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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Should I let him use my image?
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05/31/2005 05:16:23 PM · #1
I entered my silhouette picture:

into a newspaper contest in my home town of Charleston, SC.

(Actually, it wasn’t that exact same picture as I wasn’t quite sure on what the rules are concerning entering two different competitions with the same picture so I used the next digital image along!!!!)

Anyway, I didn’t win the contest, these did:




, but I did get an “honorable mention” and the photo printed in the paper.

Today I got an email via the newspaper from someone who said:

“I particularly like that photograph and want to contact the individual for reasons of possible use on my web site.”
I checked out his real estate website and he has other pictures of Charleston on there by local artists.

I was just wondering if there were any reasons not to let him use it?
Or even reasons to let him use it?

You are a knowledgeable and sage lot and have a lot more experience in this kind of thing than I do.
So any help would be most appreciated.

05/31/2005 05:19:48 PM · #2
Is he will to pay for use?

I'd be sure he gave you credit as the photog.

It's a beautiful shot.
05/31/2005 05:27:19 PM · #3
I dont know but I cant believe your photo didn't win the contest it is far better than the other 3
05/31/2005 05:29:22 PM · #4
"It's a beautiful shot."-
thank you.

I don't know if he will pay as I haven't actually spoken to him yet.
I wanted to get armed with some of your knowledge first.
Although I would probably say no money would be involved judging by the way the other photos are used-they are just small thumbnail sized pictures and are there to make the site look a bit prettier!
But they do have credit to the photographer under each picture.
05/31/2005 05:33:20 PM · #5
You wuz robbed! The image that placed 1st is a contender, 2nd and 3rd aren't in the same league as yours, though. Maybe they wanted a more explicit view of the bridge?

05/31/2005 05:33:25 PM · #6
If you're an amateur photographer, ask for "visible credit" next to or on the image (could be a link to your website) as well.

If he wants to use it for printing, offer a non-exclusive / non-competitor license for $50/1000 copies.

(Non-exclusive in that he does not have exclusive right to the photo. Non-competitor, in that you won't license use of photo to rival realty agent down the street.)
05/31/2005 05:36:36 PM · #7
I agree that yours was better than the winners but... we're all just expressing our subjective opinions here and the judge(s) were entitled to theirs too!

I'd specify in your agreement with him the maximum size he may use the image at (and provide it to him at that size). I'd also specify in the agreement exactly what credit you require and that you'd like either the image or the credit text to be a link to your own website. Ask him to put this in writing (nothing complicated, just a basic and short document) and then go for it!

Sounds like you're happy just to get credit and exposure in which case, just protect your rights, clarify what you're granting and enjoy!
05/31/2005 05:36:43 PM · #8
Originally posted by UNCLEBRO:

... there to make the site look a bit prettier!

That is exactly what the payment would be for. :p

Originally posted by UNCLEBRO:

But they do have credit to the photographer under each picture.

Credit and exposure is good as well -- making the image clickable to your website would be better. If you don't have one of those, your DPC profile, portfolio or prints site would work well too. ;)


Message edited by author 2005-05-31 17:38:12.
05/31/2005 05:41:35 PM · #9
Thanks for the tips and advice.
And thanks for the kind words.

I don't actually have a website as yet.
Well I do, but it's still in my head and hasn't actually materialized as yet.

So I guess just the fact that someone likes my image enough to put it on his website is payment enough (for now)!
05/31/2005 05:42:03 PM · #10
I agree with Britannica, I'd be asking for nothing more than a link to sell the print from DPC or another site that allows such activity.

THe only thing better than exposure/credit, is being able to make something out of that exposure/credit.
05/31/2005 05:43:43 PM · #11
Originally posted by UNCLEBRO:

I don't actually have a website as yet.
Well I do, but it's still in my head and hasn't actually materialized as yet.

Given that you're a paying DPC member why don't you have any of your images up for sale on DPC Prints? Your membership fee includes portfolio space and it's easy enough to set up! You could then specify your DPC Prints link as the one for him to link to.

It's easy to work out your link once you have images loaded.

Mine is

h t t p : / / k a v e y . d p c p r i n t s . c o m
05/31/2005 05:44:48 PM · #12
It's good exposure. Nuff said.

Now charge him..or don't charge him. Either way get your work up there.
05/31/2005 05:58:35 PM · #13
"Given that you're a paying DPC member why don't you have any of your images up for sale on DPC Prints? Your membership fee includes portfolio space and it's easy enough to set up! You could then specify your DPC Prints link as the one for him to link to."

-I've been toying with the idea of having DPC prints, but I guess I've just been too lazy to actually go and set it up.
Maybe this is the incentive I need?
Thanks again.
05/31/2005 06:00:27 PM · #14
Originally posted by UNCLEBRO:

"Given that you're a paying DPC member why don't you have any of your images up for sale on DPC Prints? Your membership fee includes portfolio space and it's easy enough to set up! You could then specify your DPC Prints link as the one for him to link to."

-I've been toying with the idea of having DPC prints, but I guess I've just been too lazy to actually go and set it up.
Maybe this is the incentive I need?
Thanks again.

You're a ribbon winner and even your non ribbon shots rock, well lots and lots of them do. Whack 'em on sale! There's no guarantee of a sale but... it's more likely if they are on there than if they ain't! :o)
05/31/2005 06:50:07 PM · #15
I looked at a few shots on his website. They open to larger versions but it seems that 400 is the max dimension, so you won't need to give him anything any larger than that. I'd go ahead and give him a 400 pixel image just for the exposure. The photogs names are shown in an acceptable way.
05/31/2005 06:50:59 PM · #16
Originally posted by AlexMonty:

You wuz robbed! The image that placed 1st is a contender, 2nd and 3rd aren't in the same league as yours, though. Maybe they wanted a more explicit view of the bridge?

That's undoubtedly true. The bridge in question is one of a new and exciting breed that is radially suspended (there's a term for these, I forget it) and each of the winning shots does a somewhat better job of expressing this element of the bridge, it's "signature element" somewhat more clearly than uncle's does. That his image is aesthetically better is beyond question, but a lot of times photography isn't just about aesthetics. Ask any commercial photographer :-)

Fine shot regardless, uncle! I wouldn't hestitate to let the man use it in a small size in exchange for a credit and (assuming you have soemthing to link to) a link from that credit.


Message edited by author 2005-05-31 18:51:28.
05/31/2005 08:07:03 PM · #17
What I find kinda funny is that while asking whether you should give permission for another guy to use your picture on his website you uploaded three images that arent yours that won the contest without credit and I'm assuming without permission. :P
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