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DPChallenge Forums >> Current Challenge >> Future Scores...
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 38, (reverse)
08/07/2003 12:28:05 AM · #1
Only 10 votes so far, but my score is fluctuating wildly! Way up, then way down, way up, down again. I have a feeling this challenge will be voted one of two ways... People who like Photoshopped images giving high scores to obviously manipulated shots (if done well), and people who like traditional images depicting a future event or condition in some way, scoring Photoshopped images poorly.
Just a thought, don't know if it's right or not.
I really enjoy what can be done in Photoshop, and I think I gave more high scores in this challenge than any other. There are also some great 'traditional' entries as well.
Good job everybody!
JD Anderson
08/07/2003 12:29:21 AM · #2
08/07/2003 12:38:21 AM · #3
OK... stuck on 12 votes for the last 30 or 40 clicks of the update button. I'm going to bed before I give myself carpel tunnel.
JD Anderson
08/07/2003 12:50:00 AM · #4
overall, i'm disappointed with the "Future" photos.

i certainly hope that people don't think this is what the pro-spot-editing contingent expects to be able to do in every challenge. there's a far cry between removing dust and scratches and adding warp-tunnel effects.

i was under the impression that ALL of the source images used (if more than one image was combined) must have been taken by the submitter. just because we are allowing unlimited editing doesn't mean that we should allow unlimited sourcing of materials. the rules don't explicitly state that the submitter MUST be the photographer, but i assumed that was understood.


Message edited by Manic - Removal of reference to a photo.
08/07/2003 12:59:16 AM · #5
I thought the same thing, but then I realized that they could have taken a photo of a poster or other graphic. Either way, it's still a photo of someone else's artwork, and you get into that whole photographing works of art issue. The challenge description said No-holds-barred... As a result, I am being pretty open minded with regard to image manipulation...
I agree though, people should not scan a graphic to use in their image. A photo of the graphic is sort of within the rules, depending on how you look at it...

Message edited by Manic - Removal of a reference to a current photo.
08/07/2003 01:15:33 AM · #6
There was obviously some serious time spent on these entries. I'm surprised at how much digital work was done on the pics overall, but they look cool for the most part. I just don't have enough imagination to even come up with some of those ideas, and don't have the skill to execute them anyway.

*too late for spelling and grammar*

Message edited by author 2003-08-07 01:16:26.
08/07/2003 01:21:33 AM · #7
Originally posted by smellyfish1002:

Just a thought, don't know if it's right or not.
I really enjoy what can be done in Photoshop, and I think I gave more high scores in this challenge than any other. There are also some great 'traditional' entries as well.
Good job everybody!
JD Anderson

I feel the exact same way. I saw some very exceptional submissions and enjoyed the diversity. People invested great efforts in this challenge. I was surprised to vote many many pictures with high scores. Real entertainment!

Message edited by author 2003-08-07 12:41:04.
08/07/2003 01:33:30 AM · #8
I think I've seen two that I actually like one is kinda badly spliced together but is kinda funny and the other is very well done and looks like a non photoshopped image all the rest are kinda um well lets just say I had an idea of a notebook in a pen but didn't know how to pull it off so I didn't because I know it would be about like half of these
08/07/2003 02:17:31 AM · #9
just got back off my holidays and i seem to have missed a few challenges, but i just looked through the future challenge and the shots there are amazings, looks like we got some good photoshoppers on here
08/07/2003 03:04:11 AM · #10
I am a Photoshop lover myself. I believe Photoshop can improve an image in many ways. But for the most challenges here, I am actually very glad that we are not allowed to manipulate the images that much. It would really lead us away from trying to take better pictures.

I have voted on "the future" challenge and I am a tiny bit dissapointed that although we had "no-holds-barred" rule, some misused it to "mangle" their images. I understand that not everyone is photo-editing expert, but why submitting something that is of very low quality.

I am not trying to be judgemental, I acutally didn't give any 1s or 2s, but I am always trying to be hard on myself and I would never submit something distorted and then expect people to like it. I can't wait to see the complaints from the lower scored images on this one.
08/07/2003 03:26:00 AM · #11
I saw this challenge as a chance to make a traditional picture a technical better one by spot editing it. Take away dust and other disturbing things. Do things in parts of the shot and not always the whole picture. So I have a traditional shot made as well looking as I can today.
08/07/2003 03:33:58 AM · #12
I didn't enter this challenge in the end as I couldn't get my image to look like it had come from the camera in one shot.. Looked to 'put together'. I was a real believer in having no holds barred all the time editing, now I'm not so sure.. A lot of people really mangled their images with this one... Not many look like they could have been taken in one capture in the camera...
08/07/2003 03:50:54 AM · #13
Having the editing restrictions lifted would only allow dodging and burning and maybe cloning and healing brushes. It wouldn't allow composites of different photos.
08/07/2003 03:54:36 AM · #14
There are no rules in this challenge at all!
So why are you once again fabricating rules and restrictions that do not exist.

Where does it say these need to look as if they were taken in one capture?

08/07/2003 04:07:26 AM · #15
There is a constant question as to weather good photography is mostly technical or mostly artistic.
This is the perfect opportunity to explore the creative side of photography with an open mindâ€Â¦ Only to find out these shots are being rated very low by narrow-minded voters who can only bash the technical imperfections and drop the scores because of rules that do not apply to this challenge.
08/07/2003 04:15:44 AM · #16
No-rules challenges like this one are fun and there are a lot of cool shots in it, but they should be a 'genre' of their own!

As others have said, the photography element would get lost! So it's interesting to do this once in a while but generally spot-editing should stay prohibited.
08/07/2003 04:18:36 AM · #17

WHY is that SO HARD ?
08/07/2003 04:27:09 AM · #18
Lifting the editing for the site would only allow for D&B and maybe cloning and healing. There are still rules for editing with only those allowed. The photography element would not be lost.

This challenge is no rules at all. Thats why there are so many photoshop entries.
08/07/2003 04:43:59 AM · #19
Originally posted by SoulHunter74:

No-rules challenges like this one are fun and there are a lot of cool shots in it, but they should be a 'genre' of their own!

As others have said, the photography element would get lost! So it's interesting to do this once in a while but generally spot-editing should stay prohibited.

I agree, but this challenge IS in a genre of its own. It is the first and only one of its kind on DPC, so why not just go with it? Enjoy it as the refreshing change that it is. There are currently 5 challenges going on at the same time here. This one is different than the other 4. Can't this one just be enjoyed for what it is? A nice change from the norm to get a taste of something out of the ordinary?
08/07/2003 04:50:40 AM · #20
Just a reminder folks, please don't refer directly to any photos that are currently being voted upon. If you feel that it's an illegal shot, please raise a DQ request about it, but remember to vote as though it is valid.
08/07/2003 04:54:13 AM · #21
Originally posted by Gringo:

Originally posted by SoulHunter74:

No-rules challenges like this one are fun and there are a lot of cool shots in it, but they should be a 'genre' of their own!

As others have said, the photography element would get lost! So it's interesting to do this once in a while but generally spot-editing should stay prohibited.

I agree, but this challenge IS in a genre of its own. It is the first and only one of its kind on DPC, so why not just go with it? Enjoy it as the refreshing change that it is. There are currently 5 challenges going on at the same time here. This one is different than the other 4. Can't this one just be enjoyed for what it is? A nice change from the norm to get a taste of something out of the ordinary?

I agree with Gringo. This No Holds Barred challenge is a pleasant change for us to do something a little different. As long as a challenge like this doesn't come up too often, maybe once every half year or so, then why not go for it and do what you want to do? I am totally for it.

And there is really no point in voting photos down because they have been photoshopped a lot. There are a lot of good photos there. Not only did I have a lot of fun getting my shot ready for this challenge I also enjoyed voting on all the others.

08/07/2003 05:06:28 AM · #22
Second that Kiwiness. A great opportunity to try some different tricks with an end in view rather than just for amusment: it's amazing how differrent it is when you know something's going to be shown.

08/07/2003 05:49:10 AM · #23
I'm in the same boat. I think this type of challenge is fun once in a while. The fact that it's a side challenge is also great. I saw some pretty neat effects in the Future challenge. I will vote every entry on its own merits. I will not vote down excissive editing, just like I won't vote down pictures that have not been manipulated.

I'm going to enjoy voting on this one. Good luck. :)
08/07/2003 06:48:40 AM · #24
Oh for heaven's sake...my score dropped two tenths of a point in the last 45 minutes. I think I'm gonna go turn off the "make score visible" thingie and just go about my life blissfully unaware...anyone wanna join me in Club Bliss?

08/07/2003 07:21:59 AM · #25
Originally posted by shareinnc:

Oh for heaven's sake...my score dropped two tenths of a point in the last 45 minutes. I think I'm gonna go turn off the "make score visible" thingie and just go about my life blissfully unaware...anyone wanna join me in Club Bliss?


No thanks I´m too busy with my update stats button ...
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