. Would something that was a known problem not be fixed at that time?
This is aggravating, because I just hit the 13th month of ownership, less than 9000 shutter releases, and would expect that a camera should last more than a year before a debilitating problem as this that would have to be repaired at the cost of $216. Should I expect to do this every year? If this is the case, I will look into a different product, even though I am extremely happy with my D70...terrific camera!
Some of the discussions going on about this problem
Most Importantly!!
I really need my camera back, but, as before, if I have to have the camera repaired every year, I will put the $216 toward something else. I don't want to do that, because this is a great camera, ergonomically and with the images.
Thank You for your time
See what happens
Message edited by author 2005-07-13 22:11:16.
07/15/2005 06:26:11 PM · #36 |
Apparently my little note means nothing and them fixing THEIR design flaw means nothing either...SOOO....Who wants to buy a D70 with a few lenses? This is what I sent today because of no return on the last email.
I will be having my camera repaired at my expense. Since it appears that Nikon does not want to fix an obvious design flaw/manufacturing problem. I will take my business elsewhere in the future. Even though I do love the D70, I am going to sell it and my Nikon products that I have been accumulating the last 10 years, and take my business to Olympus or Canon.
I guess I can thank Nikon for letting me see the light.
So, Time to look into some reviews! What fun!!
07/15/2005 06:56:02 PM · #37 |
wow that sucks, kind of scares me know, I have warranty on my canon but I have been reading alot of problems with slr's lately.
07/15/2005 07:53:12 PM · #38 |
If you get your D70 back and decide you really want to make the switch I may be interested in the body and the 50mm lens. But wait till you get it back to decide.
I know a guy who works at the local camera shop and he says they get a dispoportionate share of Canons in for repair than any other manufacturer out there so ...... it is not just Nikon. |
07/15/2005 11:59:10 PM · #39 |
Just happened to me 2 minutes ago = (
I went to take out my memory card to use in my Canon S30 and the green light just started blinking....same symptoms as Tracy.
This sucks. I'm meeting my parents in Shenandoah Nat'l Park next weekend for camping and (the main reason for choosing this location) pictures! So much for the pictures = (
Message edited by author 2005-07-16 01:08:41.
07/16/2005 09:08:31 AM · #40 |
Originally posted by jbsmithana: I know a guy who works at the local camera shop and he says they get a dispoportionate share of Canons in for repair than any other manufacturer out there so ...... it is not just Nikon. |
We shall see on the selling part.
I know that things can happen or go is just the poor customer service that is involved so far. Getting automated replies for my recent questions. And as mentioned that this pretty much seems to be a known issue for a certain batch of camera.
Maverick I did send you an email also, if it is under warranty and you get it to them overnight and request quick service , it may come back before your trip...wouldn't count on it but worth a try.
07/19/2005 01:54:38 PM · #41 |
Well...Nikon finally ccame through. Recieved this today...
"Thanks, for customer goodwill we will waive the charges as a one time accommodation.
Thanks for using Nikon products!"
Happy about it, but still a little aggravated having to jump through the hoops.
Now...Where's my camera! hehehehe
Message edited by author 2005-07-19 13:55:03.
07/19/2005 03:22:17 PM · #42 |
I just love happy endings! Oh wait, your camera is not back yet. |
07/19/2005 03:53:13 PM · #43 |
Just some FYI my minolta Dimage7 has just reached a hge mile stone. I took a photo for the Ladscape mentorship yesterday. This made photo#100,000 for the poor abused camera. Now lets see if I can do it again!
07/20/2005 09:26:49 AM · #44 |
OK, woke up this morning and put a freshly-charged battery into the cam. nothing came up on the top display so i slowly turned the camera to look at the back and:
i started to freak out and then after about 15 seconds the top display powered on. i fired it up and took a few shots just fine. but, still........
everything i've read so far shows that this was just a spontaeous thing the cams did. mine has happened twice now -- once really short and then this time that was longer. are you guys SURE that you didn't notice anything before it happened?
(actually, if it dies at all i'm going to be totally pissed off!!!)
dacrazyrn: based on your precedent, i AM going to get this fixed for free if it does totally crap out. they've almost got a class-action suit on their hands, judging from the number of people this is happening to. it had better just hold on for another couple of weeks for sure. |
07/20/2005 03:19:58 PM · #45 |
Originally posted by muckpond: OK, woke up this morning and put a freshly-charged battery into the cam. nothing came up on the top display ... and then after about 15 seconds the top display powered on. i fired it up and took a few shots just fine. but, still........ |
My 350D has done something similar a few times with a bad Lexar CF card. It works fine with a different card.
07/20/2005 06:19:51 PM · #46 |
When it first happened to me, I tried different cards, different batteries, soft and hard reset, and got nothing. No warning.
Rob: I take it you are past your warranty
Message edited by author 2005-07-20 18:21:15.
07/20/2005 08:26:30 PM · #47 |
Hmmm... doesn't seem to be a problem with Pentax. Ah well - go with history, right?
-Steve |
07/20/2005 08:31:24 PM · #48 |
Originally posted by muckpond: are you guys SURE that you didn't notice anything before it happened? |
Mine was completely random, no warning at all.
07/21/2005 12:51:09 AM · #49 |
Well, two month later and I finally got my camera back, all fixed and ready to go. My local shop got his Nikon rep to get it fixed for me for no charge. One of the advantages of supporting your local camera shop. I bet BestBuy, or the likes wouldn't have spent the time to get this pushed through.
I really think Nikon should offer a recall on these. Although it will probably will take a class action suit to motivate them. Unfortunate.
07/21/2005 05:53:09 AM · #50 |
I photograph some weddings with a friend once in a wile, we both have D70. This is scarring me a lot. How about if it goes dead in the midle of a shooting session. I was thinking in getting another D70 body for backup regarding I don't have the money for the D2X. But know I'm thinking twice... Probably try to get a used Fuji S3Pro for the same money... They seems very well bilt.
And if the the D70 only last between 10k and 40k probably some people who ues it for commercial purposes must recarculate the prices to compensate te small camera life.
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