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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> 30D Available for sale
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02/28/2006 05:51:33 AM · #1
In Australia at this moment.
Several people on the different bullentin boards have confirmed this.

Wonder who will be the first here at DPC to actaly own one ;)

Here is a link to the DPReview forum...
02/28/2006 06:13:59 AM · #2
I already have the 30D....yet it's called the 20D on my camera!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I actually bought the 20D after the 30D was announced last week since it's basically the same camera with a few more bells and whistles on it....AND I got it cheaper since the store I was buying it from was getting rid of their stock of 20D.
02/28/2006 06:41:20 AM · #3
Just spoke to a friend who works for a large camera retailer and yes Australia has got them in stock today in different locations, he could not explain why we got them first other then the fact that it has never happened before and they may be just a small import for promotional purposes.

I will probably go down to Ted's and play with one on the weekend not that I want to buy but I would like to have a look.
02/28/2006 09:15:34 AM · #4
Lucky kids you are.

I haven't seen any yet, but all the local shops here have the nasty habit of putting them on display wrapped in plastic and never let you actually touch the camera. There are 4 blocks of camera stores and they all do the same blasted thing.

Not one actual demo camera in nearly 100 stores.

After around 6 months, they start actually pushing the things and then the kit lens goes on.

The Konica Minolta 5D can be tried with lens currently.

Shameful. I was at a major technology show at the world's tallest building, the Taipei 101 World Trade center and both the Canon booth and the Nikon booth wouldn't let you even touch anything other than the 350XT/D50.

They didn't even have the D200 yet, although it had been announced a month before.

I got lucky because I met a press photographer who was impressed with my Chinese ability and we took 200+ shots on a D2X at the Nikon booth on my CF card. Frightening peice of work that thing. Especially when the menus are in Chinese ;)

I personally can't wait to get my hands on a 30D. I think I made my decision this afternoon. I will get it if I can find one for 1100 US. Come on retailers, work that grey market!
02/28/2006 09:32:54 AM · #5
so when someone finally gets to hold one please do a sound check to see how loud the shutter is. I find the 20d to be somewhat louder then I like.
02/28/2006 10:52:52 AM · #6
While I don't time these things, the past few Canon release announcements were follwed VERY shortly with product.

My local store still doesn't have 5Ds, so I don't expect a 30D ffrom them before christmas LOL.

i spoke with b&h on friday and they had no info, so nothing on their website. Adorama and Amazon have listings, and I think Beachcamera does too, but all are projecting april/may availability.

As of today - b&h shows this

I ordere a new CF card and my nexk strap over the weekend, should be here tomorrow. I can look at them and image the camera they will go with LOL
02/28/2006 11:32:23 AM · #7
I just spoke with my favorite camera shop here in Holland.
They said that they just came off the phone with Canon and the first batch of cameras will arive next week....they hope.

It´s not 100% sure, but Canon Netherlands is about to ship some of them to the shops...

02/28/2006 12:05:53 PM · #8
Time to warm up the credit card!
I'm going to oder some lights too..about $670 worth. Not sure if it'd be less painfull to spend twice or grit my teeth and spend 2 grand all at once.

While this hurts to spend at one time, 90% of it is paid for with the shoots i have this year. Still, i will hate to see that credit card bill when it arrives.
02/28/2006 05:27:26 PM · #9

My 'local' dosn't have them yet, but expects to have the demo one by the end of the week, apparently Canon Australia (Which supplies NZ) got them first this time around. Probably some shipping logistics trick with mirrors and smoke.

Not even vaguely interested myself, but it's fun to watch these things going on around you..

Cheers, Me.
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