Author | Thread |
11/28/2005 08:14:20 PM · #1 |
I'm browsing through the cheater contest and every other photograph is a card table or a hand of cards in poker. Has the creative pool of DPC been picked dry or is this just a horrible coincidence I should forgive. I mean come on people, you can't enter these contests and have a shot without being creative. Did you guys really think a run-of-the-mill shot of 5 Aces was going to land you a ribbon??!?!?
-mike j- |
11/28/2005 08:17:11 PM · #2 |
perhaps they thougth they might learn some photography skills from it... go figure. |
11/28/2005 08:17:55 PM · #3 |
yep. thinking "outside the box" isn't rewarded much on this site. Have you ever been to a GOOD fine art gallery? Ever see anything like what we do on DPC in one? I wonder why?
drake |
11/28/2005 08:22:08 PM · #4 |
it's a horrible coincidence you should forgive . . .;) |
11/28/2005 08:22:43 PM · #5 |
Originally posted by quagmatic: I'm browsing through the cheater contest and every other photograph is a card table or a hand of cards in poker. Has the creative pool of DPC been picked dry or is this just a horrible coincidence I should forgive. I mean come on people, you can't enter these contests and have a shot without being creative. Did you guys really think a run-of-the-mill shot of 5 Aces was going to land you a ribbon??!?!?
-mike j- |
I didn't see you enter why are you saying anything? If you think you can do better, then you should enter a challenge!! |
11/28/2005 08:24:32 PM · #6 |
Originally posted by quagmatic: I'm browsing through the cheater contest and every other photograph is a card table or a hand of cards in poker. Has the creative pool of DPC been picked dry or is this just a horrible coincidence I should forgive. I mean come on people, you can't enter these contests and have a shot without being creative. Did you guys really think a run-of-the-mill shot of 5 Aces was going to land you a ribbon??!?!?
-mike j- |
To the people who did those shots, they WERE being creative. Just because you've seen it done before doesn't mean everyone has. Give people a break.
It's really discouraging to read this kind of post. :(
11/28/2005 08:25:27 PM · #7 |
11/28/2005 08:27:22 PM · #8 |
ok well excuse me for stating the obvious then.
my talent, or lack there of, aside; you can't deny there were a striking number of these photos entered in the contest.
and no, i did not enter this contest, but i am hoping to enter some soon and have already submitted my entry for the Collections contest.
my photography can be seen at //
-mike j-
Message edited by author 2005-11-28 20:28:29. |
11/28/2005 08:28:42 PM · #9 |
I'm not even smacking on your talent or lack thereof. It's difficult to come up with 50 to 150 new ideas for challenges each year that nobody has EVER thought of. Go look at the comments on Scalvert's ribbon winner - everyone had an idea it was Shannon because of the unbelievable creativity. It's obviously rewarded in all his ribbons.
11/28/2005 08:29:23 PM · #10 |
Originally posted by quagmatic: ...there were a striking number of these photos entered in the contest. |
Obviously, great minds think alike. ;-) |
11/28/2005 08:30:21 PM · #11 |
wow you guys are quick on the draw with these forums.
not the old put a post up now and check it tonight, lol.
it's like put a post up now and check it in 30 seconds!
lol i like this though, quick feedback, good community.
-mike j-
// |
11/28/2005 08:31:51 PM · #12 |
I'm of the opinion that it is the challenge and not the entries. Some of these themes have been very narrow. Cheater would be one of them. When such a challenge comes along, DPC tends to grab an iconic image and shove a black of white background in and shoot. I don't blame the photographer, I blame the topic.
There is enough creativity that the winners will tend to be creative shots (no matter what); I could see the red in cheater would win in 10 seconds of glancing at the thumbnails. However, the tougher the challenge the larger the pool of "uninspiring" shots...
More challenges which ask for a style rather than a theme!!! |
11/28/2005 08:32:23 PM · #13 |
Originally posted by quagmatic: ok well excuse me for stating the obvious then.
my talent, or lack there of, aside; you can't deny there were a striking number of these photos entered in the contest.
and no, i did not enter this contest, but i am hoping to enter some soon and have already submitted my entry for the Collections contest.
my photography can be seen at //
-mike j- |
I looked through your pictures(rainy days & Mondays) and I've seen a ton of wet leaves...can't you think of something different? How lame |
11/28/2005 08:35:35 PM · #14 |
LOL thanks philup.
guess 2 wrongs do make a right.
ok ok i guess i could have phrased my comment a little softer, so i wouldn't get such a catty response. my bad.
btw i like your KingLake pic philup.
Message edited by author 2005-11-28 20:38:41. |
11/28/2005 08:50:48 PM · #15 |
on that note... welcome! :0P |
11/28/2005 08:52:32 PM · #16 |
One of the unique features of this site is the chance to learn and better one's hobby. The comraderie here and members that are willing to help us all learn, try new directions and better one's own skills is amazing.
We aren't competing for prizes and riches, but rather competing in fun.
The challenges give us a chance to get out and about, maybe try something new, see the world around us a little better and heaven forbid, have some fun in the process.
Many members here have upgraded their equiment and are getting a feel of what they can & cannot do with it, maybe try something they have done in the past and could not do because of equipment limitations and or software knowledge. Learning to operate a dLSR and mastering Photoshop comes at a price, most often seen here as low scores.
If a mundane subject in a challenge means that we see 50 similar shots, oh well. Very possible these entries were a personal challenge to be able to get past a technical barrier such as lighting or composition. Sometimes it is about "Wow - I gotta' learn to do that kind of shot".
Yeah, it gets a bit tough to keep an open mind in the voting process and rate each shot as a stand-alone shot, as though it has never been done before, but hardly classifies as lame....
11/28/2005 08:56:38 PM · #17 |
Originally posted by BradP: One of the unique features of this site is the chance to learn and better one's hobby. The comraderie here and members that are willing to help us all learn, try new directions and better one's own skills is amazing.
We aren't competing for prizes and riches, but rather competing in fun.
The challenges give us a chance to get out and about, maybe try something new, see the world around us a little better and heaven forbid, have some fun in the process.
Many members here have upgraded their equiment and are getting a feel of what they can & cannot do with it, maybe try something they have done in the past and could not do because of equipment limitations and or software knowledge. Learning to operate a dLSR and mastering Photoshop comes at a price, most often seen here as low scores.
If a mundane subject in a challenge means that we see 50 similar shots, oh well. Very possible these entries were a personal challenge to be able to get past a technical barrier such as lighting or composition. Sometimes it is about "Wow - I gotta' learn to do that kind of shot".
Yeah, it gets a bit tough to keep an open mind in the voting process and rate each shot as a stand-alone shot, as though it has never been done before, but hardly classifies as lame.... |
Nicely said! |
11/28/2005 08:59:09 PM · #18 |
I understand what you're saying, and I have no problem with the commradery and everything. I just simply felt like pointing out the ammount of photos that looked exactly alike. Perhaps this would have been better posted in the Rant section. Don't take my comments as fightin' words, I don't wish to create enemies here.
-mike j-
// |
11/28/2005 10:29:48 PM · #19 |
Sometimes I think we have lost our focus on teaching/learning photographic technique; and are starting to put to much emphasis on being creative and/or thinking outside the box. To me, creativity is something that flows naturally when a person is inspired, but we often have poor results when we try to force it to come out of it's little hiding place deep within our psyche. I think we should put more value on shots that meet the topic well, and are so well executed that it isn't necessary for the photographer to squeeze every last possible bit of "differentness" into it with exotic composition, lighting, editing, etc.
Of course it varies a lot from one challenge to the next depending on the topic, but maybe there are times when it's better to use our votes to reward shots that meet the topic and are just really good photography, instead of always looking for something that would be considered very creative but is perhaps not as well executed and pleasing to the eye.
11/28/2005 10:45:13 PM · #20 |
Originally posted by fstopopen: yep. thinking "outside the box" isn't rewarded much on this site. Have you ever been to a GOOD fine art gallery? Ever see anything like what we do on DPC in one? I wonder why?
drake |
dpc has evolved into more of a commercial study site. I don't think it's a bad thing. Mabey we can blame the infusion of photography into advertisements. The voters usualy vote high on images that are of mag. quality. though not all challenges go this way. I think it's fun to participate none the less. My scores don't define my value as a photographer. |
11/29/2005 12:14:50 AM · #21 |
Maybe it was just a lame challenge theme... I didn't bother. |
11/29/2005 01:03:54 AM · #22 |
Originally posted by TooCool: Maybe it was just a lame challenge theme... I didn't bother. |
I didn't like it either...I tend to like technical challenges MUCH more where we at least have some freedom in choosing our subject...
11/29/2005 02:29:59 AM · #23 |
Originally posted by quagmatic: I'm browsing through the cheater contest and every other photograph is a card table or a hand of cards in poker. Has the creative pool of DPC been picked dry or is this just a horrible coincidence I should forgive. I mean come on people, you can't enter these contests and have a shot without being creative. Did you guys really think a run-of-the-mill shot of 5 Aces was going to land you a ribbon??!?!?
-mike j- |
I hope 5 aces does win a ribbon! I might go give them all a 10 now! |
11/29/2005 08:18:59 PM · #24 |
I do agree that it's a bit repetitive to see the same idea done over and over for a challenge. However, I also think it's interesting to see how so many people can have the same idea, and yet the setups, props, lighting, editing etc. can be so different. It's neat to see how each person interpreted the same thing. Looking at how someone else saw the same idea may give some of those photographers good ideas about what they could have done differently to improve their own shot. |
11/29/2005 08:34:19 PM · #25 |
Originally posted by justin_hewlett: I tend to like technical challenges MUCH more where we at least have some freedom in choosing our subject... |
The only limit on topic-based challenges is imposed by your own imagination. You still have complete freedom, and the possibilities equally endless. |
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