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10/20/2005 07:48:42 PM · #1 |
Kirby died Sunday night after two long years of fighting heart disease. He was my companion for all but the first two months of his (too short) 13 years.
I am very sad - I miss him terribly and always will. Right now I have no desire for any of my other loves - including photography.
I wanted to share this photo with you all again - to try to show the soul behind those eyes.
I think he deserved to be remembered by as many people as possible. I will insist to the day I die that he was part human.
Goodbye, myKirby.
Message edited by author 2005-10-21 01:08:26.
10/20/2005 07:50:26 PM · #2 |
Well, then, farewell and Godspeed, Kirby. It's not much consolation but 13 years is a good age for a cat. I'm sorry for your loss.
10/20/2005 07:50:34 PM · #3 |
I am sorry for your loss Janice |
10/20/2005 07:52:40 PM · #4 |
So sorry Janice, it always is a loss. As long as you have the memories to cherish and enjoy... I do believes cats are more human than we think. They have a real personality true to themselves. Be strong. |
10/20/2005 07:54:00 PM · #5 |
Maybe Kirby can play with "KJ" in Kitty Heaven..
10/20/2005 07:54:42 PM · #6 |
He's in a better place now playing with th other kitties in kitty heaven :) |
10/20/2005 07:55:47 PM · #7 |
I am so sorry Janice.
As a cat nut myself, I KNOW they are not just cats.
Nothing I can say or do will make it better, but Kirby will be forever immortalized here on this site.
Thanks for sharing.
10/20/2005 07:55:53 PM · #8 |
always a sad moment when we lose one of our children, or as some call them, pets. I feel your pain and sadness and hope that all the lovely photos you took of him will comfort you.
10/20/2005 07:57:37 PM · #9 |
I am such a cat lover myself and so attached... so sorry for your loss.... |
10/20/2005 08:00:14 PM · #10 |
I am so sorry. I have a cat that is 14yrs. and she started acting diffrent this past week and I'm afraid the same is near for me. She has been a wonderful friend!! Try to consentrate maybe, on all the memories you have and the fact that you have been able to love him more years than normal.It won't fill the emptiness but you have experienced on of the true things in life... a friend. |
10/20/2005 08:04:24 PM · #11 |
Janice - my heart goes out to you. Having suffered losses myself in the past I feel your pain. Cherish the memories you two shared, and eventually your heart will heal.
- Linda |
10/20/2005 08:22:01 PM · #12 |
So sorry for your loss. And Bruce sends his condolensces as well. Cherish the memories. I'm sure you gave him, and he you, a good, love filled life. |
10/20/2005 09:55:20 PM · #13 |
My sympathies. Let your grief come out. Tears are good for the process of healing and remembering. Im sure you gave him a good life.
I lost my dog of 10 years April 1st. Time heals the pain, and then you are left with sweet memories of all your years together.
10/20/2005 10:08:29 PM · #14 |
My full sympathies are with you. I know the feeling. One blends their life so tighly to ours that it is like something in us has died. I have Miss Chips in two challenge entries. What a lovely and friendly cat and she just died shortly after the entry. My best wishes. |
10/20/2005 10:12:05 PM · #15 |
I grieve with thee. Having once been in your shoes, I know the feeling all too well. Cats are some of the truest friends we have; they love us like no other. My best wishes for you.
10/21/2005 03:53:36 PM · #16 |
Thank you all for your condolences and sympathies.
It is still very hard for me. Just when I think I am starting to feel better - wham, the absolute pain hits again.
Thank you all again.
10/21/2005 04:36:20 PM · #17 |
that's a great picture.
I don't usually post to these kind of posts, but I have four cats and I know I'll feel the same as you when something happens to one of them.
Sorry for your loss.
10/21/2005 04:39:19 PM · #18 |
Such a great and beautiful photo. Sorry for your loss, I know how hard it is losing a friend like that. *HuGs*
10/21/2005 05:23:06 PM · #19 |
Sorry for the loss of your little friend, Janice. I have 1 cat and 2 dogs and know how much a part of the family they become. {{{Hugs}}} |
10/21/2005 05:24:24 PM · #20 |
Sorry to hear about your loss. I know what you're going through. My wife and I recently lost our cat. He was like a son to us.
Your cat was lucky to have a loving owner who gave him a good life. By the way, that is a kick-ass picture :)
10/21/2005 06:19:57 PM · #21 |
i recently went through the same thing with a dog named Petey. i feel for you.
let the happy memories, not sadness, be what drives the tears.
10/21/2005 06:23:40 PM · #22 |
Lovely photo--and so sorry for your loss. I'm cheered by the manifestation of so many kindred spirits here in response to your post--and hope it's some consolation that we cherish our cat-kids like you did.
10/22/2005 03:02:52 AM · #23 |
(((hugs))) They're so much a part of our lives, our beings.....way more than just a pet, they're family!
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