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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> I apologise for taking BIll Jemison's Work
Showing posts 51 - 64 of 64, (reverse)
02/11/2006 12:09:40 AM · #51
The guy he stole it from accepted his apology. What more needs to be said?
02/11/2006 12:10:44 AM · #52
Originally posted by keegbow:

Another lesson I have learnt is that some people on this site do not have it in their hearts to accept apologies and forgive. I feel sorry for them, time to move on and put this behind all of us.

What's to feel sorry for? This person posted an apology on an internet chat forum for pete's sake. It wasn't done face to face and nobody here even knows the person as far as I'm aware of. To have reservations about the "sincerity" of the apology would be smart, IMO. Regardless only one person need accept or reject this apology so who cares what others think?

Message edited by author 2006-02-11 00:12:18.
02/11/2006 12:11:32 AM · #53
Originally posted by turdave:

The guy he stole it from accepted his apology. What more needs to be said?

That's what I'm thinkin'.
02/11/2006 12:14:00 AM · #54
Originally posted by tryals15:

Originally posted by turdave:

The guy he stole it from accepted his apology. What more needs to be said?

That's what I'm thinkin'.

Exactly...didn't see that while i was posting!
02/11/2006 12:14:53 AM · #55
Perhaps I am from the older generation. I guess when we steal and cheat its accepted and passed away if only we apologize and mean it. Give me a break! He should be punished and we here at dpc only have a few ways to do that. So what should be done. Except is apology and let it be? Now if I stole a image and passed it as my own and won a ribbon and changed the exif file, got caught, then bohood all over the internet and on this site what would happen to me? Would all of you except it and let me play the game? NOT!!!
You would want my head! Is he old enough to know right from wrong? He is over 5years old so he knows.

My point is there should be a punishment. Excepting the apology and let every go away is not the way it should be. Just think! Your little tyke goes over the kitchen and eats daddy's ice cream. Oh Im sorry dad! thats ok son, you apologized so everythings ok know. (LOL)

Limitations on the site, temporary ban, cut off his head, beat him with a stick, what ever.

There should be a fine for doing this deed!

Have another drink. Thank you I will.
02/11/2006 12:18:17 AM · #56
Well Dean,
You screwed up and your victim took the high road and forgave you. SC isn't perfect, but I'm sure they are giving your case due consideration and will treat you fairly.

Whether or not you get booted, please take this opportunity to make good decisions in the future and avoid letting anger and resentment steer your life.
02/11/2006 11:45:54 AM · #57
Alright, someone contacted me and pointed out that this thread represents an important issue for photographers and our community and should continue to be seen, and I agree so I've removed the ridiculous personal quibbling so that we can start over. If you feel that you've been falsely represented by the removals, feel free to contact me and I'l see what I can do. However, removing all these silly posts took a darn long time and I will bring serious smiteage against anyone who can't behave appropriately (I mean it). Let's discuss the topic, please.
02/11/2006 11:58:42 AM · #58
Come on folks... Don't make them use this...

Edit: I realized that in a thread about photo stealing I should credit the owner: kirbic :)

Message edited by author 2006-02-11 11:59:31.
02/11/2006 12:21:32 PM · #59
I am thinking its done and finished why am I seeing this and about 3 other threads on same subject coming up again and again I will soon be finding the ignore thread button
02/11/2006 12:30:49 PM · #60
Originally posted by polkop:

I am thinking its done and finished why am I seeing this and about 3 other threads on same subject coming up again and again I will soon be finding the ignore thread button

Because this is an important issue. There are approx 50,000 users of this site, and it's doubtful that everyone has read this thread.
Theft of a copyrighted piece of art is a very serious crime, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed.

This thread represents an extremely important issue that many of us who make a living in photography have to deal with. I think it is very important that as many people as possible read this thread so as to make more people aware of the costs of stealing copyrighted work, and the negative side effects of being caught. I think the community as a whole needs to see this thread, and if you don't want to read it, then ignore it, and please stop posting irrelevant comments just for the sake of ranting.

02/11/2006 12:43:12 PM · #61
I think you've at least started to earn some respect back Dean for standing up to take responsibility for your inappropriate actions. I'm sure it's been (and will continue to be for some time to come) a hard lesson to learn. But hang in there and don't give up - because then nobody wins. :-)
02/11/2006 02:37:36 PM · #62
Originally posted by mk:

Alright, someone contacted me and pointed out that this thread represents an important issue for photographers and our community and should continue to be seen, and I agree so I've removed the ridiculous personal quibbling so that we can start over. If you feel that you've been falsely represented by the removals, feel free to contact me and I'l see what I can do. However, removing all these silly posts took a darn long time and I will bring serious smiteage against anyone who can't behave appropriately (I mean it). Let's discuss the topic, please.

I have a problem with someone else deciding in a unilateral fashion what constitutes "silly" and/or "ridiculous personal quibbling", as I do with the threat of "smiteage".

I do realize that you are a member of the SC and as such have been provided with certain powers that ensure that civility prevails... However, having said this, I have of late seen many instances where threads have been locked and comments removed for no apparent reason other than the fact that a member of the SC took umbrage with the comments made.

What offends some, is a matter for discussion for others.... and it would seem of late that anything that is remotely close to being controversial is removed, and that from my perspective is a travesty.

By all means remove comments that attack the individual.... but surely we as a collective are mature enough to discuss sensitive matter in a civil matter and need not be subjected to censorship.

Just a thought... and by all means... do feel free to communicate with me if you disagree.


02/11/2006 02:40:36 PM · #63
Originally posted by RayEthier:

Originally posted by mk:

Alright, someone contacted me and pointed out that this thread represents an important issue for photographers and our community and should continue to be seen, and I agree so I've removed the ridiculous personal quibbling so that we can start over. If you feel that you've been falsely represented by the removals, feel free to contact me and I'l see what I can do. However, removing all these silly posts took a darn long time and I will bring serious smiteage against anyone who can't behave appropriately (I mean it). Let's discuss the topic, please.

I have a problem with someone else deciding in a unilateral fashion what constitutes "silly" and/or "ridiculous personal quibbling", as I do with the threat of "smiteage".

I do realize that you are a member of the SC and as such have been provided with certain powers that ensure that civility prevails... However, having said this, I have of late seen many instances where threads have been locked and comments removed for no apparent reason other than the fact that a member of the SC took umbrage with the comments made.

What offends some, is a matter for discussion for others.... and it would seem of late that anything that is remotely close to being controversial is removed, and that from my perspective is a travesty.

By all means remove comments that attack the individual.... but surely we as a collective are mature enough to discuss sensitive matter in a civil matter and need not be subjected to censorship.

Just a thought... and by all means... do feel free to communicate with me if you disagree.



I'm more than willing to discuss this but can we do so off-board (via the contact page) or in a different thread? Feel free to create a new one for the purpose if you like.

02/11/2006 02:41:38 PM · #64
Ray, if you'd like to discuss this, please PM me per my earlier instructions.
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