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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> magazine cover CANNOT be in landscape orientation
Showing posts 26 - 50 of 110, (reverse)
06/11/2003 09:43:42 AM · #26
Originally posted by jmsetzler:

Therefore, everyone SHOULD have taken portrait orientation photos.

In that case the challenge description SHOULD have told us to do that.
But it didn't.
It didn't say prepare the photo for the cover, it simply said take a photo suitable for the cover. Big difference.
06/11/2003 09:48:54 AM · #27
I totally agree with John. Challenge details don't need to be painstakingly defined word for word for the voters to have perfectly reasonable expectations of what submissions must look like.

Message edited by author 2003-06-11 10:08:52.
06/11/2003 09:55:17 AM · #28
I think the challenge wording is ambiguous on purpose, to give us all a wide latitude in our creativity and subject matter. Otherwise, we would all be taking pictures of flowers.

06/11/2003 10:06:02 AM · #29
It seems there are a lot of upset people out there this morning. I think part of the fun of submitting to something like this is pretending we really have our photo on the cover of a magazine, and our submissions ARE the magazine cover. I think that's the essense of the challenge, and voters want to see a magazine cover, not a potential magazine cover, or an idea for a magazine cover. Otherwise this could just be a "photograph anything you want in any way you want" challenge. Pretty funny though, I took pains to make mine look like a cover and had a comment that someone didn't like that particlar aspect of it. Lots of various opinions and people on here, isn't it great!?
06/11/2003 10:16:26 AM · #30

I guess the landscape people should have put HUGE borders on their entries and got marked down for that instead?
06/11/2003 10:53:25 AM · #31
Originally posted by eweb:

Originally posted by Konador:

However, if the subject of a landscape photo streches from the left edge to the right edge, it isnt going to be possible to crop it very well is it?

so take your panoramic pictures in portrait format if you like.....

06/11/2003 10:54:12 AM · #32
I'm sure that sometimes editors settle for cropped landscape oriented photos. Do you want your photo to be choosen or settled for?

06/11/2003 11:26:07 AM · #33
Well, I'm in a crabby mood. My shot is portrait, properly proportioned, space for the title and other type, in reasonable focus, and scoring under 4. Even if it's a little boring, I think that's unreasonable, perhaps the first time in 75 challenges that I really think the voters are out of line so far ...

I think the photo can be any shape, but by making it "unusual" you are making the voters work, which seems to be a bad idea here as a rule.
06/11/2003 12:11:38 PM · #34
bod That was my idea, but then thought the voters would would knock my border so I retook my photos and have one I am pleased with.

If you want a ribbon you will do what the voters want and if you don't, then carry on.
06/11/2003 12:14:44 PM · #35
Aviation Quarterly also uses a landscape format.

If this were a challenge about designing a magazine cover, we would have been allowed editing tools and text. It was to take a picture that would look nice on a magazine cover. Not AS a magazine cover.

As far as borders - would people get serious? If someone chose a nice border, do you really have to say "does this magazine use a border?"

4 DQs - anyone wanna DQ mine for me?

Message edited by author 2003-06-11 12:16:09.
06/11/2003 12:17:24 PM · #36
Originally posted by bod:

I guess the landscape people should have put HUGE borders on their entries and got marked down for that instead?

I wouldn't argue with you that there are SOME magazines that use non-portrait orientation images - my feeling is that a) there are always some exceptions to the rule and b) to gain higher marks in a challenge such as this, one should go with what the majority of voters are familiar with and will think of when imagining magazine covers - a portrait image.

Everyone is free to make the choices that they make and I find it sad that every single week there are people ranting in the forums that people aren't making the right choices according to them!! One could equally say that _they_ aren't making the right choices according to the voters. All down to choice.

Message edited by author 2003-06-11 12:17:51.
06/11/2003 12:23:11 PM · #37
I could give a shit less about portrait vs. landscape - mine's in portrait.
06/11/2003 12:45:08 PM · #38
Sonja/Kavey : You are both right. There is always an obvious way to meet the challenge and if you want to get a ribbon then that is the way to go.

However, if I had chosen to do a shot for NDSU Magazine (whatever that is LOL) and started getting 1's for not meeting the challenge 'correctly' I think I would have a right to feel 'a bit peeved' to put it politely.

In hindsight I think this really should have been a relaxed editing rules challenge so we could all have demonstrated how the picture would have been used. Either that or the challenge details should have stated the format. What is the point in having 'open' descriptions if you're going to get murdered for liking a magazine with a different format?

Ah well, I'm gonna move on and pretend this challenge never happened (gonna get my first 3 this week : ) and mine is in portrait!) ... hmmmm ... self portraits ... hood up or hood down? ; )
06/11/2003 12:47:26 PM · #39
Jedi look again. 10. lol

06/11/2003 12:48:19 PM · #40
I'm with you Bod. I deny existence of this challenge all together.
06/11/2003 12:53:57 PM · #41
Originally posted by bod:

In hindsight I think this really should have been a relaxed editing rules challenge so we could all have demonstrated how the picture would have been used.

I would have liked that too.
06/11/2003 12:55:56 PM · #42
Originally posted by jmsetzler:

I believe, that for the purpose of this challenge, the photographers should have assumed that this would be an issue. Therefore, everyone SHOULD have taken portrait orientation photos.

We all whine every week about something that is usually related to a 'different' view of the challenge topic.

If you didn't take a portrait oriented photo and it's not doing well because of that, don't blame someone else.

I think everyone who voted on mine was lying on a couch at the time and it only 'looked' like a landscape to them because it sure isn't do well. Usully I know when one of my entries is going to be crap about a moment after the deadline when it is too late but this week's entry really has me stumped. I think it, unfortunately, may have something to do with the title, which is an unfamiliar term and only used in that activity. You just never know. Oh yeah, maybe everyone hates the photo too. I did get a little artsy.

06/11/2003 01:00:05 PM · #43
Originally posted by jmsetzler:

I believe, that for the purpose of this challenge, the photographers should have assumed that this would be an issue. Therefore, everyone SHOULD have taken portrait orientation photos.

John (and all the others who agree): take a look at this LANDCAPE picture...


... tell me, then, how it could win the major cover award of the year?


Message edited by author 2003-06-11 13:00:51.
06/11/2003 01:04:53 PM · #44
Originally posted by bod:

Originally posted by jmsetzler:

Therefore, everyone SHOULD have taken portrait orientation photos.

In that case the challenge description SHOULD have told us to do that.
But it didn't.
It didn't say prepare the photo for the cover, it simply said take a photo suitable for the cover. Big difference.

I totally agree with this, as I said earlier, a magazine will choose a landscape picture for its cover and manage to modify it a bit if this one is really good and very interesting
06/11/2003 01:08:42 PM · #45
I think that Jak's response put an end to these discussions... ;-)
06/11/2003 01:08:42 PM · #46
Originally posted by Jak:

Originally posted by jmsetzler:

I believe, that for the purpose of this challenge, the photographers should have assumed that this would be an issue. Therefore, everyone SHOULD have taken portrait orientation photos.

John (and all the others who agree): take a look at this LANDCAPE picture...


... tell me, then, how it could win the major cover award of the year?


Easy answer... because it's not being voted on by DPC people.
06/11/2003 01:12:15 PM · #47
Also, it was used in portrait orientation for the cover.
All I am saying is that if the magazine for which you've entered tends to use whole page portrait shots then surely it would have made sense to crop your entry to portrait before entering.

Anyway, for what it's worth - I'm starting voting and already given some 6s and 7s to a few landscape entries, and one 8. More 8s to portrait shots though. Like I said, I may vote a point or two down if, in my opinion, the shot doesn't suit a cover - but that's for all kinds of reasons - orientation, whether there is any room at all for text to be added without making the text hard to read or the image hard to appreciate, whether the background of the image itself lends itself well to a cover shot and of course, how good the shot is and how much I like it!
06/11/2003 01:13:25 PM · #48
I never said it was wrong to take a landscape oriented photo for this challenge. I said it was a bad idea.
06/11/2003 01:20:57 PM · #49
Originally posted by Kavey:

Also, it was used in portrait orientation for the cover.

I don't believe that's true. The cover merely has black borders top and bottom to extend the image. The COVER is in portrait, but the image does not appear, to me at least, to have had its aspect ratio altered at all from its original landscape style.

That all being said, my PORTRAIT submission has tumbled from an opening sprightly 7 to a disappointing 5.5. That's a fact that has more relevance to me right now :-)

Message edited by author 2003-06-11 13:22:42.
06/11/2003 01:22:09 PM · #50
coming from someone who buys way too many magazines each month :), i just think that maybe people are being too rigid in their voting--to my mind the challenge just said take a pic that could be used for the cover--not design the cover (unfortunately, 'cause that would have been even more fun!). I dont care about things like orientation, borders, whether or not there is room for text, etc., because i know that these things can be and are worked out by the editors and designers later. in fact, it is almost pointless to even look at the text thing especially, since the trend in not just the artsier mags, but now also in many of the most popular worldwide magazines, is to cover up a portion of the title with the models head or whatever the main subject is on the cover. since this wasnt a challenge to design an actual magazine cover, i think the most important thing is just too look at the quality of the actual subject and whether or not the subject fits the title.

look at this thumbnail page of back issues of one of my favorite magazines. great covers--many times the title is partially covered. as far as the land scape mode thing--look at the 3rd and fourth issues--38b and 38a. when i got this issue a couple of months ago--i thought it was neat that they used their model sitting on the end of the couch like that--then i looked inside at the cover information and discovered that it was actually only half of the original picture taken in landscape orientaion to encompass the whole couch--and the model on the other side.

Message edited by author 2003-06-11 13:34:58.
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