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11/25/2005 11:24:50 PM · #1 |
OK, I just went through one of the most frustrating hours of my life, and it is really disappointing, because it was with my kids. I was trying to photograph them for a Christmas photo to send around. I've seen Kiddie Kandids photograph them tons, and they always do well, but at home I can't seem to get them to sit still. Any ideas from the vast majority of photographers out there on how to get small children to sit still, smile at the camera, etc? |
11/25/2005 11:28:43 PM · #2 |
LOL!! When you find out, let me know... This is the closest I came.
Christmas card that never will be.
I've been told that it helps to have help. Lots and lots of help. :-) And something that will really catch their attention at least for a minute or two.
11/25/2005 11:29:57 PM · #3 |
do you have helpers there? also, it might be that your kids are too comfy with you, and willing to act out where they wouldn't with a hired photog.
how old are they BTW?
I can't get my kids to sit still either, but they're 1, 3 and 5 so... what should I expect?
11/26/2005 12:02:11 AM · #4 |
My kids are 2 and 4, so I shouldn't really expect too much either, but I have seen them be so good also, so it is hard not to expect. |
11/26/2005 12:22:10 AM · #5 |
I have 5 kids and you can always try a bit of bribery....'whoever sits still the longest and smiles gets the lolly!' type thing! I'm sure that would work! |
11/26/2005 12:23:10 AM · #6 |
Well its definately a challenge, the thing I like to do with mine is have everything ready for the "good" time of the day for him, in other words when he isnt all wound up, or isnt so tired that he is crabby. I realize that with more then one child that may not be easy. And if they arent yours at all and the time is scheduled in its even tougher. The thing to do, is think like a kid, you have to find something to catch their attention and make them WANT to get their picture taken, maybe even a reward of some sort. Here is one thats going on our Christmas cards this year. And the second one is an earlier attempt when he just wasnt cooperating.
Hope this helps.
MattO |
11/26/2005 12:33:38 AM · #7 |
MATTo i like the shot where he is not cooperating . A little more natural and the eybrows are priceless |
11/26/2005 12:35:52 AM · #8 |
I read somewhere, and this is JM2C, that you (parents) and your home are your children's safety net. They feel safe to be themselves around you and in your home. That's why none of us parents can keep the peace around the house let alone photograph them.
I guess that's why they are (most of the time) angles at places like Kiddie Kandids and the such.
Don't know if that helps but I thought I'd chime in.
Hey, IT'S still the weekend!
11/26/2005 12:49:42 AM · #9 |
That's true, maybe getting them out of the house would help.
11/26/2005 12:53:33 AM · #10 |
Duct Tape, funny noises. The teapot song complete with actions and sung with a strange accent. Mostly the duct tape.
Message edited by author 2005-11-26 00:54:06.
11/26/2005 11:04:57 AM · #11 |
Thank you for the ideas so far. Any more from the morning crew? |
11/26/2005 11:15:32 AM · #12 |
How old are they? I have a 13 year old, a 10 year old and a 3 year old. The 13 and 10 are easy as all I have to do is threaten their social or computer time and they will do whatever I ask, HAHAHAH!!! Just kidding, they enjoy sitting for me most of the time, the 3 year old is another story. Quick and dirty and have help. Get another adult involved that can set them, get them looking, etc while you concentrate on getting the shots.
Deannda |
11/26/2005 11:29:37 AM · #13 |
Try putting stickers on their little fingers. The 4 year old will find it funny and the 2 year old will try to remove it. Keeps them occupied and seated for a few minutes.
Find a stuffed animal that fits the photo. Something new to them that they would be interested in for a few minutes. Yesterday I saw stuffed candy canes with squeakers at the pet store that would work. Have them squeak them for you.
We always dreaded the family photo sessions my dad had of us kids every year. "Sit up straight, smile, hold you chin up." grrrrrrrr. Nothing natural about anything in the photo. Every year one of us kids ended up in tears.
Remember to have fun with them.
11/26/2005 11:48:41 AM · #14 |
Put them in their cutest pj's and wait until they fall asleep, set a simple background up behind them - you could call it "Silent Night,Holy Night"
i had to do that to a friend's 4yr old... worked! really cute picture.. see'n as how they look innocent when they're sleeping - and not wiggling around. |
11/26/2005 11:50:22 AM · #15 |
11/26/2005 11:51:24 AM · #16 |
or what my mom used to say, "get a rock and rock them to sleep" LOL!
12/02/2005 09:13:49 PM · #17 |
bribe em. or threaten them. whatever works. lol. seriously though if me or my brothers would act up when we weren't supposed to when we were getting pictures taken my parents would kind of give us the *evil eye* and that was scary enough to |
12/04/2005 07:32:46 PM · #18 |
My 1 year old's blood type in "pixie stick" so I knew the traditional sit and smile Christmas card was out of the question. So I took her to my neighbor's yard and used his swing set for 2 reasons. Confinement and I knew she would smile on a swing. It took me a while to time the shots and the one I picked was off center but I think that is why I liked it. Here it is.

12/04/2005 09:35:41 PM · #19 |
I've heard you can put them in the freezer to chill for a while. When you take them out they are sort of sluggish and easy to, wait...I think that's for insects.
Well, good luck anyway. |
12/04/2005 09:40:20 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by greatandsmall: I've heard you can put them in the freezer to chill for a while. When you take them out they are sort of sluggish and easy to, wait...I think that's for insects.
Well, good luck anyway. |
Yes, that's insects, for children, it's duct tape!!!
12/04/2005 10:02:08 PM · #21 |
Originally posted by Ombra_foto: Originally posted by greatandsmall: I've heard you can put them in the freezer to chill for a while. When you take them out they are sort of sluggish and easy to, wait...I think that's for insects.
Well, good luck anyway. |
Yes, that's insects, for children, it's duct tape!!! |
Yep, got 'em mixed up. No wonder my insect macros are missing legs and antennae! |
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