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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Does anyone know for sure if this really is a scam
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03/01/2006 04:27:14 PM · #1
This guy has bin sending me a lot of lettersâ€Â¦ First I thought this was a scam and somehow, I still think so but he has bin sending me again and again, even letters with the airpost.
Can anyone tell me for sure if this Society or Craig Foster really exists?

This is the last letter I got from himâ€Â¦.
Dear Ãsmundur,
We need to hear from you immediately. As you know, we informed you that you and your artistic accomplishments can be honored at the International Society of Photographers Convention and Symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada this week, even though you are unable to attend. We are finalizing and making last minute preparations for this week's event, and we want to give you one last opportunity to have your photo, "Hope," featured at this international gathering of photographers.
Although you will be unable to participate in the convention contest (you must be present to win), you can receive all of the awards you have earned--including your custom engraved Outstanding Achievement in Photography Silver Award Bowl (see it here), your bronze Commemorative Award Medallion, and your Full Basic Membership into the International Society of Photographers for 2006.
In this regard, we have arranged for your photo, "Hope" (see your photo here), to be presented at our convention. Your photograph, along with your name, will be presented exactly as you created it for all convention attendees to view. In this way, hundreds of attending photographers and their guests, who come from all over the world to attend the convention, will appreciate your photograph.
And let me tell you a little about the actual awards and ISP membership benefits that you will receive by mail immediately after you confirm your participation in this prestigious event by allowing us to showcase your photo:
-- Your Outstanding Achievement in Photography Silver Award Bowl (a $200.00 value) is a magnificent work of art in itself that measures over 10 inches across and over 11 inches high. It is handcrafted in silver and has your name custom-engraved on a beautiful cherry-wood base (see it here). It is certain to enjoy a special place of pride in your home and will serve as a fitting symbol of your unique photographic artistry.
-- Your bronze Commemorative Award Medallion is a deeply etched bronze medal (a $40.00 value) brilliantly displayed on a 25-inch red, white and blue satin ribbon.
-- And your Full Basic Membership into the International Society of Photographers for 2006 (a $60.00 value) entitles you to a personalized membership card, special discounts and contests, and a free subscription to our quarterly newsletter. Please note, if you are already an ISP member, your benefits will be extended an additional year.
Ãsmundur, all that's required for us to immediately send you all of these Awards is for you to give us permission to display your photograph, "Hope". Additionally, because you will not be present, we must also ask you for the necessary funds ($169.00 plus p+h) to cover the costs of the time and effort required to present your photography before the convention attendees, and to cover the costs incurred in insuring and shipping to you these extremely bulky and heavy awards.
Ãsmundur, we are, of course, ultimately most interested in meeting you and having you personally present your artistry in front of the thousands of other photographers who attend these live events. Unfortunately, this is not the case at this time, so we're trying to do the next best thing. But we sincerely hope to personally present you with your most deserved awards in the future.

Craig Foster
International Society of Photographers
Convention Awards Chairperson
The picture...

Message edited by author 2006-03-01 16:30:09.
03/01/2006 04:30:02 PM · #2
It is for sure a scam...
03/01/2006 04:33:24 PM · #3
Thanks manâ€Â¦
They don’t give up so easily do they â€Â¦.
03/01/2006 04:33:45 PM · #4
Sounds like something I got in the mail a couple of months ago. If I remember correctly it was somehow associated with Picture.com which is pretty much a scam, the folks that say your photo has been chosen to be used in their publication and you can buy the book, etc...
03/01/2006 04:33:56 PM · #5
I Googled the 'International Society of Photographers ' and there was nothing. Except for several other posts wondering if they were real or what the letter was about. My guess - it might be real, but probably not legit.
03/01/2006 04:39:14 PM · #6
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

It is for sure a scam...

I can vouch for that...I too rcv'd my invitation to the Symposium in Vegas, and a lot of crap from picture.com. They want to give you a nice silver bowl trophy with your name on it, that by the way...only costs you $69.00, and publish your picture in one a many books that you willl not get for at least a year and a half...if that. Search this in your browser...
You wil see a thread there from BetterPhoto.com with over a hundred people being taken as well...Stay Away I Say!!
03/01/2006 04:40:11 PM · #7
They also go by International Society...same people.
03/01/2006 04:51:56 PM · #8
I had this very thing happen to me about my poetry. Its a scam, sadly.... just tell them you wish to attend and they'll be stumped enough to leave you alone. ;)
03/01/2006 05:11:04 PM · #9
A similar scam went through BetterPhotos a while back. Anyone who asks for money and you don't know who they are is a scam.

Another scam even here at DPC is someone who does not have a camera, has not submitted and has not voted (or just a few) asks if they can get a copy of a specific photo for school or their kids school project. It is usually a phish trying to confirm your e-mail or get other info. Beware
03/02/2006 12:07:30 AM · #10
More and more crooks with computers. It use to be ok 2-3 years ago when it was to expensive for people to be online but now its so cheap that every crook and their brother is online trying to screw you out of your money. These people ruin the internet. Some people use it to learn and some use it to steal. They are getting better and better at it too.

They spend hours and hours learning new ways to cheat you out of your money. If its not spyware, malware its viruses and hacks. Use to be if you stay away from porn your ok but anymore it doesnt matter what you do they will get you.
03/02/2006 12:44:08 AM · #11
looks like a scam to me.

I've also been getting mails from "Nigerians" asking for business ventures, LOL.... and in 8/10 of those emails, they seem to use the same tactics about a widow left with huge amount of money, or those sorts. It's freaking ridiculous :)
03/02/2006 12:52:07 AM · #12
I got one for poetry..
Was already published elsewhere..
I got one for stories.
My son got one for poetry...

03/02/2006 10:44:04 AM · #13
Yes, it is a scam ... or at least a scheme. You would get the trophy, plaque, book or whatever if you pay them the money, but basically what you're doing is paying THEM for the rights to use YOUR photographs.

I almost got sucked into it a couple years ago. I gave them the rights to publish 3 of my photos in an upcoming book. But I didn't buy into their other offers. Guess what, that book came out and my photos aren't in it.

Also, they were holding a similar kind of symposium in DC and since I'm local I considered going, but as it drew closer all the "renowned" speakers they had lined up suddenly canceled. It was surmised that the guest speakers also got wind that it was a scam and bailed.
03/02/2006 10:47:52 AM · #14
this year they have a national geographic photographer speaking. The last letter I got from them told me I could still have my work displayed at the conference even though I wasnt going to attend, (for only about $300!!!)
03/02/2006 11:30:28 AM · #15
Yes I have had numerous communications by email and snail mail from this organisation after entering one of their comps. and being chosen as one of their "outstanding photographers" (crap!) and my photo being awarded all sorts of prizes. It's all there to take your money and unless you need phoney applause and plaudits, don't bother to reply!!!
I'm just hanging in there hoping for a virtual ribbon at some point before I die!
03/02/2006 11:51:22 AM · #16
It sounded all good and well until they got to the "send us money" part. Sounds like one of those "Who's Who" types of deals like we'd see in high school. Send us money and we'll send you this swell book with your name in it... woo hoo...!
03/02/2006 11:54:30 AM · #17
Since there have been a few mentions of poetry scams, I thought you might enjoy this article by Dave Barry.

I laugh out loud every time I read it!
03/12/2006 08:39:45 PM · #18
I have managed to Google a couple of people who describe themselves as nominated as Amateur photographer of the year from the International Society of Photographers in their website credentials. I reckon it's a hoot!
03/12/2006 09:27:57 PM · #19
I'm amazed at how many people actually consider it an honor to be nominated for any of the "Who's Who" books out. I mean, I've seen college professors bragging about this accomplishment. It's embarrassing! They take your money and then the person's name is published in about a 4 pt. font!
03/12/2006 10:38:50 PM · #20
I've got a better deal for ya. Just sent my $75 and I'll have a star named after your photo as well as an authentic certificate stating that I received your photo and have now verified your address, phone number and e-mail address. AND ... in order to help you win many more contests I will for a small amount of only an additional $25 will post this information to 100 additional sites stating you are willing to generously participate in their similar contests and galleries. You can then become a celebrity. LOL. Hve fun ;)
03/12/2006 10:40:50 PM · #21
03/12/2006 10:42:48 PM · #22
i read the first line...SCAM
03/12/2006 10:53:04 PM · #23
Remember that these scammers don't even have to be visitors of DPC. Try Googling your handle and you'll see that it's easy to find many pics and other info about you from google. A computer can do most of the searches and just a minor final touch by human hands.
03/12/2006 11:21:44 PM · #24
Scam rhymes with Spam, and I hate both.

It's a scam.
03/12/2006 11:30:11 PM · #25
Ok I know I really shouldn't be telling people this but I just got an email from this guy in Nigeria that wants to split 25 million dollars with me! I have given him my bank account and pin number now I just have to wait for him to transfer the money. I am suppose to transfer half of it to another account after he transfers it to mine but I think I will just keep it all.

Seriously don't let people abuse your trust. Look past what they are offering you. In most cases if you haven't heard of them and no one else has then how much of a benefit of recognition will it really give you. If in addition they are asking for money then it sounds like they are getting the better end of the deal.

I was being sarcastic in the first paragraph in case it wasn't obvious for everyone. :)

Message edited by author 2006-03-12 23:31:34.
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