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05/09/2003 01:27:15 PM · #1
The glass challenge has thrown up a such a lot of outstanding photo's. I had trouble picking one outstanding amongst all these great shots. This has to be one of the most difficult to pick a winner.
05/09/2003 07:34:12 PM · #2
Interesting! I have found it to be quite contrary. I gave only one 10, and it was very solid. I gave about 4-5 9, and found them also to be outstanding above all the 8 (6-10).

I found the general standard of this challenge to be below for example transportation. But maybe that's just me!
05/09/2003 10:40:57 PM · #3
No, pesinn, there are at least two of us. :-)
My voting stats show (3 - 10)

1 "10"
1 "8"
2 "6"
12 "5"
61 "4"
over 100 "3".

05/09/2003 10:53:24 PM · #4
This has been a difficult challenge to vote on. In most photos, the photographers did everything with great skill except for perhaps one or two elements, so I have a hard time giving such a shot a '3' or lower. But sometimes that one element that didn't quite get enough attention stole the show, as it were, and made the photo seem as if it were poor--when in actuality only one or two elements were poor.

I encourage you to look at them more closely. I've moved my initial votes around a lot (mostly up). I see a lot of skill at work here, but I also acknowledge that GLASS IS DIFFICULT PHOTOGRAPH!

Message edited by author 2003-05-09 22:54:16.
05/09/2003 11:42:44 PM · #5
Originally posted by chinstrap:

The glass challenge has thrown up a such a lot of outstanding photo's. I had trouble picking one outstanding amongst all these great shots. This has to be one of the most difficult to pick a winner.

Welcome to dpchallenge. I see you are new.
We vote on each photo individually .. for it's own merit ... and the votes are then averaged - from everybody's votes. This is how a "winner" is chosen. It is not up to each person to choose a winner.
05/10/2003 12:15:24 AM · #6
I thought the submissions were very average. I did give lots of mid-level scores since being strict seems to rub the ppl wrong way.
05/10/2003 12:29:24 AM · #7
Originally posted by dsidwell:

...I also acknowledge that GLASS IS DIFFICULT PHOTOGRAPH!

Looking at/through it in a studio setting, particularly if you approach the subject with a preconceived idea, I would agree.
Perhaps, it's easier too to find glass in an urban setting than in the country. I went out with a friend one evening and came back with about 200 shots, however.
I kept three, she 75. :-)

05/10/2003 01:18:45 AM · #8
We have nothing here in terms of glass buildings and such like in the big cities and I am sure there are others who are in the same position. It must be nice to live in or near cool things. :-(

I found that the good photos were really good, but the others were just not as good as I thought they would be. Oh well I think this challenge took a lot of thought and was a tough one. It was for me any way.
05/10/2003 04:22:17 AM · #9
Glass buildings are overrated. It maybe easier to find, but I did not see good glass building pics in this competition. I saw one abstract building pic that was semi interesting.

Originally posted by Sonifo:

We have nothing here in terms of glass buildings and such like in the big cities and I am sure there are others who are in the same position. It must be nice to live in or near cool things. :-(

I found that the good photos were really good, but the others were just not as good as I thought they would be. Oh well I think this challenge took a lot of thought and was a tough one. It was for me any way.

Message edited by author 2003-05-10 04:30:10.
05/10/2003 04:58:12 AM · #10
Originally posted by KarenB:

...This is how a "winner" is chosen. It is not up to each person to choose a winner.

Well, DUH, KarenB, I think he was talking about his own personal votes, and I don't think he thinks he chooses the winner. Where did you get that idea?

Originally posted by zeuszen:

My voting stats show (3 - 10)

1 "10"
1 "8"
2 "6"
12 "5"
61 "4"
over 100 "3".

WOW, zeuszen, you surely don't vote on a bell curve. How can you place "over 100" photos at the bottom? This seems rather harsh. I believe the 1-10 scale is there so we can spread the field out over it. You don't have to use the whole range, but at least try to produce a decent curve.

05/10/2003 08:22:41 AM · #11
Well, DUH, KarenB, ...

DUH? Hmmm.

I think he was talking about his own personal votes, and I don't think he thinks he chooses the winner. Where did you get that idea?

I get that from this and similar comments I have seen in threads before Antithesis. In other words, there are people who will rate the photos, then go back and "pick a winner". I know he probably doesn't think this will BE the winner based on HIS/HER vote, however, a photo that deserves a 10, for example, should hold the 10 status even if there are others so deserving. If the process results in having to lower (granted, or even raise) a vote on a photo in order to create a personal heirarchy, then the photographer who did the photo can lose (granted, or even gain) votes. Now, what is fair? This discussion has gone around. But I happen to notice a lot of people who are new to the site (and I am not picking on one person, but it came up, so I am talking about it) feeling like the heirarchy method is needed. There are probably quite a few out there who are not new anymore who still do this. Whatever. I was only .. maybe not articulately... expressing that a photo deserves the vote it deserves. I usually have a list of photos in each rating.. from 10 on down.

Message edited by author 2003-05-10 08:27:20.
05/10/2003 08:55:17 AM · #12
Well, KarenB...I think what most are saying is they have a favorite. I usually have a large number of photos rated with a top score but I almost always have a 'favorite' and, I usually tell them too.
05/10/2003 09:08:58 AM · #13
I found the photos mostly to be average. I didn't give any 10s this week I did give a two 9s, a few 8s but I gave more 2s and 3s also this week but I didn't give a single 1 either this week, so I guess I would say it was a case of being somewhat average in photos not much standing out.
05/10/2003 11:52:12 AM · #14
Originally posted by Antithesis:

WOW, zeuszen, you surely don't vote on a bell curve. How can you place "over 100" photos at the bottom? This seems rather harsh. I believe the 1-10 scale is there so we can spread the field out over it. You don't have to use the whole range, but at least try to produce a decent curve.

Let's not judge peoples voting styles.
05/10/2003 12:49:36 PM · #15
Originally posted by Antithesis:

WOW, zeuszen, you surely don't vote on a bell curve. How can you place "over 100" photos at the bottom? This seems rather harsh. I believe the 1-10 scale is there so we can spread the field out over it. You don't have to use the whole range, but at least try to produce a decent curve.

I don't follow preconceived voting patterns, Antithesis. I look at the shots individually and rate according 'perceived' merit, subject to my personal critical facility. I believe this is the best anyone can do.

I do, however, also embrace alternate methods of voting, no matter how different from mine.
05/10/2003 10:01:11 PM · #16
Originally posted by Fiver:

Originally posted by Antithesis:

WOW, zeuszen, you surely don't vote on a bell curve. How can you place "over 100" photos at the bottom? This seems rather harsh. I believe the 1-10 scale is there so we can spread the field out over it. You don't have to use the whole range, but at least try to produce a decent curve.

Let's not judge peoples voting styles.

I made an observation, asked a question, and then compared it to what I think is a fair system. Giving the same lowest score to over 100 entries just seems short-sighted to me, and I think I have the right to say so.
05/10/2003 11:28:44 PM · #17
I agree with you completely. I don't see it as a fair system thing, but rather like a personal taste thing.

Originally posted by zeuszen:

I don't follow preconceived voting patterns, Antithesis. I look at the shots individually and rate according 'perceived' merit, subject to my personal critical facility. I believe this is the best anyone can do.

I do, however, also embrace alternate methods of voting, no matter how different from mine.

05/12/2003 12:27:53 PM · #18
I too thought the entries in this competition were below par on the whole. There were some great shots but mostly I thought a lot of them looked rather poor.

05/13/2003 02:11:15 PM · #19
This discussion has proved what i originally thought - 'one man's meat is another man's posion'!! My idea of a great photo to somebody else would be poor and visa versa.......good job were all different..

05/13/2003 02:19:11 PM · #20
I don't consider it my objective to pick a winner. That would limit my voting creativity too much. If I had to pick a winner by voting and limit myself to a single ten each challenge, that would suck :)

I like to give any photo that I consider to be great a big fat 10.
05/13/2003 02:24:49 PM · #21
I can´t help it but a technically good photo of a completely dull subject does not rate high on my scale.
...and boy do we have a lot of glass ornaments in this challenge.
This challenge lowered my average grades given score.
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