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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Photography Podcast
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06/06/2005 10:22:54 AM · #1
There is a good podcast for photographers. It's called "Tips from the Top Floor", by Chris Marquardt //www.tipsfromthetopfloor.com/.
For those of you not familiar with podcasting, a description can be found here: //podcastalley.com/what_is_a_podcast.php.
It's basically a way of distributing radio shows that can be listened to at your own convenience. You donĂ¢€™t need an iPod, or any other portable music player, just a way to listen to mp3s on your computer (WinAmp, iTunes, MusicMatch, etc.)

Message edited by muckpond - fixed links.
06/06/2005 10:30:47 AM · #2
Thanks for the tip. In the past six weeks or so, I've become a dedicated consumer of some great podcasts. I'll check this one out.
06/06/2005 10:33:52 AM · #3
great link. i'm going to start listening right now (mostly to drown out the sounds of my boss) :P
06/06/2005 10:35:59 AM · #4
yeah podcasts are pretty awsome. one of the best ive listend to is Engadget podcast the website is called //podcasts.engadget.com/ well thats where they have their casts. Its all about gadgets as you might hav figuered out by the name. They run about 35 min and come out like every week i think.
06/06/2005 10:43:50 AM · #5
I used to listen to a lot of great podcasts, but soon realized that I didn't have time for them all (I also listen to audio books), so I cut out a lot, and now mainly focus on the photography ones.
06/06/2005 11:49:41 AM · #6
Chris Marquardt signed up with DPC under username nubui but has never participated in challenges.
06/06/2005 01:23:51 PM · #7
I had sent him an email telling him about this site, refering to his podcast about having an assingment. I guess he already knows about us.
06/08/2005 08:19:37 PM · #8
Hi stdavidson,

yes, I signed up, but then had to notice that I was too busy doing other things. I guess the podcasting business is part of it. Hope you find some value in what I'm doing there.

06/08/2005 08:36:05 PM · #9
Another link: //www.lenswork.com/lwb.htm
This is an audio blog which Lenswork editor Brooks Jensen puts up. I quite regularly listen to them. Gives one lots to think about photography.
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