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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> When you feel down about your challenge scores...
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12/21/2005 03:59:26 PM · #1
Hi all,
I had high hopes for my shallow DOF submission, and it is tanking. Further, when I look at the other entries I realize that mine pretty much deserves a mediocre score. With that in mind, I have this desk calendar at work, and each day of the year has a little inspirational saying on it. I haven't pulled any of the days off for the past week, so I just brought it up to today. I noticed almost all the quotes apply to not giving up, persaverence, etc. I wanted to share a few, in case you're thinking you can't take a winning picture to save your life:

"Men do not fail, they stop trying."

"The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running."

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."

"God hasn't called me to be successful. He's called me to be faithful."

"When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece."

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."

"Begin somewhere; you cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do."

There you go. Words of wisdom for the day. Enjoy.

12/21/2005 04:01:43 PM · #2
Good words Don, good words. My DOF shot keeps goin' lower, so I'm gonna take them to heart. Thanks! :D
12/21/2005 04:10:07 PM · #3
"Failure, then, failure! So the world stamps us at every turn. We strew it with our blunders, our misdeeds, our lost opportunities, with all the memorials of our inadequacy to our vocation. And with what a damning emphasis does it then blot us out! No easy fine, no mere apology or formal expiation, will satisfy the world̢۪s demands, but every pound of flesh exacted is soaked with all its blood. The subtlest forms of suffering known to man are connected with the poisonous humiliations incidental to these results." --William James

"Failure makes us envious. Success makes us greedy." --Mason Cooley

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is never trying." --Bill Cosby

"Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne̢۪er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need." --Emily Dickinson

"Success is a consequence and must not be a goal." --Gustave Flaubert
12/21/2005 07:25:26 PM · #4
I suppose I could have left this alone and claimed my "kill"....
But I thought it worth a bump.

So.....What do you say to yourself when things aren't going the way you want?
(I say, "pinch!")
12/21/2005 07:28:17 PM · #5
when i feel down about my score i IM rikki.
If he doesnt have a score worse than mine, i kick him. Its win-win.
12/21/2005 07:38:01 PM · #6
I just blame it ALL on the voters. It could never be that my photo is that bad. Or, I just say to myself... oh yeah, they hate it... and SMILE :-)
12/21/2005 07:50:14 PM · #7
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

I just blame it ALL on the voters. It could never be that my photo is that bad. Or, I just say to myself... oh yeah, they hate it... and SMILE :-)

Every week when I get nailed by the voters, I vow never to come back. I failed at the never coming back part. :-)

Message edited by author 2005-12-21 19:50:49.
12/21/2005 07:51:54 PM · #8
Originally posted by mesmeraj:

when i feel down about my score i IM rikki.
If he doesnt have a score worse than mine, i kick him. Its win-win.

So, you say to yourself, "Kick Rikki"...
12/21/2005 07:52:43 PM · #9
Originally posted by fotomann_forever:

I just blame it ALL on the voters. It could never be that my photo is that bad. Or, I just say to myself... oh yeah, they hate it... and SMILE :-)

So...you say to yourself, "SMILE! It's not me, it's them!"
12/21/2005 07:54:08 PM · #10
C'mon folks! Let's all play the same game here!
(Oh, and sorry about the hijacked thread, Pixl Mstr...it was lying dormant at the side of the road...)
12/21/2005 07:56:02 PM · #11
I liked this one:

Originally posted by Pixl Mastr WannaB:

"Men do not fail, they stop trying."

something to make sex life better.
12/21/2005 07:57:25 PM · #12
I always look at it like this what do the voters know... Just as much as I do, they want their picture to ribbon
12/21/2005 08:23:46 PM · #13
Originally posted by autohuff:

Just as much as I do, they want their picture to ribbon

Good 'tude!
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