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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Serious lifestyle change...
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02/06/2006 11:17:12 PM · #1
I have been managing a pizza place on MSU campus for the last 10 or 11 years. I've lateley been putting in 65+ hour weeks, mostly nights and it is literally killing me. I am allergic to flour and my hands are ate up. I have a 13 year old boy who I don't know and a lovely wife who craves my attention and wants me home. I have a love of photography and no time to take pictures. I have bills that barely get paid and my drivers make more money than I do on less hours. I get my insurance paid but have to pay $280 a month to insure my wife and kid.

I have finally had enough. Last Wednesday morning I gave my two weeks notice. I do not have a job lined up but have an offer from my wifes company to work for them full time. I do not know how much money I will make but I know it will be less than I am making now. I can get a part time job on the weekends delivering pizzas for any company in town.

Bottom line is, I'm a little afraid of what the future has to hold but I know in my heart that this is the best thing for my family... I will get to be with them for the first time since my son was born.

Message edited by author 2006-02-06 23:17:29.
02/06/2006 11:21:38 PM · #2
BRAVO!! You have jumped..now the rest is a free ride..enjoy it!!
02/06/2006 11:23:03 PM · #3
Hang out with the wife and son, you'll never regret it!
02/06/2006 11:23:20 PM · #4
good for you Ron. family always comes first ;) good luck!
02/06/2006 11:24:49 PM · #5
most sincere congratulations.
that must have been a very difficult decision.
best of luck to you.
02/06/2006 11:24:50 PM · #6
You wouldn't have quit unless you knew it was necessary. I commend you for putting your family and yourself above a job. I have faith you will work things out, find a job that is less demanding to cover those bills and have a wonderful life with your family. My best wishes to you and your new adventure!
02/06/2006 11:26:23 PM · #7
There's always something better around the corner. Keep your eyes and ears open and you'll find something.

Nothing is more important than your relationship with your family.

Best of luck!

02/06/2006 11:27:32 PM · #8
Change is scary. But things happen for a reason. You're better off working a job with less pay, and being able to spend time with family, than what you were doing. Go for it and don't look back.

I did the same thing 10 years ago, and never regret it. It was the best thing for me.
02/06/2006 11:28:51 PM · #9

I am very sorry to hear what has happened to you. I completely understand how hard life can be. 2 years ago I was working 80+ hours a week, was never home to spend time with my family, and never even had any time to enjoy my life. That has all changed. I strongly feel that I may be of assistance to you. Please send me an email at rkr@krevolution.com so that I can get in touch with you. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Rohit Rohila
02/06/2006 11:31:47 PM · #10
WTG TC!! Takes a very wise man to do what you're doing.
02/06/2006 11:32:24 PM · #11
Good move, cool! It'll work out for the best, I'm sure of it.

02/06/2006 11:50:50 PM · #12
Sometimes you have to let it go to move forward. You'll do fine and it will work out.
02/06/2006 11:55:55 PM · #13
That first step is a tuff one. If you can do that you can make it work.
02/06/2006 11:56:42 PM · #14
Best of luck, Ron!
02/07/2006 12:00:58 AM · #15
Hopefully, you'll be able to do some photography in your next job. Good luck!
02/07/2006 12:18:48 AM · #16
Originally posted by nshapiro:

Hopefully, you'll be able to do some photography in your next job. Good luck!

I already have done some photography for Ronda's company for a tv show that she was asked to be in. It wasn't glamorous but it was fun. This company is a feed and pet supply company that has locations all over Michigan. I would be more than happy to advertising work for them! That will be the first thing I tell them at my interview...
02/07/2006 12:57:55 AM · #17
Good Luck Ron - with a positive attitude you'll be fine
02/07/2006 01:03:33 AM · #18
Goodluck -- wishing you only the best.

02/07/2006 01:21:50 AM · #19
Good Luck. I've made similar changes in my life and I know how scary it can be, but in the end, everyone has been for the better.
02/07/2006 01:41:42 AM · #20
Thank you guys and gals...

I'm still apprehensive as to what the future holds. I am very greatful for this community and it's positive karma. I will let you all know how everything goes over the next few weeks...

Yours forever
02/07/2006 01:46:33 AM · #21
Originally posted by TooCool:

Thank you guys and gals...

I'm still apprehensive as to what the future holds. I am very greatful for this community and it's positive karma. I will let you all know how everything goes over the next few weeks...

Yours forever

Hang in there, bud. It's going to all work out for the best. :-)

Wishing you the best,
02/07/2006 01:46:59 AM · #22
Working those kinds of hours week after week, month after month, year after year, with the stresses that come with managing can take a hard toll on you physically. Fatigue and stress can really wear you out and lead to health problems and all the while you'd have been missing your kid grow up. Congratulations on this decision. I'll bet you find lots of help out there (as you already have found here in this thread) as lots of people have made similar moves. Look into the simplicity movement and google search for support networks and ideas. Wish you all the best!
02/07/2006 02:14:56 AM · #23

I wish you the best. Every man deserves quality time with his family & every family deserves quality time with their dad/ husband. Tough decision to make, I admire your boldness in stepping out and doing the right thing.

Keep us posted on how things work out.

02/07/2006 02:25:23 AM · #24
Good luck - you won't regret this decision and I'm sure your family won't either. :D
02/07/2006 02:32:14 AM · #25
Ron, sometimes you have to take a small step back in order to move forward with your life. You did the right thing. Best of luck to you.

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