Author | Thread |
09/25/2005 08:16:08 AM · #1 |
if it was 'Ken' in the background ?
the comments about date rape drugs took me by surprize ...
that aspect did not occur to me ...
09/25/2005 08:21:18 AM · #2 |
Unfortunately, every woman has to think about this. I didn't vote on the challenge but I think this would have an effect on female voters, consciously or sub-consciously.
09/25/2005 08:26:40 AM · #3 |
And the PC police makes yet another appearance |
09/25/2005 10:56:05 AM · #4 |
Originally posted by photodude: And the PC police makes yet another appearance |
Sometimes, being "politically correct" just means being correct. |
09/25/2005 11:00:05 AM · #5 |
I must be weird (imagine that...what a shock) because date rape never even crossed my mind. I thought it was a good shot.
09/25/2005 11:12:01 AM · #6 |
Yet another sad commentary about today's society, that we perceive the most heinous of activities in what is a rather satirical depiction. I truly do feel sorry that some of the most benign and innocent of actions are often viewed with suspicion. The age of innoncence is slowly dying.
Ray |
09/25/2005 11:16:59 AM · #7 |
My apologies Ralph... seems I swayed dramatically from the question posed. Although I did not vote on this challenge, the answer to your question is a resounding....... NO.
I rather like this photo and would have voted it highly. |
09/25/2005 11:18:27 AM · #8 |
umm- so it is okay that "ken" is trying to kill "barbie" just as long as he doesn't rape her? I am sorry, but doesn't anyone else see the flawed logic that people were complaining about one crime but not the other?
ralph, unfortunately a lot of people like to live with rose tinted glasses and don't think art should be made about anything that offends them. Personally i think it is very important, because it draws attention to problems that are sometimes otherwise ignored. Take huffing/dusting for example - if there had been a couple of "say no" posters with areosols in schools like thier are bottles of pills and alcohol, maybe adults wouldn't be ignoring the fact that kids are doing aresol drugs.
Ignorance is bliss - untill it kills you or someone you love.
edit: and i didn't vote, but i don't think ken would look as good, but i'm not sure without seeing it ~ cropping the image better however would have changed my vote.
Message edited by author 2005-09-25 11:20:21. |
09/25/2005 11:24:08 AM · #9 |
Originally posted by mesmeraj: umm- so it is okay that "ken" is trying to kill "barbie" just as long as he doesn't rape her? I am sorry, but doesn't anyone else see the flawed logic that people were complaining about one crime but not the other?
..... but i don't think ken would look as good, |
So it would be OK to to this to Ken???
See how easy it is to have folks misunderstand what we are trying to say. |
09/25/2005 11:25:06 AM · #10 |
I am a "female voter" and date rape never crossed my mind. I don't think poison is the drug of choice for date rape anyway. Maybe these are the same people that think taking a picture of a child you do not know makes you a pervert. |
09/25/2005 11:29:44 AM · #11 |
Originally posted by RayEthier: Originally posted by mesmeraj:
..... but i don't think ken would look as good, |
So it would be OK to to this to Ken???
See how easy it is to have folks misunderstand what we are trying to say. |
what i mean is, ken/barbie are props - kens clothes tend to be white and blue, he is kind of a boring doll to look at. Also it might have been harxder to tell that it was a ken doll - barbie has a distinct figure that everyone is familiar with, ken, not so much. Not looked as good, as in the strength of the prop in the image, not the outcomeof the situation. Remember, they *are* dolls. |
09/25/2005 11:30:49 AM · #12 |
Same here. I just saw it as being poison.
Originally posted by laurielblack: I must be weird (imagine that...what a shock) because date rape never even crossed my mind. I thought it was a good shot. |
09/25/2005 11:42:18 AM · #13 |
yes - they are dolls ;)
( & i have no intention of poisoning anyone)
but (re thinking this) it did have a effect poison or date rape
it was a conspiracy (by def. "not a nice thing")..
& it made people think -
& yessss, i'll agree the crop -- could have been wider ... |
09/25/2005 11:43:25 AM · #14 |
I instantly thought date rape/murder, but the theme was "conspiracy", so crime was likely to be a topic IMHO. It didn't bother me that this particular crime might have been singled out (any more than any other crime). I think it was a great idea that immediately told a story, but that could have been cropped (technically presented) better.
EDIT: And yes, having Ken in the background would have made the scenario less believable to me. Serial killers are generally white males between the ages of 25-35, and the killer is obviously on THIS side of the glass.
Message edited by author 2005-09-25 11:45:19.
09/25/2005 11:49:42 AM · #15 |
on the otherhand poison is usually a womans method ...
so Ken may have been a better object of malice
09/25/2005 03:33:25 PM · #16 |
Originally posted by ralphnev: on the otherhand poison is usually a womans method ...
so Ken may have been a better object of malice |
Hmmm - this disturbs me MUCH MORE...
09/25/2005 03:59:35 PM · #17 |
I would have rated it higher if it would have said "do you think HE will notice the taste". (would have been humorous) I also did'nt notice the background was a barbie doll. I did'nt make it out until it was posted here. I did give it more than a cursory look.
09/25/2005 04:32:21 PM · #18 |
Originally posted by kpriest:
Hmmm - this disturbs me MUCH MORE...
-Ken |
next time i'll ask you for a picture ...
09/25/2005 06:16:55 PM · #19 |
OK, so I saw both the murder/rape angle (and made such a comment). I originally thought it was murder (hence the "poison" symbol on the bottle), but then the title seemed to relate to a casual conversation (like between two frat buddies) and Barbie seemed to be in another room dancing (the arms). Seriously, this is what went through my mind. I then wasn't sure which was meant.
I think on a "Conspiracy" topic either is fair game. It's not like either act was being glorified.
I wouldn't have voted it any higher as I already gave it a 7 which I think is a fair score. |
09/25/2005 06:24:28 PM · #20 |
I gave the original a 7. The first thing that came to my mind was date rape. However, it is a good shot and a nice commentary on society. The picture isn't telling anyone to do anything, merely commenting on society. We should be able to face the cold hard truths about society or issues will never be addressed. |
09/25/2005 06:36:31 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by GeneralE:
Sometimes, being "politically correct" just means being correct. |
Yes, but only sometimes.
Other times, the need to be politically correct says more about those who feel this need than the subject they are talking about
09/25/2005 07:47:29 PM · #22 |
I too was one of those voters who thought the photo portrayed date rape. That was simply the message the photo portrayed to me personally. Being "politically correct" never even entered my mind. In answer to your original question...if it were Ken? I probably wouldn't have thought that at all. In fact I would have taken it as a jilted wife/girlfriend or even a boyfriend.
09/25/2005 08:12:35 PM · #23 |
Last time I checked, the skull and crossbones wasn't a symbol for anything except poison. I'd say if there were non-descript pills, with fizzy stuff in the glass, you can go right ahead and say it's a commentary on date rape.
But arsenic isn't a date rape drug. Sorry. |
09/25/2005 09:04:34 PM · #24 |
I didn't think date rape either. Poison is not a date rape drug unless he is into having sex with dead people. :-0 ( that was a visual I didn't need!)
09/26/2005 10:50:46 AM · #25 |
Damn, I'm getting old. I thought the conspirancy on this one was Marilyn Monroe & Jack kennedy. Over my head for sure, I think.
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