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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Sony DSC F707 or Sony DSC F717 ?
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09/29/2002 02:05:43 PM · #1
Why would I want to buy a Sony F717 instead of a Sony F707? Are there any compelling reasons not to buy the discontinued F707 at a which can now be found at a lesser price?

09/29/2002 02:19:14 PM · #2
Here's a page comparing the 707 with the 717.
09/29/2002 02:23:41 PM · #3
Originally posted by rls_2002:
Why would I want to buy a Sony F717 instead of a Sony F707? Are there any compelling reasons not to buy the discontinued F707 at a which can now be found at a lesser price?

This is a question I've been looking into myself... So far as i can see...

1 ~ USB 2.0 is supported on f717 (No idea what this means...)

2 ~ Hot shoe flash accepted (No positive if my old flash from my 35mm will work, but sounds nice)

3 ~ISO rating of 800 for the F717... (This I like, but not sure if I like it more than the price diff)

4 ~ 32 meg stick standard (I'm getting a 128 meg anyway, so not sure if this will swing me over)

5 ~ Weight (inc. batteries) F707 = 667 g (23.5 oz) F717 = 659 g (23.2 oz) (Those .3 oz probably won't sway me)

My call = I'm waiting till just after Thanksgiving to see where the prices stand then... If they are close, I'll spring for the F717, if I can get a F707 for a fraction the cost, I'll go that way...
09/29/2002 02:29:21 PM · #4
Originally posted by Remie:
Here's a page comparing the 707 with the 717.

Wow! Thanks! This is much more info then I've found elsewhere!!!
09/29/2002 02:32:58 PM · #5

What myqyl mentioned

Faster shutter speed in AE mode
Histogram mode in exposure & playback

ΓΆ€ΒΆ Improved AF
ΓΆ€ΒΆ Shorter shutter LAG
ΓΆ€ΒΆ Faster startup time
ΓΆ€ΒΆ Improved AWB

All from here:
Dpreview Preview Article
09/29/2002 04:36:51 PM · #6
Don't forget the option for using the manual zoom ring. I also heard mention of an improved electronic viewfinder but I'm not sure this is true or how it might be improved.

09/29/2002 05:24:00 PM · #7
Originally posted by timj351:
Don't forget the option for using the manual zoom ring. I also heard mention of an improved electronic viewfinder but I'm not sure this is true or how it might be improved.


Tim, I got an email from Bob before I read this thread.. I responded to him in some detail and suggested that he forward my comments to you for some additions... I have compared the models side by side and can't see any reason that I would not buy the 707 if there is some money to be saved... dunno... just a dum ole country boy :)
09/29/2002 06:42:55 PM · #8
Ok .. be carefull .. .I DO NOT HAVE ONE !!!
It looks like the difference is 300$ which is a lot but to me :
- To be able to control focus and zomm on the ring is a major plus
(for example that would be one thing right now that wouild make me prefer a digimage7 to the new nikon 5700)
- battery life is a major plus (the manual ring would help)
- going to 800 iso is kind of nice .. true there is much noise but still .. you can make the shot if you do not have a flash or do not want to use one
- USB2 is the fastest USB interface ... 10 times faster than USB1, you need to have a usb2 interface on your computer 'depends if it's recent or not)
and a bunch of small things.
That would be me ... I think I would be willing to pay 150$ more for thoses differences but not 300, depends the prices you can get.
remember .. I do not have one !

09/29/2002 11:19:43 PM · #9
I've been watching, with interest, these comments on the Sony Cameras. I currently use a Sony DSC-F55 with the Carl Zeiss lens. Even with 2 +- megapixels I think it has been, and is, a good camera system. I would like to get a 707 (or a 717). I am pleased with the Sony products, as I've experienced them. Don't know which one to buy. The 707 will probably be a bargain price, now that the 717 is introduced.
09/29/2002 11:41:29 PM · #10
I, too, have a sony, and my husband and i are considering getting a 707 or 717 for my birthday! (karmat does a happy dance). We will probably go with the 707, just to save a few $$$. My question is, what is a reasonable time to wait, without the 707 becoming difficult ot find, or is this even worth considering?
09/29/2002 11:55:48 PM · #11
There's probably no rule of thumb for this. I bought my first (and only) digital camera on e-bay, and I've had it for two plus years, with no complaints. I would watch (and am watching) the prices there, to begin with. I also check the comparison price sites such as PriceGrabber. The 707 should soon be a bargain, unless the 717's upgrades are that great. Sounds like the improvements there are nice, but, depending on the $$$, one has to make that decision.
09/30/2002 10:01:46 AM · #12
CompUsa has the 707 for $799.97. It's the lowest price by far I've seen in the retail stores locally. Thought I'd let you know. I did some shopping real recently :)
10/01/2002 01:37:08 AM · #13
Thanks everybody for your help!!! I bid on a F707 "PRO" package from 47 St. Photo on eBay but the bid became more than I wanted to shell out for the F707. After due consideration, I have ordered a new F717 from SONY. I'll let you know what I think of my new toy after it arrives and I use it for a while :) :) :)


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