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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Would this have been a good entry?
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06/29/2005 10:59:57 PM · #1

Message edited by author 2005-06-29 23:00:42.
06/29/2005 11:06:05 PM · #2
I would have given it a 4 or a 5.
06/29/2005 11:06:32 PM · #3
It would have scored in the 3 range if you ask me. :(
06/29/2005 11:07:03 PM · #4
not to my taste, i'm afraid. nothing interesting to look at after the first 5 seconds glance. technically a fine shot though.
06/29/2005 11:08:00 PM · #5
Thats good then that i didnt use it ;-) well actually i couldnt anyway, its an old shot...

Message edited by author 2005-06-29 23:08:20.
06/29/2005 11:08:25 PM · #6
Hope you don't mind. I toyed with it a little. I think it has potential, but seems a little washed out. The focus on the weeds in foreground doesn't do much for it. I know you can't spot edit for this challenge, but I used the blur tool to show what it might have looked like with a shallower DOF.

06/29/2005 11:10:33 PM · #7
Nah i dont mind at all :-) i actually dont like that shot too much, but it did fit the theme, i took it a while back so i couldnt use it anyway, but i was wondering if it was better than my current submission, but it seems like most people dont like it, which is good because i dont feel bad i couldnt use it ;-)

06/29/2005 11:12:55 PM · #8
Hi Cweed,

I think you were right not to submit this. There is a bad shadow on the main focal point that is distracting. Coming at it from a different angle might have helped that. You've used depth of field well; however, the ground itself is just not very visually interesting. It's not grassy, it's not totally granular, it's just kind of unkempt. For what you have there, the composition is good. Overall, this is an OK shot but nothing that would have grabbed me personally. It's clear you are starting to master your camera, and you are off to a good start but maybe not with this particular shot. Hope this helps,

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