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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Orbs
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08/20/2005 09:56:49 PM · #1
In paranormal research there is a phenomenon called "orbs". To some they represent the presence of supernatural beings; to others they are just reflections from specks of dust.
Here is a link describing them.

Because so many people come up with these anomolies in their images, I thought it would be fun so see how common they are.

If these are so common, everyone should have captured a few examples. I believe they are mostly just dust, or light flares. Therefore, there should be many examples available. I'm going to examine my reject images for some right now.
08/21/2005 12:06:05 AM · #2
I have experienced this phenomenon - at least I think I have. It was unfortunately, in a photograph I had processed before digital was around and it was inside the haunted plantation house I grew up in. There seemed to clearly be a figure of an older woman descending the main hall's staircase (upon which there are numerous accounts of the slaves recounting meetings with this woman). The house & grounds (named "Greyledge") have been written up in several magazines touting ghostlore.

The photograph I took was taken based upon who "else" was posing on the staircase, and "Miss Anne" (lady the house was built for by her two brothers & father) mysteriously appeared in the final output. Kinda cool, now that I don't live there anymore, but not so cool while I was a resident!

Anyway, just adding to the commentary - although this is all 100% true.
08/21/2005 12:15:48 AM · #3
SJ...That's pretty eerie. Would love to see that image.
08/21/2005 01:57:31 AM · #4
@#$%&%$@ i wont be able to sleep tonight! thanks a lot :(
08/21/2005 02:18:39 AM · #5
For someone who's friend is a self-proclaimed 'witch' and who knows someone who claims she's been followed by aliens her whole life, I surprising have no physical evidence of the supernatural.
But I DO know someone who claims that she and her sister saw the ghost of their deceased grandmother when they both simultaniously woke up in the middle of the night. Oh, yah. I also happen to live in a house which we believe to be haunted (sounds of people moving around after everyone is asleep, missing/moved items etc.)

08/21/2005 03:06:49 AM · #6
Originally posted by annah:

...Oh, yah. I also happen to live in a house which we believe to be haunted (sounds of people moving around after everyone is asleep, missing/moved items etc.)

Creepy! I wouldn't be able to sleep at night with that kind of stuff going on...scary stuff.
08/21/2005 03:59:11 AM · #7
This photo shows a picture of a spooky orb.
08/21/2005 05:56:28 AM · #8
The only time I have ever had orbs in my photos was when I was shooting at an old convict jail that is supposed to be haunted.
08/21/2005 07:03:46 AM · #9

I've had one or two 'orbs' in pictures, but have assumed they were dust.
they have always been inside shots and taken with flash, this is one of the few to survive (not a very good one) taken in a very old converted cottage that used to be a stable block, which we rented last autumn for a few days holiday.
The 'orb' over the settee looks like a bubble when you get close.
There was nothing else there to suggest supernatural goings on.
08/21/2005 07:08:08 AM · #10
Ive only ever captured orbs when taking photos under very dusty conditions.
08/21/2005 07:25:51 AM · #11
Originally posted by annah:

For someone who's friend is a self-proclaimed 'witch' and who knows someone who claims she's been followed by aliens her whole life, I surprising have no physical evidence of the supernatural.
But I DO know someone who claims that she and her sister saw the ghost of their deceased grandmother when they both simultaniously woke up in the middle of the night. Oh, yah. I also happen to live in a house which we believe to be haunted (sounds of people moving around after everyone is asleep, missing/moved items etc.)

I thought there was a ghost in my house when money would mysteriously disappear from my wallet over night! Problem is, my wife ain't dead! :p
08/21/2005 08:20:53 AM · #12
A programme on TV in UK called "Most Haunted" does investigations in haunted properties and on their filming they come across a lot of orbs. They always have lighting and filming experts on hand and they are positive the orbs are not due to dust or insects and comparing them with dust/insects on film they are definitely different, move differently and often appear when there are other phenomena.


I was on holiday with my recently widowed mother in France and after seeing her to bed, I climbed into my bed, read for a while then turned the light out to settle down. As I lay there thinking about what we would do next day, I felt someone sit down on the bed, ( it actually moved) , and I knew it was my father. I felt quite calm and then after a few minutes the bed moved again as if someone had stood uo.
A psychic told me later that dad often sat on my mother's bed at night but this was the only time I experienced it.
08/21/2005 09:02:59 AM · #13
annah, They follow me too. (Ken should have some fun with this one).

Pauline, I can relate to your story. I've had lots of unexplained experiences. Many happened at a hotel I lived at in St. Augustine. The one that unnerved me most was when I was lying in bed with the door slightly open, waiting for my cat to return from his evening walk. The bed next to me sank in noticeably. I was watching the door and hadn't seen the cat come in. I turned to look for him on the bed, but nothing was there. I jumped up and called him, he came running from the other side of the parking lot.

I didn't get any sleep that night.

They say most orbs are dust. That's why I started this thread. I was curious how common it is to get dust reflections in images. Barbara, yours definitely looks like dust to me. And that's just the type of place you'd expect to see it. Thanks for sharing it.

I'd also love to see any other anomalies that have shown up in peoples' images. There was one a while back of a female figure in a castle window. That was pretty fascinating.

Message edited by author 2005-12-17 19:22:42.
08/21/2005 09:23:34 AM · #14
My parents farm has had 'things' there for as long as I can remember. There are three of them that I grew up seeing. My mom even done some researcher and found out who they were. In the pictures that she found, it looks jus like what we have seen. Two men got murdered on the farm and another one is just there (we know why, but Im getting ready to go to church so no time to type right now). I have never been afraid when I see them, in fact its kinda peaceful if that makes any sense. In alot of the photographs taken there you see orbs.
NOW ABOUT ORBS....i think they do exists but some 'orbs' can be dust, water or just a conglomerate energy in the air. IF you think about Eistein, quantum physics and string theory we are all energy anyways no why couldnt energy just 'be there.' Just because it is an orb doesnt mean it is something supernatural but that it just has the chance to be...in my opinion.
08/21/2005 09:43:30 AM · #15
Orbs are just out-of-focus dust particles which are brighter than everything else because they are close to the flash unit. It's been proven and duplicated.
08/21/2005 10:48:53 AM · #16
Do you happen to have the name of the article that shows it is readily duplicated? As someone who has been published in National and International Journals, I would hope this is peer-reviewed also. Thanks man.
p.s. If you just have the name of the journal and approx. year, I can probably find the article.
08/21/2005 11:39:38 AM · #17
It's not in an article. I have seen documentaries and done it myself.
08/21/2005 01:01:13 PM · #18
What were the parameters of the exercise, and please be as percise as possible, I would like to try and duplicate it myself. What documentaries are you refering to? What do you think about the same 'objects' showing up in thermographs and other thermal imaging? Thanks for the reply earlier.
08/21/2005 01:06:10 PM · #19
What about orbs that are present when there is no flash? Did the documentaries or your 'research' look at that scenario also?
08/21/2005 01:10:32 PM · #20
I have always found the paranormal interesting.

Check out TAPS - The Atlantic Paranormal Society website. It is a fairly new show on the Sci-Fi channel that shows on Wednesday nights.

Orbs are the weakest yet most common evidence that paranormal investigators collect. They are often confused with dust, moisture, lens flares, insects or other mundane causes.

A true orb is a natural occurance and can exsist without paranormal activity. This natural gathering of energy will look like a ping pong ball being thrown across the frame. It will be solid, emit its own light, not cast a shadow, and show some signs of motion (such as a trail).

They have a great list of links you can follow for many Paranormal Resources.

You can also check out there Video, Photo and Evidence Page

Edit Added Additional Article:

From article by Grant Wilson - TAPS:

Photographic Analysis - Orbs


4. True paranormal energy.

Now we're talking. Once you have eliminated the above possibilities, it is time to take a good, long, close look at the orb itself. What you are looking for in "orb" activity is a solid object that emits its own light. It will usually show up on film looking like someone just threw a ping-pong ball across the screen. If the orb has signs of movement, such as a blurred trail behind it, then you've got some rather solid evidence.

The other characteristic of orb activity that we consider is the coloration of the orb. True orbs are colored in the "cool" end of the spectrum, namely white, blue, or green. Any orb activity that shows up as red, orange, or yellow, it typical of dust, light refraction, or processing error.

But remember, and orb is just a collection of energy not the manifestation of a ghost. While orbs are usually present during paranormal activity, you can have orbs show up without paranormal activity.

"Orbs" are a natural phenomenon and can be witnessed with little difficulty in parts of up-state New York as well as other regions around the globe.

So, next time you are flipping through your case pics and find a big white orb staring you down, take the time to really analyze the picture, find the orb's true origins and then present it to the world and be confident that your credibility will remain intact.

Message edited by author 2005-08-21 13:16:32.
08/21/2005 01:17:43 PM · #21
I hadn't noticed these in my images, but after looking, I found two snapshots with regular dust orbs in them.

What's interesting to me are the images that have orbs when the flash didn't fire, or ones that move. It's hard not to be sceptical when looking at the images all over the internet. If members of this site were to experience orbs in their images, it might be more credible.

Edit: Thanks Robin, That's great information. I was typing my post when yours came up.

Message edited by author 2005-08-21 13:21:24.
08/21/2005 02:16:50 PM · #22
It was a dark and stormy night, with a sense of mystery and dread in the air...we were on a ghost hunt in San Francisco and had been warned that certain presences of unknown intent had been making appearances fairly regularly at some of the sites we were to visit. This presence was manifest as orbs of light that sometimes appeared in photographs taken on the hunts.

Naturally, I was determined to investigate this unearthly phenomenum! After processing my film...uhhh...err...OK, OK! postprocessing my files, I was AMAZED, absolutely AMAZED to find that I had apparently captured the ghostly presences! Behold...

08/21/2005 06:49:14 PM · #23
08/21/2005 07:16:27 PM · #24
I have seen them often. Especially when the wind blows or raining or hailing.

08/21/2005 08:03:00 PM · #25
oooooooo! Fun thread! Here are just a few of my "orbs". These were all taken in our last home located in Bucks County PA. The house was about 200 years old, maybe older..."old" by American standards. The house was quite actively haunted, if you beleive in that kind of thing...and I do. All of our houses "other" occupants (at least 4) were quite friendly but could be quite silly at times...ok enough of that. The only place these orbs have shown in a photo I have taken was at our last home and only in areas our "visitors" seemed to favor....ever person who had visited the home also experienced odd happenings... I could go on and on about them, I have TONS of stories but I'll stop now. : }

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