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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Are my photos being ripped off?
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01/24/2006 10:29:35 PM · #76
*sigh* some people
01/24/2006 10:43:35 PM · #77
I just read this thread and the one on the website. To me it looks like you're both leading "hate campaignes" against eachother.

I don't know the whole data, only what I've read on these threads. And I didn't know about any of you prior to reading this. So it's safe for me to say that I'm a passive observer.

From what I read, I think you both have a point. And you are both a little wrong. But I don't mean to write a long post about this.

What bothers me the most is the easiness with which people subscribe to this campaign, both here and on the site. How can you be so sure people? Did you read something I missed?

It's sad for me to see that the love for photography gets mixed with quarells about money and respect. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'm lucky that I didn't sell any photos yet.

This was just a point of view. Don't feel offended.
01/24/2006 10:44:40 PM · #78
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

There is nothing wrong with using photos on a personal fan site as long as the photographers are credited.

I would tend to think this is really not the case, actually. I mean, in your case I would agree, since you're the photographer and this is how you would personally feel about your images being used (and I would tend to act the same way with my shots)... but I don't think this is legally correct.

In other words, if someone snagged an Associated Press photo, or a shot from a stock agency, or whatever, and stuck it on their site -- even with credit to those organizations -- that doesn't mean that an individual has any right to reproduce the shot in any way. I'm quite certain that if any of those organizations got wind of a shot being reproduced on any site without proper licensing, they'd fire of a cease & desist letter quite quickly.
01/24/2006 10:46:33 PM · #79
I have to admit that I read this post twice, and I actually said out loud... "Huh?"

Originally posted by XShadow:

I just read this thread and the one on the website. To me it looks like you're both leading "hate campaignes" against eachother.

I don't know the whole data, only what I've read on these threads. And I didn't know about any of you prior to reading this. So it's safe for me to say that I'm a passive observer.

From what I read, I think you both have a point. And you are both a little wrong. But I don't mean to write a long post about this.

What bothers me the most is the easiness with which people subscribe to this campaign, both here and on the site. How can you be so sure people? Did you read something I missed?

It's sad for me to see that the love for photography gets mixed with quarells about money and respect. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'm lucky that I didn't sell any photos yet.

This was just a point of view. Don't feel offended.
01/24/2006 10:54:19 PM · #80
No offence XShaddow, but I truly have a great deal of difficulty in understanding how you could come to that conclusion.

01/24/2006 10:56:26 PM · #81
Bob - Smoking any turds yet? ;^) He-he. Some pretty amazing commentary going on and the sad thing is people are responding without knowing both sides of the story. I'm glad I had a chance to take a look at the website in question when you first brought this up to see first hand the images being used (mostly without permission).

So...go out and take some more pictures will ya? Have fun while you're at it!!!

Take care.
01/24/2006 11:31:25 PM · #82
Bob, I just read through the comments, and you really sound like a bad and greedy man.

..just kidding, of course..

I'd post a ROTFLMAO here, but this guy's tale of deceipt and his blaming it all on you isn't funny! It's really amazing how hearing his one sided story, everyone is really burning you in effigy. (Illustration here, Ken). It just makes me

I hope you get your say, but I don't expect he'll approve your post.

Good luck and let us know any way we can help.

01/24/2006 11:51:33 PM · #83
I was reading a lot of the reply's this guy had received on his website about taking down all the photos.

It's insane..but then..maybe not so much.

I bet half of the wankers on that site who profess to love Robert Plant so much, including a so-called "band-mate" have illegal copies of his songs on their hard drives and think that is ok as well!

You know, we do face a real challenge in this fast paced electronic world. People feel entitled to own and use media (Music, movies, software, images) as they want without regard to the rights of the creators of this content.

It seems people try to use the "I'm just one person, how can my illegal use hurt anybody". Obviously they don't have any vested interests in producing art, music or literature to worry about.

Hang tough Bob, you did the right thing..and if any of those people on that website were real Robert Plant fans and fans of music..they would recognize you and Robert Plant had more in commmon with each other than all of them :-/

Message edited by author 2006-01-24 23:52:41.
01/24/2006 11:56:21 PM · #84
I just finished reading that blog also. It's pretty worthless, since he's only posting up the responses that support him and slam the lobster. The aprt I don't understand is, why did he take the whole thing down just 'cuz Bobster dinged him on 3 images? That makes no sense. A lot of other people must have been coming down oh him as well? Sounds like Bobster is being excoriated because he was the whistle blower, and started a deluge.


01/25/2006 12:14:03 AM · #85
just do a whois, contact the domain registrar fill out the form on their webpage, they will email you back probably wanting you to type and fax a signed letter to them. then they will yank their domain name. and the whole site will be no more. solves two problems, idiot removal, and removal of festering pustuals of bickering twits.

then drink a margerita
01/25/2006 12:59:22 AM · #86
Hang in there Bob. You did the RIGHT thing! Whether he credits photographers or not does NOT mean he asked permission to use them....and THAT is the rule. Even if he's not making money off of it, it's still the rule.

I've seen many of your shots, and anyone else who has would know that they are more than "snapshots", more than simple photos taken by a fan. They would know that they are professional, high quality, and emotionally stirring images. You create art and you have every right to protect it.

I sincerely hope that this doesn't leave you with a bad taste in your mouth :-( Keep those pictures coming!
01/25/2006 01:19:44 AM · #87

I'm surprised from the number of high caliber photographers there are on this forum that nobody mentioned (unless I missed it) the most obvious way to protect your photography... get it registered with the copyright office. Yes, your work is protected as soon as you create the image, but frankly, unless you have a lot of money, it's hard to protect your copyright unless it's registered. What is so great about registration? The number one big benifit from it is that if you get infringed upon and take them to court and win, even if you don't get a huge judgement against them, they still can be required to pay for all legal and court fees for both of you. And that's handed down by the Federal Court, who will insure they pay the fees.

And if you have to contact someone about your images being used without your permission, just tell them your images are registered and to contact an IP lawyer and find out what that means to them as the infringer.

It only costs $30 per form to register. And you can put as many images as you want on a single CD and register them all at one time as long as they meet a few simple criteria (all published or all un-published, all by the person registering and a few other things). Your registration starts the day they receive it in Washington DC (I'm assuming this is for the US) even though it might be 6 months before you get your certificate of registration and it shows up in the web site listing.

I've been infringed upon twice that I know of. The first time I didn't have my images registered because I thought I was protected. When I found out about it and contacted a IP lawyer I found out that yes, I was protected... but it was gonna cost me. It's not cheap to take someone to Federal Court. And if it goes all the way it could cost up to $50k in legal fees. And you might win but not be awarded anything. So I had to swallow my principle and let it go, even though it was a pretty cut and dried case of blatant infringement for profit as the lawyer told me.

The 2nd time just happened, but this time my images are registered. I used the first time as a wake up call and have registered just about everything I've taken. Even the snapshots and test shots and bad shots. If they are on my web site or every find their way out of my computer, they got put on a CD and registered.

Most of the people on here have some outstanding images. Copyright protects you... registering them might let you defend that copyright. And it sure gives you a lot more power behind your request for someone to remove your work from their web site.

Here's the copyright web site: //www.copyright.gov/

01/25/2006 01:31:56 AM · #88
I read this thread when you first asked the question, of course, I went to look to see what was going on in her gallery. And I did as asked, kept out of it as you tried to work it out with her and now, I see what has happened since.

No, you were not in the wrong as far as I am concerned. I'm not sure I like knowing that a bunch of people sent 'hate-mail', but those are her words, not mine. I don't know what was sent.

Just, keep your chin up, because there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself and doing the right thing. :)

I'm just sorry that she isn't telling the whole story.

I wish you the best of luck!
01/25/2006 06:23:39 AM · #89
Thanks so much for the support, it's really meant a lot.
I'm really not leading a hate campaign here, in fact I think both sides have been well represented here (unlike a certain website).
Many people here have done a great gob of giving impartial level-headed advice.
It's not pleasant to have bad energy directed my way by people who are taken in by part of the story though so thanks again for your posts.
01/25/2006 08:54:57 AM · #90
Originally posted by BobsterLobster:

Thanks so much for the support, it's really meant a lot.
I'm really not leading a hate campaign here, in fact I think both sides have been well represented here (unlike a certain website).
Many people here have done a great gob of giving impartial level-headed advice.
It's not pleasant to have bad energy directed my way by people who are taken in by part of the story though so thanks again for your posts.

Bob, stuff like this happening really pisses me off.

You're my new hero for kicking a little infringing ass!
01/25/2006 09:14:29 AM · #91
Originally posted by Spazmo99:

You're my new hero for kicking a little infringing ass!


Woe is her. She got caught.
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