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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> DIsappointed with most Obsolete entries
Showing posts 51 - 75 of 157, (reverse)
06/29/2005 01:17:52 PM · #51
Originally posted by suse:

I agree that most of the entries I viewed had no real relation with the word 'obsolete'. Even those that did were often like snapshots than decent photographs. I gree about with the over-exposed comment too. I saw far more awful photos in this challenge than any other.

I'm sure the photographers of those awful photos would benefit from your expertise. Please take time to comment.
06/29/2005 01:18:09 PM · #52
Telephones, typewriters and cameras...oh my.
06/29/2005 01:19:53 PM · #53
Originally posted by bcoble:

How many cases of alcohol will you take for a good DSLR?

I wasn't clear on that. I've got the ANTS, need the DSLR. I will trade you a case of ants for a case of good wine or potato vodka.
06/29/2005 01:27:32 PM · #54
until you partcipate in challenges how can you give an opinion on anything on this site ?

Originally posted by suse:

I agree that most of the entries I viewed had no real relation with the word 'obsolete'. Even those that did were often like snapshots than decent photographs. I gree about with the over-exposed comment too. I saw far more awful photos in this challenge than any other.
06/29/2005 01:29:28 PM · #55
I don't think a person should be required to participate in challenges to have an honest opinion about photography. I also thought there were FAR more "snapshots" in this challenge than in any I've seen.

Originally posted by di53:

until you partcipate in challenges how can you give an opinion on anything on this site ?

Originally posted by suse:

I agree that most of the entries I viewed had no real relation with the word 'obsolete'. Even those that did were often like snapshots than decent photographs. I gree about with the over-exposed comment too. I saw far more awful photos in this challenge than any other.

06/29/2005 01:32:35 PM · #56
Wow, it sounds like there's some nasty shots going on here. All I originally thought was that overall, I wasn't too excited about the entries. I'm not as particular about the "meeting the challenge perception" as I am a good photo. I've posted on other forums, that semantics are always open for interpretation. But if a photo is good, then it's good. Right?

Oops (I better duck - here comes the rotten tomatoes). Judy
06/29/2005 01:34:19 PM · #57
Originally posted by idnic:

I don't think a person should be required to participate in challenges to have an honest opinion about photography. I also thought there were FAR more "snapshots" in this challenge than in any I've seen.

I'm sure the photographers of those "snapshots" would benefit from your expertise. Please take time to comment.
06/29/2005 01:36:07 PM · #58
I have been commenting all morning - attempting to be constructive and helpful - you can see the hatemail building up in my inbox! lol
06/29/2005 01:38:01 PM · #59
Never fear. If someone can't take good constructive criticism, they should look for another hobby. Besides, there's always constructive ways to respond to constructive criticism too.

P.S. I practiced this in the Construction Challenge.

Message edited by author 2005-06-29 13:39:01.
06/29/2005 01:39:52 PM · #60
Gr and Small:

I try not to be defensive if somebody makes a comment. I do hate one word ones though, although I realized I did that to somebody. YIKES - sorry.

If I say something negative, I try to respond with a suggestion or possibly something about the photo that I like. Not always, but.....

Ok, I'm going to go eat an old obsolete tuna fish sandwich now. Judy
06/29/2005 01:43:37 PM · #61
Originally posted by Jutilda:

Ok, I'm going to go eat an old obsolete tuna fish sandwich now. Judy

Maybe you better microwave it first ...
06/29/2005 01:46:53 PM · #62
I think with this challenge more than any other I have voted on, the titles are just as, if not more, disappointing as the entries. What happened to the simple title that made you think and connect to the photo somehow? A lot of these are just so bad and it does make a difference I think in the overall impression you get. Telling me something is broken doesn't make it broken. Especially when it looks brand new. Writing a long sentence as your title, I think, should give you a clue that something is missing from the picture. If you have to use that many words to tell me what I am not seeing/cannot see doesn't make me see it any clearer. It isn't in the shot.
06/29/2005 01:49:05 PM · #63
This time my title's pretty short : )
06/29/2005 01:50:11 PM · #64
I, for one, am very disappointed in my scores. Perhaps people don't know what they are looking at? It is quite obvious to me. I hate to be obvious in my titles (boooring), but I guess I should have just titled it by what it is.

It is not broken, but just not used any more by those who used to use such things...can't be more specific without giving it away. Obsolete and broken are not the same thing, but this challenge encompasses both.

Judy - I thank you profusely for your vote and comment. Again, if only all were so generous and insightful LOL

As to metal, that covers the spectrum of challenge objects, so we shall see a lot of them in the future too :)

Now the Leading Lines I was disappointed in. In far too many, the lines were the subject and not what theyr were supposed to be - "leading" the eye to the subject!

Message edited by author 2005-06-29 13:54:29.
06/29/2005 01:54:40 PM · #65
second that, i think they're pretty poor entries, and i find myself giving 1 to highest of 6...

no originality, some things so far off the `theme` also.
06/29/2005 02:01:26 PM · #66
i think this could have done well?


Message edited by mk - ginormous photo - please use thumbnails!.
06/29/2005 02:06:48 PM · #67
Maybe it's just the huge amount of pictures that's getting everyone so blunt here... when there're 400+ pictures you get quite, how should I say it, "used" to some subjects, and they seem not original anymore. However, I think that one can still make a fair distinction between good and bad composition/lighting, and that's how I deal with it. I agree, though, that about 1000 pictures of rusty/old/metal things is a bit too much in a row... hopefully the next challenge will be flowers or something like that. And about 'obsolete'... I guess nothing is obsolete when you can still use it as a subject for a photo challenge ;-)
06/29/2005 02:10:42 PM · #68
I be sure to comment on every image I score less then a four. If I can't explain why I'm giving it a 3-2-1 I shouldn't be giving it that low of a score.
I have not received a negative PM in a long time from a comment. I actually get quite a few "thanks for the comment" PMs on comments where I was probably a little harsh.
06/29/2005 02:23:06 PM · #69
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I agree that there is a lack of excitement in this challenge, including my shot, but I like a lot of the subject matter that is being photographed. I guess that has to do with growing up in small obsolete towns most of my life.
06/29/2005 02:24:46 PM · #70
Originally posted by ajschel:

...I agree, though, that about 1000 pictures of rusty/old/metal things is a bit too much in a row... hopefully the next challenge will be flowers or something like that.

Try circles. I know - a bicycle rim (metal), with spokes (lines) leading you to the hub of the rim, for an old 1920 (obsolete) bike.

Originally posted by ajschel:

...And about 'obsolete'... I guess nothing is obsolete when you can still use it as a subject for a photo challenge ;-)

Well, we had fantasy photos of things not of this world. ;^)
06/29/2005 02:25:42 PM · #71
Go ahead and hate my title in this challenge. I'd been burnt from voters in the past who "forget" the entire discription of the challenge. I thought this time I would remind them.

Votes: 46
Views: 54
Avg Vote: 4.7826
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 06/29/05 02:00 pm

The one comment wanted to see a part of the subject that's not included BECAUSE IT IS NOT THERE since it is a {broken, discarded, outgrown, forgotten} item.

((PS. I guess I should have written this in the RANT forum. Sorry.))

06/29/2005 02:45:57 PM · #72
Papa- how do you know how I rated THIS challenge ? Or are you talking of Metal? I thought you couldn't see the person voting until it was over

(man, that was a good sandwich p but I didn't eat it all so I'll wrap it in wax paper - that's almost obsolete - ok I'll stop - I'm being a smart A)

06/29/2005 03:02:54 PM · #73
a lot of people use the update button to see the difference in scores and thus knowing what the last person voted...or he's assuming since you commented you also voted.
06/29/2005 04:48:09 PM · #74
Should you have to prove that your item photographed is obsolete? Not in use anymore or should people just take your word for it. I think even if it looks kept well, does that mean it isn't obsolete? Even if it isn't used for it's original purpose? I'm confused?
06/29/2005 05:21:27 PM · #75
There are some objects that are being presented as obsolete that aren't rundown in any way. If I know I can run out today and go to a store other than a pawn shop or antique store and buy the object new then to me it's not obsolete.
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