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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> You know you're obssessed with photography....
Showing posts 151 - 175 of 234, (reverse)
01/29/2006 05:30:15 AM · #151
'Honey I'll be up in a second... I'm voting!'

Message edited by author 2006-01-29 05:30:36.
01/29/2006 05:30:36 AM · #152
When your family album consists of:

1/ A great landscape, including the church where you were married
2/ Several honeymoon landscapes
3/ A picture of a pregnant woman (not your wife) because she had great bone structure
4/ A picture of the detail on the babies crib.
5/ A picture of the great ceiling where your Son graduated
6/ Another landscape containing the church where your Daughter was married.
01/29/2006 05:37:12 AM · #153
When you surprise a burglar, the wifes says "SHOOT HIM"..... well you know the rest.

Message edited by author 2006-01-29 05:37:48.
01/29/2006 05:42:14 AM · #154
Every time you cross a railroad track you stop and look both ways... In the middle of the crossing...
01/29/2006 08:38:06 AM · #155
Originally posted by Mr Tee:

When you surprise a burglar, the wifes says "SHOOT HIM"..... well you know the rest.

And you say....... Well, the lights not really that good darling and I don't think direct flash is all that flattering!

Message edited by author 2006-01-29 08:38:42.
01/29/2006 08:41:06 AM · #156
When you argue with the doctor... 'my equipment is not too heavy, my back is too weak...';-)

Message edited by author 2006-01-29 08:41:36.
01/29/2006 08:59:05 AM · #157
You hate spending $100 at the grocery store, but don't mind spending it on yet another CF card.
01/29/2006 09:05:15 AM · #158
Originally posted by Drummie:

......when you can't leave home without your camera

.......when you do leave home without your camera, but kick yourself in the butt all the way back home, because you missed the perfect shot

Amen to that...I have done this SEVERAL times. Now I never leave the house without my camera

03/30/2006 10:36:43 PM · #159
Originally posted by cycleboy:

When you go out near sunset during thunderstorms to get a great beach shot and as you jog down the trail in the thick mud to the beach, you slide and fall into poison oak and all you can think of is trying to hold your camera up so it doesn't get mud on it.

(happened to me today!)

Follow on to this story - you know you're obsessed when. . .

after the story above, you are shooting down on the beach and get a call on your cell phone from your wife. She is stuck on a deserted road with the sun going down and a flat tire. Before rushing off to help her (back up the muddy trail), you click off a few more shots, one of which is golden!

Here's the shot:

And by the time I got to her and changed the flat in darkness and rain, I was in no mood to shoot any moments of that part of the day! Add to that, the spare was nearly flat, so I drove home (5 miles) at 15 mph!
03/30/2006 10:47:12 PM · #160
when you finally make a pact with yourself that states:
No photographs of any sunset unless they are extraordinary!
How do you determine THAT???
04/05/2006 03:26:37 PM · #161
When your family and friends refer to your tripod as your significant other.


Message edited by author 2006-04-05 15:26:54.
04/05/2006 04:06:41 PM · #162
When you see better with failing eyesight.
04/05/2006 04:11:41 PM · #163
Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

...when your friends send you shots from school to share, and you edit them
...when the same friends post pics on facebook and you save them to your disk, edit them, and send them back with comments ;D

Hahaha, yeah man, I second that. But I think most of the people here are too old to know what facebook is...
04/05/2006 04:17:14 PM · #164
when you make your friends be part of shots that require 100 takes, which you think is completely normal and think they feel the same.
04/05/2006 04:37:41 PM · #165
When you read through seven pages of "You know you're obsessed with photography..." jokes...
04/05/2006 04:42:59 PM · #166
Originally posted by cfischl:

Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

...when your friends send you shots from school to share, and you edit them
...when the same friends post pics on facebook and you save them to your disk, edit them, and send them back with comments ;D

Hahaha, yeah man, I second that. But I think most of the people here are too old to know what facebook is...

I might be a moldy oldy, but even I know what facebook is. Only difference here is my daughter tells ME to edit her shots before she post them there!
04/05/2006 04:49:40 PM · #167
-when you start reorganising kitchen cupboards and hubby gets home from work to find you sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor, surrounded by tupperware and photographing a box of straws... and the kitchen doesn't get finished until the next day.

04/05/2006 04:54:07 PM · #168
When you best friend comes over and you spend 2 hours shooting the back of his bald head experimenting with lighting and low key style shots...

Will post the shots tonight :-P

Message edited by author 2006-04-05 16:55:05.
04/05/2006 05:32:40 PM · #169
When you forget to eat and realize you're very hungry after you finally finished your shot.

When you dressed up funny and put some weird make-up on for a photo, immediately runs ( really love to do that, lol ) to the computer to take look and edit them and your boyfriend comes home after a couple of hours, laughs at you and you realize you still have to change your outfit and wash off the make-up.

Message edited by author 2006-04-05 17:35:06.
04/05/2006 05:48:58 PM · #170
When you take a picture of weeds and it comes out half way decent !

04/05/2006 07:10:27 PM · #171
When your favorite method of procrastinating is running outside to take photos, after all, it's justifiable.
When the light gets magic, all other needs disappear.
When stock image prep turns into stretching one's wings photoshopping and you emerge hours later, blinking
When watching a movie where the lighting is so fantastic, the visuals are almost all you can remember afterwards ("Girl With A Pearl Earring" comes to mine)
Picking movies to see based on the DP (director of photography)

Thank god my models work for food. Oops, gotta go, cool post-storm light!
04/05/2006 10:47:49 PM · #172
Originally posted by notesinstones:

- Your kid eats a junebug and makes a face with legs hanging out of his mouth and you seriously consider getting the camera and giving him another one just to get that shot.

i'm so glad i'm not alone

...if you'd try to save the kid and the camera on the same trip if the house was burning.
04/05/2006 10:50:08 PM · #173
Originally posted by k4ffy:

When you read through seven pages of "You know you're obsessed with photography..." jokes...

04/05/2006 10:52:54 PM · #174
Originally posted by laurielblack:

When you're driving home from the hospital, after spending all night (about 14 hours) with your son in the ER...after he broke his arm in three places...and have to stop along the way to take pictures because the sunrise is creating an absolutely beautiful silhouette for the challenge that week. Not that I would know anything about anyone doing that sort of thing. No. Not me. ;)

but did you take pics of the arm?
04/05/2006 10:54:05 PM · #175
...when you attract other photographers to see what's got you so engrossed and you're shooting a dead crow.
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