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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> looking for 180$ camera
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06/16/2005 02:18:23 PM · #1
i want to start & learn photography on my own...
i don't have a lot of $$$ right now to buy a dslr camera. i have about 180$.
what do you guys & gals suggest me to buy?
(i want a camers that will give me the chance to learn all aspects of photography... shutter & all that stuff)
thanks :-)
06/16/2005 03:18:56 PM · #2
Going against the grain (pun intended) -> I recently bought another Canon 630 FILM body-only on Ebay for $60 (I have owned one of these since 1990 and it's now eating batteries, so this was an exact replacement cause I was sick of pulling out the battery when I finished shooting). Pick up a 50mm f1.8 lens (new is around $80) and use the extra $ for film and processing (or maybe a cheap flash). Great camera and lens - seriously! I am sure you could get similar deal on older Nikon or whatever film gear - I am just using Canon as an example since I don't know good film bodies for Nikon's e.t.c.

Okay, so it's not digital or trendy but it's got to be a trade-off for $180. In my view it's a good way to learn for the $ you have right now - maybe/probably this will get me banished from here :-). In the future, you can upgrade to a digital SLR and probably keep using the same lens (I still use my 15 year old 35-105 lens on my new Canon 20D).

The other option would be to go for a point and shoot with some manual options but not sure what would be available in that price range.

Hope some of this helps.....
06/16/2005 03:30:56 PM · #3
im not sure if the canon powershot A510 has manual control. but i have heard it's a pretty good camera.

edit: but the film idea sounds good. that's how i started

Message edited by author 2005-06-16 15:31:13.
06/16/2005 03:31:32 PM · #4
I suggest EBAY...I always suggest Ebay, cuz that is where I bought my camera for $189. Great deal, great camera...I mean it's not a DSLR but it is digital and it works great for me. It's a great camera for a beginner. or even the professional without a lot of money. So ebay is where I recommend.
I bought an Olympus Camedia c-740uz. It has a macro built in..and an incredible zoom, and it is a great camera for a lot of things you need to learn about photography. I know I've learned alot. But I can almost guarantee you will not find a decent DSLR anywhere for that price unless someone on DPchallenge is willing to give one up for a low cost.

Message edited by author 2005-06-16 15:33:25.
06/16/2005 03:34:50 PM · #5
I bought a Canon Powershot A75 for my mother. That was a few months ago when they first declared those ones "obsolete" (is that the right word to use?)and I paid $179 for it.
For what it is, it's a great little camera and you might still be able to find some old stock in some stores.
06/16/2005 03:35:53 PM · #6
Very soon I'm going to be selling a Coolpix 4300 (4MP) for about that price. I'm including an extra battery and a 128MB CF card. Let me know if you're interested.

06/17/2005 04:27:31 AM · #7
thanks guys! :-)
but i'm not going to buy a film camera...
i don't have the time nor the money for developing.
so... it's a matter of which point & shoot digital camera to buy.
i need the camera that have all (or at least close) to a dslr.
06/17/2005 04:51:02 AM · #8
This one's going to be interesting!

I would still recommend a film SLR and then upgrade when you can.
DSLR for $180 ain't going to happen.
Decent (SLR style) P&S for $180 ain't going to happen new but yes, a good 4-5Mp compact digital might be possible second hand.
06/17/2005 04:54:08 AM · #9
06/17/2005 05:27:32 AM · #10
the megapixels is not an issue for me.
i more interested in the other properties of the camera...
so 3Mp is just fine.
06/17/2005 05:31:11 AM · #11
Try this site and then go hunting for it on ebay if you wish.

06/17/2005 06:49:09 AM · #12
Koko, I have an Olympus C-2100 camera that has full manual controls, manual focus in addition to the auto focus, and a 10X zoom lens that is image stablized for sale. It's 2 Mps but takes very nice pictures and is great to learn on. I just upgraded my camera to an Olympus E-10 and that's why I'm selling it. If you're interested PM me.
06/17/2005 07:07:48 AM · #13
3mp is fine.
2mp is a bit poor... even for me :-)
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