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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Gas Prices
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04/12/2006 01:17:19 PM · #1
What the gas price in your town or city ?
this morning i payed 2.93 per gallon, thats crazy expensive,
my school is boycotting Exxon and Mobil, saying dont buy gas from them do you think that would work, cause them to bring down their prices.
04/12/2006 01:21:30 PM · #2
Typically gas boycotts don't work, gas prices always go up in the summer because people drive more.

$2.93 is high in America but I think you might find it's cheap compared to how much many other countries pay...

Ever stop to think how much a gallon of toothpaste or mayonaise is? And those don't power your car...
04/12/2006 01:22:18 PM · #3
Probly not,

$2.65 here, and we have low fuel taxes. That's the same as $3.15 in Cali where theres .50 extra tax on top.

If an ethanol station pops up in the KC area, I'm getting a GM. Would be wonderful if Honda and Toyota came out with Hybrid+E85 en masse.

I'd love to start putting farmers back in business, and let the mid-east eat thier oil.

04/12/2006 01:23:32 PM · #4
definetly i would buy one of those E-85 cars if they would ever get a gas station in souther cali
04/12/2006 01:26:14 PM · #5
Originally posted by wavelength:

...I'd love to start putting farmers back in business, and let the mid-east eat thier oil...

Amen to that. I think we are headed in that direction it's just a matter of time.

Doesn't Iceland have the most advanced and prolific hydrogen based fuel system in the world? I seem to remember hearing something about that...
04/12/2006 01:43:10 PM · #6
Here in Oklahoma the price was $2.49 yesterday and $2.57 today.
04/12/2006 01:48:59 PM · #7
You know, however much it hurts now, I hope the prices stay high. The only way that Joe American changes his habits is when it hits his pocketbook. We've been suckling at the oil teat far too long and finally we have a chance to do something about it. But our lackadaisical nature will keep anything from happening if prices drop too soon.

BTW, $2.69 here.
04/12/2006 01:56:56 PM · #8
$5.95 per US gallon, and I'm at the cheap end of the country.
Now quit yer moaning ; )
04/12/2006 01:58:30 PM · #9
All you need to do to offset the cost of fuel is of course not to drive as much. Plan your trips to make them more productive.
Now!!! Who is going to convince me to do that??? I just keep putting in fuel and so be it.
04/12/2006 02:01:49 PM · #10
99.9 cents/litre CDN or 96.4 cents/litre CDN depending on which station
04/12/2006 02:16:23 PM · #11
We dropped a bit in the past few days. We are now at $2.75/gallon
04/12/2006 02:19:40 PM · #12
Los Angeles has been going up. I paid $2.93/gal yesterday.....

04/12/2006 02:30:22 PM · #13
Originally posted by DrAchoo:

You know, however much it hurts now, I hope the prices stay high. The only way that Joe American changes his habits is when it hits his pocketbook. We've been suckling at the oil teat far too long and finally we have a chance to do something about it. But our lackadaisical nature will keep anything from happening if prices drop too soon.

BTW, $2.69 here.

That is indeed a wonderful premise... but what about poor schmucks like me who live 40 plus miles from the nearest city and has to drive to work. Sure it would be nice for me to commute to work, except for the fact that I do consulting work , don't have fixed hours and I don't imagine others would be inclined to wait for me to get back so they can go home.

I have often heard it said that europeans pay this and that, and while it is true... one must consider a few factors about Europe. First, they have wonderful mass transit systems which we dont have here. Secondly, one could fit the a good portion of Europe in one of the Provinces in Canada.

The majority of the costs for fuels in this country is in taxes... period....... and when one considers that these are added to the value of the products.....you can rest assured that the governments are not at all inclined to see a reduction in prices.

I am quite prepared to pay my fair share of fuel costs as they relate to the use of vehicles... but it burns my A$$ when I see the cost of heating fuels go up at the onset of winter... makes me wish I could horde a supply of it during the summer months.

OK... I am done ranting and I feel better now


04/12/2006 02:30:24 PM · #14
i think the last time i filled up it was like $2.56/gal. im In KC MO
04/12/2006 02:38:15 PM · #15
Originally posted by RayEthier:

but what about poor schmucks like me who live 40 plus miles from the nearest city and has to drive to work.

Originally posted by bcoble:

All you need to do to offset the cost of fuel is of course not to drive as much. Plan your trips to make them more productive

schmuck here! and I'll talk to my boss about not driving as much and planning my trips to make them more productive.

2.87/gal this morning.

04/12/2006 02:40:29 PM · #16
Originally posted by RayEthier:

... one must consider a few factors about Europe. First, they have wonderful mass transit systems ...

Oh my. That's the first time I've heard our public transport called wonderful in, erm ... ever!
Thanks for the laugh : )
04/12/2006 02:43:03 PM · #17
$5.00 per US gallon here in Ireland.
04/12/2006 02:43:21 PM · #18
Originally posted by bod:

Originally posted by RayEthier:

... one must consider a few factors about Europe. First, they have wonderful mass transit systems ...

Oh my. That's the first time I've heard our public transport called wonderful in, erm ... ever!
Thanks for the laugh : )

...........Hmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps its because you have never had the great pleasure of travelling aboard our cattle cars.

04/12/2006 02:46:17 PM · #19
$1.12/litre... went up two hours before I pulled in to fill up, of course.
04/12/2006 02:48:46 PM · #20
$1.11 a litre here(Canadian), they say prices are going up 6.4 cents a litre on Saturday. I just filled up my mini-van and it cost $84!!!
04/12/2006 02:54:37 PM · #21
Originally posted by KarenNfld:

$1.11 a litre here(Canadian), they say prices are going up 6.4 cents a litre on Saturday. I just filled up my mini-van and it cost $84!!!

Sheesh........I guess you are thankful its not a full size van huh... hehehehe

04/12/2006 03:00:09 PM · #22
Hmm, I was kinda young then, but I remember in the 70's when there were gas issues. Remember the high prices? Odd/even days? etc.
Well I remember people in general trying to do something about it. Folks carpooled, rode bikes, walked, bought SMALL FUEL EFFICIENT CARS,cut back on driving whenever possible, etc. I'm sure all that had some kind of affect on the fuel industry.
It seems like these days, americans response to this is to go out and buy bigger vehicles, drive more and try to burn up as much gas as they can. I guess that'll show 'em! "High prices? Hah! We'll just throw more money in your pockets! How 'bout them apples, huh? Nyah, nyah, nyah!!!"
04/12/2006 03:04:41 PM · #23
Originally posted by TroyMosley:

definetly i would buy one of those E-85 cars if they would ever get a gas station in souther cali

Here was a silly little fact. I bought my Chevy Suburban new in 2001. Because it could use alternative fuels it qualified for a $2000 deduction on my taxes! How cool was that. You go in and negotiate the best deal you could get then the goverment kicks in some more.

Seemed like a silly deduction but I took it.

04/12/2006 03:15:22 PM · #24
$6.06 per gallon here in the UK so quit yer moaning!


Also, its got nothing to do with people driving their cars more in the summer, its to do with the hoo-hah over Iran at the moment.

Message edited by author 2006-04-12 15:16:34.
04/12/2006 03:17:23 PM · #25
Helpful little site for finding the lower prices for gas in your town...or in mine. ;-)

Oooooo! Cool new feature on that site! National Gas Temperature Map!

Message edited by author 2006-04-12 15:19:06.
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