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Showing posts 926 - 950 of 1256, (reverse)
11/16/2005 02:10:37 PM · #926
Originally posted by jsas:

You don't believe in God. Why do you capitalize God?

I capitalize the word "God" because I've been taught that that's the respectful thing to do when your written words will be read by people who are believers.

11/16/2005 02:11:53 PM · #927
Originally posted by res0m50r:

The Bible is factually accurate on all levels, period (not an opinion statement, but a factual one).

Can you show me the peer reviewed scientific studies on how people lived to 600 years old? Or how Jesus walked on water? What about how herbivors turned into carnivors? Maybe how Mary became pregnant without male parts?

Originally posted by res0m50r:

I am interested in your statistics on the percentages of Christians in the world, where did you get them? I have been looking for sources of this nature. Thanks ahead of time!

2.1 billion Christians //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_religions
11/16/2005 02:13:54 PM · #928
Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Hell, there's a LOT of us. We just tend to stay under the radar because we are not "fundamentalists". Indeed, some really hard-line fundamentalists go so far as to say that Presbyterians (for one example) are not really Christians :-)

Anyway, the "right-wing, fundamentalist" arm of the faith (as it were) seems to be getting all the press right now...

11/16/2005 02:18:27 PM · #929
Originally posted by bear_music:

Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Hell, there's a LOT of us. We just tend to stay under the radar because we are not "fundamentalists". Indeed, some really hard-line fundamentalists go so far as to say that Presbyterians (for one example) are not really Christians :-)

Anyway, the "right-wing, fundamentalist" arm of the faith (as it were) seems to be getting all the press right now...


He, he, he, maybe us Lutherans aren't Christian either :)
11/16/2005 02:18:37 PM · #930
Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Thank goodness there are still some of you left. :) Actually, I know quite a few....
11/16/2005 02:19:26 PM · #931
Originally posted by Judith Polakoff:

Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Thank goodness there are still some of you left. :) Actually, I know quite a few....

That's good to know. Sometimes it seems like there's very few :)
11/16/2005 02:19:43 PM · #932
Originally posted by bear_music:

Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Hell, there's a LOT of us. We just tend to stay under the radar because we are not "fundamentalists". Indeed, some really hard-line fundamentalists go so far as to say that Presbyterians (for one example) are not really Christians :-)

Anyway, the "right-wing, fundamentalist" arm of the faith (as it were) seems to be getting all the press right now...


squeaky wheels get the grease. It's like people that believe every gay man is a lisping promiscuous cross-dressing effeminate.. hardly the case. It's just that we that live a less than flashy life don't get noticed.

These arguements come and go, all the time, and sometimes I partake, and sometimes I don't.. but they never change. I just wish people could get along and stop worrying about something so non-issue as same-sex marriage, or whether or not the bible is "factual", or how many people believe the same thing you do. Just live your life the way you feel is best.. but please.. *please* stop thinking anyone has the right to dictate how others need to live theirs.. beyond trying to protect those that cannot protect themselves.
11/16/2005 02:21:16 PM · #933
Originally posted by Judith Polakoff:

Thank goodness there are still some of you left. :)

11/16/2005 02:22:01 PM · #934
Originally posted by bear_music:

Originally posted by ursula:

And I was a registered Democrat when I still lived in the USA, and in general people like to put me with the "liberal" group when it comes to politics. Yes, a liberal, Democrat, Christian :)

Hell, there's a LOT of us. We just tend to stay under the radar because we are not "fundamentalists". Indeed, some really hard-line fundamentalists go so far as to say that Presbyterians (for one example) are not really Christians :-)

Anyway, the "right-wing, fundamentalist" arm of the faith (as it were) seems to be getting all the press right now...


I can't understand why you can't make your voices heard; you're going to have to do so if this fundamentalist problem in the United States is ever going to be resolved. Take back your religion, and we'll all take back (and hopefully re-make) our political life and discourse.

Message edited by author 2005-11-16 17:01:23.
11/16/2005 02:22:30 PM · #935
Originally posted by Judith Polakoff:

Originally posted by jsas:

You don't believe in God. Why do you capitalize God?

I capitalize the word "God" because I've been taught that that's the respectful thing to do when your written words will be read by people who are believers.

I know i was just wondering it was you lol sorry

Message edited by author 2005-11-16 14:26:25.
11/16/2005 02:28:04 PM · #936
Originally posted by jsas:

I know! I capitalize God for the same reason. Someone earlier said she and her husband did not believe in God. She capitalized God throughout her post. I thought it was ironic. And I know the whole grammar thingy.

That's why I try to stick with gods. It covers more ground and is inclusive of monotheistic belief. But if I'm talking Christianity, Judaism or Islam specificially, I might go with a capital "G"od. For me, it's no different than having a discussion of a character analysis of Hamlet, only the other party believes that Hamlet was a real person and said and did all the things attributed to him by Shakespeare.
11/16/2005 02:29:22 PM · #937
Well the Baptist don't believe the Southern Baptist are in the will of God either they have heated debates about shorts and dancing.
11/16/2005 02:30:23 PM · #938
i suggest y'all make it easy on yourselves and stop capitalizing anything.

that's what i do. :)

c'mon 1000 posts! i think we can do it by midnight tonight! (i sound like a fundraiser during npr pledge week!)
11/16/2005 02:31:20 PM · #939
Originally posted by milo655321:

Originally posted by jsas:

I know! I capitalize God for the same reason. Someone earlier said she and her husband did not believe in God. She capitalized God throughout her post. I thought it was ironic. And I know the whole grammar thingy.

That's why I try to stick with gods. It covers more ground and is inclusive of monotheistic belief. But if I'm talking Christianity, Judaism or Islam specificially, I might go with a capital "G"od. For me, it's no different than having a discussion of a character analysis of Hamlet, only the other party believes that Hamlet was a real person and said and did all the things attributed to him by Shakespeare.

From the Hulk to Hamlet LOL it is a circular argument.
11/16/2005 02:33:50 PM · #940
Originally posted by muckpond:

i suggest y'all make it easy on yourselves and stop capitalizing anything.


it offends my sense of orderliness. see?

*shudder a second time*
11/16/2005 02:35:05 PM · #941
"An Agnostic doubts the validity of the Gospels

The following dialogue occurred on a wild instant messenger. I had not been on in a long time. This dialogue is a good illustration of the importance of dealing with a person's presuppositions. We must understand that we all have glasses through which we interpret our world. Whether or not those glasses are correctly rendering what we see, is the issue. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this dialogue."

Here is a link to a discussion between an Agnostic and a Christian that better says what I have poorly stated in this thread.

11/16/2005 02:46:59 PM · #942
In a vain effort to achieve Muckponds goal.

Uhm why are we going at each other over capitalization? This thread is about why are gays being discriminated against, right? If someone capitalizes GOD who doesn't believe in GOD, why jump down their throat? They can't be respectful because the don't believe in GOD? I mean, talk about being intolerant! Blah blah blah. I had to capitalize GOD do that way hopefully no oe will yell at me for capitilizing it and not believing in GOD.

res0m50r, or RonB or someone who accepts the bible as fact: You must believe the world is only a couple million years old, correct? How do you explain the overwhelming evidince that supports the earth's true age to be about 4.5 billion years old? I'm just curious. We've already been through Noah's ark and Ron mentioned something a ways back about why people could live to be 600 years old. I'm just wondering.

Oh yah, and to open another can of worms, someone mentioned everything the bible has predicted has come true. Uhm, what were those predictions and what's in store for us next?


Oh yes, and gays should be allowed to marry! Wait I already said that. Never mind
11/16/2005 02:53:42 PM · #943
Originally posted by pidge:

In a vain effort to achieve Muckponds goal.

Uhm why are we going at each other over capitalization? This thread is about why are gays being discriminated against, right? If someone capitalizes GOD who doesn't believe in GOD, why jump down their throat? They can't be respectful because the don't believe in GOD? I mean, talk about being intolerant! Blah blah blah. I had to capitalize GOD do that way hopefully no oe will yell at me for capitilizing it and not believing in GOD.

res0m50r, or RonB or someone who accepts the bible as fact: You must believe the world is only a couple million years old, correct? How do you explain the overwhelming evidince that supports the earth's true age to be about 4.5 billion years old? I'm just curious. We've already been through Noah's ark and Ron mentioned something a ways back about why people could live to be 600 years old. I'm just wondering.

Oh yah, and to open another can of worms, someone mentioned everything the bible has predicted has come true. Uhm, what were those predictions and what's in store for us next?


Oh yes, and gays should be allowed to marry! Wait I already said that. Never mind

I didn't yell at anyone for capitalization I was asking a question, lol. Alittle on edge. Eh! drink decafe.
11/16/2005 02:59:15 PM · #944
I've read through the chat that res0m50r posted below (or above, depending on your profile preferences).

edit to add: //www.carm.org/dialogues/agnostic_gospels.htm

I actually think that RonB and Joshua are more reasonable than Matt (from that link).

That guy, Matt, is no better in his arguments than people here. Moreover, he is blinded by I'm not sure what - when he dscribes Christianity as being spread by love and not by sword, and defends the crusades as an effort to stop spreading of Islam which he defines as religion that kills... if he ever spent the time to read about Islam (not to read Qur-an, but read about it) he would have known that Islam, as a religion that started after christianity, recognizes christianity, believes that it is the same god that both books talk about, and above all, was spread without killing people. The spread of Islam (with its tolerance and technological advances that far exceeded the capabilities of middle ages europe at the time) brought the world much closer to what it is today. There was one incident (people-caused) that screwed up progress - and that is the Jerusalem. I can't remember the year exactly right now, I am writing from my memory, not from googling anything, that caused the crusades, where 1) europeans did multiple times more horrors to the local population than arabs did and 2) exposed the richness of the middle east and habits and technological advances to the europe by the crusaders that have brought back some of that home.

With what I read there, I would not recommend it to anyone as an example of educated response. Far from that.

Message edited by author 2005-11-16 15:01:00.
11/16/2005 03:03:18 PM · #945
Originally posted by jsas:

Originally posted by pidge:

In a vain effort to achieve Muckponds goal.

Uhm why are we going at each other over capitalization? This thread is about why are gays being discriminated against, right? If someone capitalizes GOD who doesn't believe in GOD, why jump down their throat? They can't be respectful because the don't believe in GOD? I mean, talk about being intolerant! Blah blah blah. I had to capitalize GOD do that way hopefully no oe will yell at me for capitilizing it and not believing in GOD.

res0m50r, or RonB or someone who accepts the bible as fact: You must believe the world is only a couple million years old, correct? How do you explain the overwhelming evidince that supports the earth's true age to be about 4.5 billion years old? I'm just curious. We've already been through Noah's ark and Ron mentioned something a ways back about why people could live to be 600 years old. I'm just wondering.

Oh yah, and to open another can of worms, someone mentioned everything the bible has predicted has come true. Uhm, what were those predictions and what's in store for us next?


Oh yes, and gays should be allowed to marry! Wait I already said that. Never mind

I didn't yell at anyone for capitalization I was asking a question, lol. Alittle on edge. Eh! drink decafe.

Ok, my bad. Never mind about the capitalization stuff
Someone else mentioned something and something and I found it had a negative connotation, and oh, never mind.

I only have one cup of coffee in the morning. Not much of a caffiene person.
11/16/2005 03:06:02 PM · #946
Originally posted by srdanz:

I've read through the chat that res0m50r posted below (or above, depending on your profile preferences).

edit to add: //www.carm.org/dialogues/agnostic_gospels.htm

I actually think that RonB and Joshua are more reasonable than Matt (from that link).

That guy, Matt, is no better in his arguments than people here. Moreover, he is blinded by I'm not sure what - when he dscribes Christianity as being spread by love and not by sword, and defends the crusades as an effort to stop spreading of Islam which he defines as religion that kills... if he ever spent the time to read about Islam (not to read Qur-an, but read about it) he would have known that Islam, as a religion that started after christianity, recognizes christianity, believes that it is the same god that both books talk about, and above all, was spread without killing people. The spread of Islam (with its tolerance and technological advances that far exceeded the capabilities of middle ages europe at the time) brought the world much closer to what it is today. There was one incident (people-caused) that screwed up progress - and that is the Jerusalem. I can't remember the year exactly right now, I am writing from my memory, not from googling anything, that caused the crusades, where 1) europeans did multiple times more horrors to the local population than arabs did and 2) exposed the richness of the middle east and habits and technological advances to the europe by the crusaders that have brought back some of that home.

With what I read there, I would not recommend it to anyone as an example of educated response. Far from that.

As others have requested of me I would hope you have some proof to go along with your claims in regards to Islam. The rest of your post is your opinion and in that we differ.
11/16/2005 03:13:56 PM · #947
Hey, speaking of belief:

If I were to write a book about troll voting on DPC, we could (at lieast locally) take up that religion. I would be explaining how the scores move up and down in different times of the day/days of the week, speculate sightings of trolls, and definitively have some good guys, such as D&L. Maybe a mural or two depicting D&L slaying a troll that left only 1s and 2s except on 1 or 2 photos.

I'm sure that such book would be taken up by anyone here that has ever entered a challenge. I'll call it trollogy. It will be between the philosophy and pure religion. I will not collect any dues for membership, and will not hold sermons outside DPC forums. I will only point out from time to time when another disciple posts something on trolls when the voting begins how it has been predicted already, and how it was all written before. Some of the great contemporaries that I drew from are the likes of kpriest, strikeslip etc.
ps. I do not support torching and pitch-forking troll villages, as our religion will die without them, we need them to survive.

11/16/2005 03:21:14 PM · #948
Originally posted by srdanz:

Hey, speaking of belief:

If I were to write a book about troll voting on DPC, we could (at lieast locally) take up that religion. I would be explaining how the scores move up and down in different times of the day/days of the week, speculate sightings of trolls, and definitively have some good guys, such as D&L. Maybe a mural or two depicting D&L slaying a troll that left only 1s and 2s except on 1 or 2 photos.

I'm sure that such book would be taken up by anyone here that has ever entered a challenge. I'll call it trollogy. It will be between the philosophy and pure religion. I will not collect any dues for membership, and will not hold sermons outside DPC forums. I will only point out from time to time when another disciple posts something on trolls when the voting begins how it has been predicted already, and how it was all written before. Some of the great contemporaries that I drew from are the likes of kpriest, strikeslip etc.
ps. I do not support torching and pitch-forking troll villages, as our religion will die without them, we need them to survive.


LoL... very entertaining! That is a book I would read.

Not sure what it has to do with our discussion, but still quite humorous.
11/16/2005 03:22:53 PM · #949
Originally posted by res0m50r:

As others have requested of me I would hope you have some proof to go along with your claims in regards to Islam. The rest of your post is your opinion and in that we differ.

Gladly. What specifically do you want me to address. I've grown up in a secular country, with very rich catholic/orthodox/islamic influences, slightly slanted towards the west. I've learned about the religions from secular history books, and read from both the Bible and Qur'an. I haven't read them whole, actually read a very small percentage of both, but I've read about them a lot.

The facts I listed here are historical observations about the history of the europe and near east, from ~5th to ~15th century. I don't think that I suggested any undeniable holy truths, just the independently verifiable (read: you can find these in both western and eastern libraries) facts.

Please point out something that you consider dogmatic or hear-say or otherwise questionable. As you may have noticed, and according to the etymology from this thread, I can be classified as agnostic, with interest in religion from a philosophical viewpoint. So, I think that I can act impartially and reason without prejudice.

Let me know what would you like to question in my observation?
11/16/2005 03:30:06 PM · #950
Actually, in regards to the belief in Islam, I read part of the Qur'an (sp?) one time.

It was interesting. From the section I read, Muslims don't believe it is the same God.

It is usually only Christians that propagate that one. Go figure.

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