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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Any believers out there?
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02/26/2006 09:52:20 PM · #1
I want to know if there are any "spiritual believers" out there... Tonight I took some pictures with my new camera and picked up tons of orbs. If you don't know what these are, its best to research it yourself before you make asumptions (I don't want to bias your beliefs) but my sister is a successful Paranormal photographer and I have never quite understood the trick of "it". However tonight I got some strange footage....

Any other neat pictures turned up from professionals or any comments?

02/26/2006 09:53:20 PM · #2
no i am not but I could be convinced. let's see your pix.
02/26/2006 09:53:46 PM · #3
got any to show?
02/26/2006 10:17:57 PM · #4
I've found orbs and other spiritual beings are very scared of my L-glass. They only like to come out with the cheap stuff.
02/26/2006 10:20:36 PM · #5
were you by chance using a mirrored lens? it somtimes gives that effect on the background objects.
02/26/2006 10:20:39 PM · #6
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I've found orbs and other spiritual beings are very scared of my L-glass. They only like to come out with the cheap stuff.

02/26/2006 10:23:59 PM · #7
Most of the other pics came out normal... a few orbs but not as many as in this pic. There was no odd weather, mist, humidity and I simply used my normal "scratch resistant" lens and a normal flash> I've never gotten anything to date ....

What do you think?

02/26/2006 10:24:23 PM · #8
By the way, I put this in Black and White, I have the original and many more, but this is the easiest to depict.
02/26/2006 10:27:51 PM · #9

I'll be sure to make note of those spiritual orb thingies next time I'm shooting something in a dusty place at night with the flash on, and instead of cursing at the dust in the air, I'll be reverent of the spiritual orbs.
02/26/2006 10:29:12 PM · #10
Do you have any more pics with and any more pics without the orbs that were taken near the same time that you can show us for comparison? Also, the camera settings and other pertinent information regarding the shoot might lend some clues.
02/26/2006 10:32:56 PM · #11
Here's a thread about this from a while back

Had a ghostly experience this weekend. Tried to take pix, but nothing showed up. Oh well...
02/26/2006 10:33:37 PM · #12
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

I've found orbs and other spiritual beings are very scared of my L-glass. They only like to come out with the cheap stuff.

Hahaha!!! I like that.

If you like that kind of thing... there is a late night (12 mn to 3 am) talk show called Coast to Coast AM. They take a delightfully serious discussion of orbs, ghosts, EVP (electronic voice phenomenon - white noise). They also discuss vampires, UFO's, astral projection, Remote Viewing (like the movie Subject Zero), Shadow People, Time travel, etc...

It is a great (and often hilarious) way to drag through a night shift in a slow ER.

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory
02/26/2006 10:59:55 PM · #13
NO there wasn't dust on the lens. If I wanted a sorry excuse for an opinion I would not ask for people to insult my intelligence. :( I was asking for an opinion that would perhaps spark a spiritual discussion... I wouldn't post a picture of dust on my lens and ask a group of professionals what they thought... c'mon.

This is a picture, seconds later.... same lens and everything. NO DUST. lol

02/26/2006 11:00:49 PM · #14
By the way greatandsmall, good link for a previous thread, thanks. :)
02/26/2006 11:04:31 PM · #15
If you tweak the levels on that second pic there are 'orbs' in that one too...
02/26/2006 11:05:17 PM · #16
I can almost guarantee the closer tree in your first photo picked up the flash, and reflected it strongly, causing particles in the air to reflect that light also. It also looks like you've enhanced the gamma/levels/etc in the first photo, as the background is extremely noisy.

Right, and increasing levels makes the second photo look very much like the first one (a little less reflective though, so I do still believe the closer tree in the first photo caused more flash light to be reflected)

Message edited by author 2006-02-26 23:07:04.
02/26/2006 11:11:27 PM · #17
Originally posted by CalamitysMaster00:

NO there wasn't dust on the lens. If I wanted a sorry excuse for an opinion I would not ask for people to insult my intelligence. :( I was asking for an opinion that would perhaps spark a spiritual discussion... I wouldn't post a picture of dust on my lens and ask a group of professionals what they thought... c'mon.

This is a picture, seconds later.... same lens and everything. NO DUST. lol

This is the same picture you just posted with shadows and highlights adjusted. The spots are there even in the dark. I used to have a Olympus C-720 and in low light it would do this a lot. I don't know what causes it but...

Message edited by author 2006-02-26 23:16:16.
02/26/2006 11:17:17 PM · #18
Actually there does seme to be some in the second photo, just faded more into the background. I can't say if they are absolutely "orbs", although they look to be. I've taken many photos of orbs....yes, I'm a believer :). Sometimes you might just have a feeling & the photo confirms it.
Anyone ever get interference with orbs & blurring, then the next shot is perfectly fine?.......like they were just passing by between you & whatever your photographing?????
02/26/2006 11:18:36 PM · #19
Here's a good website:


Message edited by author 2006-02-26 23:19:40.
02/26/2006 11:20:11 PM · #20
Thats exactly what happened tonight. I have probably 15 pictures that seem to be fine... I was simply taking pictures of the place I am about to move into and all the sudden on my digital picture I saw debris coming back on my screen. I checked my lens, I checked the other pictures again and then gasped.... "I think I am captuing orbs!" I whispered, then started snapping some more. I got a few here and there but it was hit and miss....

02/26/2006 11:23:42 PM · #21
Here is yet another one... against the back wall of the house, just me in the same spot but turned around with my back to the yard. Its hard to see the orbs against the light house but they are still there..... it just creeps me out. We move in at the end of next month.

02/26/2006 11:25:50 PM · #22
Why were you taking pictures of an empty yard at night with no flash?
02/26/2006 11:27:27 PM · #23
That IS with a flash. And I was taking the pics because this is the place I am moving into next month and my fiance and I were discussing the landscaping options. We happened to be driving by and I figured I would snap some pics of the back yard so he could be brainstorming...
02/26/2006 11:35:31 PM · #24
As much as I believe in the paranormal, I'm also skeptical. I'd be inclined to think that it's dust. If you were walking around outside and taking pictures with a flash, at night, you're bound to get some airborne dirt. For your sake, I hope that's the case.
02/26/2006 11:37:12 PM · #25
Do you feel good about the house? (before you got freaked out over the photos). At least with myself, ....you can usually feel wether a place is good or bad. I'm assuming you have good feelings because your buying it, and you stopped there at night to take some pics.

Almost forgot to ask - How was the weather? If it was foggy at all, that can cause an orb like effect.
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