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DPChallenge Forums >> Out and About >> DPC Mentorship - Portrait
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Showing posts 301 - 325 of 329, (reverse)
09/11/2005 11:44:41 PM · #301
There had been a thread earlier that was asking if anyone wanted to mentor, and I would be happy to. I read through some of what was done before, but what would you all like? Assignments, critiques? Lets start over if y'all want. That would be easiest for me. Like I said, I do mostly natural light work, but I have some studio experience too. I also have a natural affluence with my subjects and clients. It puts them at ease, and that how you get true expression. Being a people person really helps as long as you hvae a solid feel for your camera. Confidence in your skills goes a LONG way!
09/11/2005 11:44:49 PM · #302
Similar to what they did Gig/Concert thread when Live Music challenge was announced, I would urge all members of this group to try and comment on all portraits entered in the color portrait challenge. Anyone up to it?
09/11/2005 11:48:54 PM · #303
Eeeek! I'm lucky if I can get through 20% commenting, but I'll do my best. Can't guarantee 100% though I'll try.
09/11/2005 11:52:26 PM · #304
I am, and I also think that it would be good to add to your favorites the certain ones that just catch your eye. They would be great discussion material as to what makes them work. I am sure that we will definately see numerous styles. some people like high key(I personally am not to fond of it), some like dark(so-so), and some like timeless(which is where I fall in) But developing a style of you own is key! It really depends on what the image was aimed at......clients, artwork, or personal feeling. Lets start this thread again with that assignment. Tell us why a certain portrait in this challenge catches and holds you, and try to recreate it. It will still be anonyomous, but lets recreate it this week. Just using the knowledge that you have. That will be interesting.

Message edited by author 2005-09-11 23:59:19.
09/11/2005 11:57:00 PM · #305
Hmmmm... interesting indeed! Sounds good to me. :-)

Can I just recreate my own? :-P **Kidding of course** :-)

Message edited by author 2005-09-11 23:57:56.
09/12/2005 12:00:32 AM · #306
I should have put that in there Jen. Someone elses portrait entry! Hehehe! This will be fun!
09/12/2005 12:47:47 AM · #307
hey Parrot, it'd be great if you could start this up again. im not sure if i'm up to commenting on all of the color portrait entries, but i can sure try
09/12/2005 01:08:56 AM · #308
i'm sorry to have let you all down with my mentorship. i was hoping we could get this started again when the temps got a bit cooler. it seemed like everyone was having a hard time getting out to get pics because of the heat.

Parrot's portraits are great and i'm sure you'll learn a lot from him. have fun and take great pics!
09/12/2005 12:50:43 PM · #309
I wanted to bump this for the day time crowd. At least in my area. Like I said, I am relatively new to this forum, and don't know what I can offer, but we can make it fun. And all learn something in the process. If you're interested, just read the last few posts, and feel free to join in. Although, from the looks of my color portrait score, I need a lot of help! Hehehe!
Sher said that she would also be helping out, and contributing herself, as soon as the weather breaks. I hope that she's feeling better everday!

Message edited by author 2005-09-12 12:52:16.
09/12/2005 01:00:38 PM · #310
Sher...I think having more than one mentor can work very well! Certainly I hope I didn't jump the gun with asking for help. We really hadn't heard from anyone and I didn't want the group to die down from lack of interest.

Pick a current entry that catches my eye and try to recreate? That's the assignment as I understand it? I will work on the commenting. I don't know if I'll get through them all.

09/12/2005 01:05:45 PM · #311
A slow start for me:
You have rated 10 of 287 images (3%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 10 images (3%) in this challenge.
09/12/2005 01:10:18 PM · #312
I have rated them all, but I don't know if I'll get through comments on all!? But I wanted to try to get as many as I could.
I am also up for critiquing some new work that anyone has shot!
09/12/2005 03:34:55 PM · #313
Here's one I took recently:

I'm not too happy with it. I was trying different poses, but it was getting dark and I had to use ISO 800 to get this one. I did use quite a bit of gaussian blur to smoothen out the face.

I have some outtakes from the color portrait challenge too, but they might give away my entry. I'll post them when voting is done.
09/12/2005 03:39:54 PM · #314
Originally posted by sher9204:

i'm sorry to have let you all down with my mentorship. i was hoping we could get this started again when the temps got a bit cooler.

No let down, Sher. Not at all. It's been slow for me to get out as well. Bring on the Fall! ;-) Please share when you can and Arty too. I promise to use no Neatimage! ;-D
09/12/2005 03:42:56 PM · #315
Originally posted by jenesis:

Originally posted by sher9204:

i'm sorry to have let you all down with my mentorship. i was hoping we could get this started again when the temps got a bit cooler.

No let down, Sher. Not at all. It's been slow for me to get out as well. Bring on the Fall! ;-) Please share when you can and Arty too. I promise to use no Neatimage! ;-D

Heh.. even I use neatimage. No harm, no foul. It's over-use I don't personally like (though pete knows I've been guilty of it), and will comment on when I see it. I'd hope people would point it out to me when I over-use it myself (and that goes for any other kind of post-processing technique).
09/12/2005 03:52:40 PM · #316
I left you a small critique vfwlkr.
Nice to see ya arty. I have refrained from any neat image in any of my pics lately, but my scores show it. I personally don't like it, and its my choice. So I guess I will go without a ribbon. I actually like pics with some grain and texture? But oh well?
09/12/2005 03:55:48 PM · #317
Just pokin' at ya with a long stick arty! :-)

I had my fling with NI a ways back, but use mainly to control noise in shots nowadays. I can never get it to look right with people. That and the fact that I tend to like sharper shots with more texture to them. But it has it's uses, that's for sure. :-)
09/12/2005 05:12:06 PM · #318
Originally posted by parrothead:

I left you a small critique vfwlkr.
Thanks Brian. Yours is amongst the most useful critiques I've received on dpc.

09/12/2005 11:19:22 PM · #319
No problem nitin. I am glad it was useful. I wish I could type a bit quicker, and I could probably do alot more of them.
I just recieved an email from les0910(Janice), and she has also offered her help in keeping this class going. She has some wonderful work, and is a genuine person. Believe me, I can use all the help I can get. It is getting towords my busy season, so I will do all I can. It just may take a bit of time. So like I was telling Janice, I want this to be a fun, happy place to chat and learn in dpc. There is so much to learn from all the great photographers in dpc, that all of us can make a positive influence here. I am always open for a critique, and will ask from time to time, but I will also be happy to give one. PM me if you need, and let me know whats on your mind. We all have so much to learn. SO with that said, lets have at it! Re-create one of the color portraits from this weeks contest(besides your own) to the best of your ability, and we can all give suggestions, and a friendly critique. Lets try to start this sunday. Either post them or email them to me at barefootphoto2003@yahoo.com, and I will get the party started!
I also want to thank sher for her influence and help! Brian
09/13/2005 11:10:18 AM · #320
40 comments down and only another 245 more to go.... what have I gotten myself into. I don't think I'm gonna make it but I've got a few more left in me. I'll keep plugging away. It definitely is making me look harder at the photos so that's a great thing. :-)
09/13/2005 01:05:23 PM · #321
I'll try to comment on as many as possible. There are several shots there that I just love. I will try to copy a couple after the voting is done.
09/13/2005 01:58:02 PM · #322
Originally posted by parrothead:

I just recieved an email from les0910(Janice), and she has also offered her help in keeping this class going. She has some wonderful work, and is a genuine person. Believe me, I can use all the help I can get. It is getting towords my busy season, so I will do all I can. It just may take a bit of time. So like I was telling Janice, I want this to be a fun, happy place to chat and learn in dpc.

Since Brian has accepted my offer I thought I'd say "Hi". Take a look at my profile and website - www.photographicallyyours.com - to see my work. (I hope I'm qualified for this) I'm looking forward to some interesting assignments and discussions. Brian and I discussed starting on Sunday in a new thread so look for it then.
09/13/2005 03:18:38 PM · #323
I know how hectic life can get from time to time so I am glad a few new ones have stepped up to the plate to teach. thank you. i will look forward to working with all of you. see ya int he new thread sunday
09/13/2005 03:37:25 PM · #324
Just as a sidenote, I'll be heading to California for vacation on Friday morning and will be gone until the following Friday with little or not access to the internet, so I'll probably miss the Sunday thread. If I have a chance to get my portrait project done before then I'll try to email it to you Parrot so that you can post it for me. If not, I'll guess I'll just have to wait until I get back. :-( I look forward to seeing everyones stuff when I get back.

Now, I must get back to my commenting... *Deep Breath* #41 here I come! :-)
09/14/2005 01:54:17 AM · #325
gah.. commenting 100% is a monumental task.. I think i'll shoot for 40%

so far:
You have rated 78 of 286 images (27%) in this challenge.
You have commented on 33 images (12%) in this challenge.

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