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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Married Mens Club:NO WIVES ALLOWED
Showing posts 76 - 100 of 148, (reverse)
04/14/2006 08:40:03 PM · #76
Originally posted by marcellieb:

I agree; Can somebody please change the title to "In depth armchair analysis of why lost that last game" - or something similar :-)

That will definately work - All the wives except the CANADIAN wifes will then stay away. [/quote]

eh? You know something about canadian wives I don't?
04/14/2006 08:44:03 PM · #77
Originally posted by pidge:

Originally posted by marcellieb:

I agree; Can somebody please change the title to "In depth armchair analysis of why lost that last game" - or something similar :-)

That will definately work - All the wives except the CANADIAN wifes will then stay away.

eh? You know something about canadian wives I don't? [/quote]

Guys - Found a Spy ;-). No, Somebody put a comment earlier about canadian wifes - Just read one of the earlier threads.
04/14/2006 11:41:28 PM · #78
A life long bump of committment, and drinking.
04/14/2006 11:43:23 PM · #79
pour me another
04/14/2006 11:54:13 PM · #80
While drinking a shot of whiskey, and pouring another for deapee, I thought about these sites for the married man.





Message edited by author 2006-04-15 00:00:31.
04/15/2006 12:21:24 AM · #81
um... I keep trying to be nostalgic for the single life, but then I remember that the biggest thrill of being single was that hope that you would find someone wonderful to spend your lonely life with.
04/15/2006 12:25:12 AM · #82
Married life (well I'm not exactly married, but I've been with my girlfriend for four plus years and have lived together for over two) is all about compromises...You gotta do this, gotta do that, when she says, how she says (hrmm maybe that's not compromising, that's more like her way or the highway)...well sometimes anwyay (not that that's a bad thing, I'm just saying, enjoy being single while you can).
04/15/2006 02:22:11 AM · #83
Instead of just this thread shouldn't we have an entire forum? Maybe we can petition the removal of that women's thread to free up space? :P
04/15/2006 02:50:08 AM · #84
Count me in. Married 32 years and the chain is still holding.
04/15/2006 05:18:38 AM · #85
Originally posted by yanko:

Instead of just this thread shouldn't we have an entire forum? Maybe we can petition the removal of that women's thread to free up space? :P

HA!!! Like Heck.....are you really game to have me to deal with...look out Mister....I can give as good as I get...and I am warning you...it won't be a pretty sight.

04/15/2006 09:27:06 AM · #86
Originally posted by Judi:

Originally posted by yanko:

Instead of just this thread shouldn't we have an entire forum? Maybe we can petition the removal of that women's thread to free up space? :P

HA!!! Like Heck.....are you really game to have me to deal with...look out Mister....I can give as good as I get...and I am warning you...it won't be a pretty sight.


Breath, Breath,.... it's a new day. The sun is shining, well it is somewhere in the world.

Message edited by author 2006-04-15 09:27:38.
04/15/2006 10:21:06 AM · #87

Message edited by author 2006-04-15 10:21:48.
04/15/2006 12:47:39 PM · #88
Originally posted by marcellieb:

Originally posted by hankk:

Originally posted by meanwile:

Fellas! Good news! Me and the girls been talkin' and after seeing this, we have decided to relieve you of your duties... you know... the 'marital' ones... Enjoy the photos ;-)

Why does any woman think she can keep us from having sex when all she can do is keep us from having sex with her? ;->

LOL - My wife will kill me if I tried to have sex with somebody else - anyway don't want to - too much respect and love for the wife - NO, SHE IS NOT IN THE ROOM!!!
Also don't want my child to grow up in a broken home.

Me too. There are a lot of other reasons not to cheat (a lot of them deal with your own peace of mind, and others come down to "its too much work to lie that much"). But sometimes you have to remind them ... ;-)
04/15/2006 01:33:40 PM · #89
I feel like this is becoming similar to a A.A. meeting.

I'm 32?yrs old and I'm single. My last drink was 3 years ago... lol
04/15/2006 01:33:55 PM · #90
Just celebrated 9 years married 3 days ago. Man where has the time gone!? I have learned stuff though:

1. There are no such things as jobs around the house It what I did for you.

2. When the wife calls to say I love you at work, it mean pick up beer and a movie.

3. When the wife borrows your vehicle and theres a new dent, ignore it. because the thought of pointing it out brings up a fight that you will never win.

4. You will never win an argument, plain and simple.

5. Anything in the garage is subject to getting run into, because you left it in the garage.

6. No matter how great of a job you did on some home improvement project, something is always left negitive on the last one.

7. Buying a guy a present for the birthday/christmas like a lawnmower or some sort of home improvement tool counts, A nice vacuum cleaner for the wife just doesn't hold up... Something like "Why did you buy me a vacuum are you trying to tell me something!?" (Same goes with gym memberships, and exercise equipment.)

8. It better just to hide the camera store purchases, they become a bone of contention anyways, never mind the money spent on fingernail, massages, makeup, Gym membership they have.

9. When construction work is done on the house and some "hot young guy" has his shirt off its ok for they wife to call all the nieghborhood wives to check it out, thats ok. But if some nice looking lady is walking down the street and we look thats being a pig.

10. You assume all responsiblity when something happens. The dog escapes, its your fault because the fence was weak. Toilet overflows, you left the plunger in the other bathroom. Your laptop get soaked in the living room because the windows were left open, you shouldn't have left it there. ETC..
04/15/2006 01:44:49 PM · #91
Wow. After reading the last post, someone wanna' tell me why this is such a great thing to get into? I want pain, I can go stand on nails on my own ;)
04/15/2006 01:47:19 PM · #92
Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

Wow. After reading the last post, someone wanna' tell me why this is such a great thing to get into? I want pain, I can go stand on nails on my own ;)

The part its all worth it comes to mind;)
04/15/2006 02:40:27 PM · #93
Originally posted by OdysseyF22:

Wow. After reading the last post, someone wanna' tell me why this is such a great thing to get into? I want pain, I can go stand on nails on my own ;)

Well, you can buy nails from the hardware store and get your pain cheaply, true.

or you can spend time with another person, a soul mate, into your late years, enduring both pain and happiness, and get nailed for free.
04/15/2006 03:05:03 PM · #94
Very nice MQuinn, I totally agree. Men out there not married should consider these entirely.......and run.

Married 6+ years after June, or July, or June...ahhhh I'm not sure one of those hot J months. LOL. <----don't let this happen to you, it has caused me extensive sexual deprivation.

So my wife is pretty good looking, and I love nude photograpy. "sexy photography", not smut. How in the world can I get her more relaxed in photo shoots, and/or talk her into letting me find a fill-in.
04/15/2006 04:31:36 PM · #95
Originally posted by MQuinn:

9. When construction work is done on the house and some "hot young guy" has his shirt off its ok for they wife to call all the nieghborhood wives to check it out, thats ok. But if some nice looking lady is walking down the street and we look thats being a pig.

So what's wrong with being a pig?
04/15/2006 04:55:37 PM · #96
I'm in! Do I get a card, or do we have a secret handshake?
04/15/2006 05:06:00 PM · #97
As they promised, being married has been the best 10 years of my life.

BTW - I'm going on 20 years this May. ;)
04/15/2006 05:11:08 PM · #98
I must say that being married is actualy very nice - if you are into sex, don't get married - had lots more before I got married. Luckily sex is not the only thing in a wedding. It is the thought of coming home to somebody that loves me. I have a beautiful little girl - best thing that ever happened to me.
Also have 4 cats, 2 dogs, 200 fish, one African Gray Parrot, One Budgie and plenty of Ghekos.
04/15/2006 05:15:08 PM · #99
Looks like you boys have went and done it now. The hens have started up their own thread as well. They just can't help themselves can they? Always following in men's footsteps.

04/15/2006 05:16:41 PM · #100
Originally posted by dudephil:

Looks like you boys have went and done it now. The hens have started up their own thread as well. They just can't help themselves can they? Always following in men's footsteps.

Yeah...you would like a good pounding, wouldn't you? Well I am not going to give you the satisfaction Mister....hahahahaha!!
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