Whoah. That post has the weirdest layout I've ever seen! hehe
That aside, I like two of these shots in particular. The boy with the leaves and the snake, I don't like the other two as much (the duck is blurry and the boy on the couch is a little strangely composed and awkward looking).
Nice work considering you're new, here are some tips on improving...
The boy with the leaves: This could do with being a little sharper, but your central composition is quite nice to my eye. Perhaps in colour? Thoes leaves look like they could be really beautiful in colour. Also, I think if the boy was looking at the camera the shot would benefit, mostly because I'd like to see his eyes. I like the high angle here.
The snake: This is great, the snake is in a perfect pose. The only problem here is the background, but there probably isn't too much you could do about that! Perhaps you could partially desaturate the picture and make the background black & white to try and bring out the snake more. Also, if possible, try to get a shallower depth of field. This can be achieved by having a lower f/stop (wider aperture) - if you need to know how to do this you can ask pretty much anyone on this site. There're a wealth of resources for you to use on the net to help you improve. If I had more time I'd go more in depth with your photos, but I thought I'd just touch on some of the things I like and dislike about your shots. This is a fantastic community and I'm sure there'll be about 10000 photographers posting critique on your shots soon after me, most of which are far more technically adept than I :)
Enjoy shooting! You're definitely on the right track...here is a useful resource for ya...
Just click gallery and select your tutorial! They have a whole bunch of tutorials aimed at beginners!
Also check out the 'Learn' tab at the top of this page (in between DPCPrints and Equipment). There're some fantastic resources on here as well!
Keep shooting :)