Author | Thread |
04/14/2006 11:27:25 PM · #26 |
Originally posted by karmat: my initial response has nothing to do with how she looks. But to take soap and shampoo to "shower" in public. That is just odd to me.
Maybe it is because I am from the mountains, but I thought those were to rinse sand off of your feet and stuff. |
Precisely! Everyone else rinsed off and moved on....
04/14/2006 11:46:16 PM · #27 |
Originally posted by idnic: Originally posted by karmat: my initial response has nothing to do with how she looks. But to take soap and shampoo to "shower" in public. That is just odd to me.
Maybe it is because I am from the mountains, but I thought those were to rinse sand off of your feet and stuff. |
Precisely! Everyone else rinsed off and moved on.... |
Viewed in this context, I have no problems with your comments, and have a full appreciation that this type of activity might detract from the overall ambiance one normally seeks and finds in a restaurant setting.
Sadly however, I am inclined to believe that the "ewwws" and other gratuitous comments had little to do with the fact she was carrying soap.
Maybe it's just me... and I'm a tad too sensitive about such matters.
Ray |
04/14/2006 11:46:42 PM · #28 |
It is possible she has no other place to shower, like thousands of others in the USA. |
04/14/2006 11:48:04 PM · #29 |
Originally posted by GeneralE: It is possible she has no other place to shower, like thousands of others in the USA. |
I actually wondered that myself, we were in a fairly affluent area of the beaches, but it WAS a public access point... so hard to say. But close inspection of the shots shows a well-fed and cared for dog and a not-inexpensive bathing suit....
04/14/2006 11:50:10 PM · #30 |
For the record, my comment was directed at her activity. The last think I want while eating is to see someone showering in public like was described.
04/15/2006 09:14:26 AM · #31 |
bump for the daytime crowd ;)
04/15/2006 09:23:48 AM · #32 |
Cindi, these shots were a lot of takes all types and shapes to make up the world we live in, she's a little different and that's why it was fun. Thanks for posting this. It's amazing how your title got us all in...hmmm, hmmm
04/15/2006 12:35:51 PM · #33 |
Originally posted by idnic: Originally posted by GeneralE: It is possible she has no other place to shower, like thousands of others in the USA. |
I actually wondered that myself, we were in a fairly affluent area of the beaches, but it WAS a public access point... so hard to say. But close inspection of the shots shows a well-fed and cared for dog and a not-inexpensive bathing suit.... |
From today's NY Times:
The police in Los Angeles, which has been wrestling with how to reduce a homeless population that by some counts is the largest in the country, have used the ordinance in an effort to clean up Skid Row, a 50-block area east of downtown that has long been home to the down and out.
There, some 10,000 to 12,000 homeless people live near new condominiums and apartment buildings that have arisen in an explosion of gentrification. The ruling said there was shelter for 9,000 to 10,000 homeless people in that area, leaving about 1,000 people or more without a roof over their heads.
Many people these days are one or two paychecks away from homelessness; that bikini may be from better times or bought second-hand. Most homeless people with pets have a sense of responsibility to make sure the pets eat first, perhaps more so than the society which lets the homeless themselves eat from garbage cans.
She may just be an exhibitionist of questionable taste.
Or, "Smile!" -- the restaurant patrons may have all been on Candid Camera ...
Message edited by author 2006-04-15 12:36:20. |
04/15/2006 03:11:09 PM · #34 |
living in a beach town, this sort of thing wouldn't even garner a double take, but i guess i can understand if you never see it. the rules are simply different at the beach. :) anyway, there are many people who just don't like the salt. i couldn't care less about it for myself, i find the beach hair--salty skin thing a bit sexy, but a lot of people just can't stand the way it feels. and it is extremely hard on your hair, unfortunately. |
04/15/2006 04:23:25 PM · #35 |
My goodness, it's highly offensive, it truly is. Heres hoping your day wasn't completely ruined by such a shocking event as somebody using a shower to take a shower.
04/15/2006 04:40:15 PM · #36 |
I remember a small crowd getting agitated when a woman did that at our beach. The woman was young and shapely but still got a very mixed vocal response. It wan't coming from restaurant diners, just people who were waiting to use the shower. She picked up on a few shouts of 'take it off' from some teenagers, and proceeded to drag it out by not really taking it off but stretching her bikini bottoms so much that the people closest proclaimed her not to be a true blond. Like the woman in Cindi's pictures, I kinda respect her for having some moxie.
04/17/2006 08:10:20 PM · #37 |
I reckon you had to have shot that pic from 4 miles away using a super wide angle lens to fit her |
04/17/2006 08:12:36 PM · #38 |
04/17/2006 08:15:28 PM · #39 |
Originally posted by CraigF: I reckon you had to have shot that pic from 4 miles away using a super wide angle lens to fit her |
That's one of the most derogatory and insensitive comments I've ever seen on this site.
04/17/2006 09:11:06 PM · #40 |
Originally posted by CraigF: I reckon you had to have shot that pic from 4 miles away using a super wide angle lens to fit her |
You know, a lot of us girls who are in the plus-sized category really feel great when things like this are posted. Yeah, we shouldn't let society get to us, yeah we know that our true beauty is on the inside, yadda yadda yadda, but overall, it really sucks, and it works to grind what little self-confidence we might have into the ground. I'm working my ass off (literally) to try to become more healthy (not because I want to be more attractive or more accepted by society as a whole) and it took a lot for me to even get one full-length body shot of myself posted in the silly self portrait thing going on in another thread.
Shower on, lady...screw the folks who think so little of us as human beings as to say things like that.
04/17/2006 09:31:22 PM · #41 |
Misleading topic title! I'm in two minds as to whether I should make an amusing comment and risk offending some members ... Yep, I'll hold my tongue on this one!
Comment edited.
Message edited by author 2006-04-17 21:35:52. |
04/17/2006 09:34:39 PM · #42 |
One time I got lost on a detour (through a scary bayou) and didn't make it into the beach town I was going to until dawn, all the hotels were full and I had to wait until after two to check in anywhere.
Yup. Took a shower there on the beach.
I also took a nap in the rocking chairs at Cracker Barrel. I did go in and eat mind you, but there was definitely napping.
I was fresh as a daisy by show time that night though, and had scored a nice condo. But I do assure you, that public shower was far less offensive to the eyes than I had been to the nose.
04/17/2006 09:41:16 PM · #43 |
I'm really not amused by the overweight jokes and such. I expect a little more class out of people I suppose.
04/17/2006 09:46:39 PM · #44 |
Originally posted by Bear_Music: Originally posted by CraigF: I reckon you had to have shot that pic from 4 miles away using a super wide angle lens to fit her |
That's one of the most derogatory and insensitive comments I've ever seen on this site.
R. |
I will definitely second you on that one Robert... and the truly sad thing is that the author actually seems to find humour in it.
Lauriel, more power to you my dear. I applaud you for your fortitute, and notwitstanding the fact that I have never met you... rest assured that I am one of many who would take great pleasure in calling you "FRIEND"... because you madam are truly a class act.
Ray |
04/17/2006 10:29:12 PM · #45 |
Originally posted by fotomann_forever: I'm really not amused by the overweight jokes and such. I expect a little more class out of people I suppose. |
I totally concur and bravo, Robert for pointing out the obvious rather clearly! I did not post this image for people to make jokes or persoanl attacks about this woman -- If you actually READ the original post -- my comments were more surprised and mildly amused at her activity..... never personal attacks... and that's the way it should stay!!
04/17/2006 10:31:01 PM · #46 |
Leroy not Robert :-p
Oh Sorry...
Message edited by author 2006-04-17 22:31:46. |
04/17/2006 11:01:57 PM · #47 |
Sheesh, I can't believe I got an email over the comment I left of this shot. To anybody who thinks I'm "Mr. Evil" I left a clarification in the original comment box.
Good day. |
04/17/2006 11:15:57 PM · #48 |
Wow, well I'll give them "guts" (no pun intended) for wearing those outfits anyway. :) Show's they aren't wimps which is good I guess.
One time on the beach I saw a women even bigger then those ladys wearing nothing but a very skimpy bikini, top and bottom!! LOL, now that was just pushing it big time, and I almost thought that a new law was needed to prevent that kind of situation. :D
Message edited by author 2006-04-17 23:16:51.
04/17/2006 11:49:07 PM · #49 |
"sexy bikini clad woman"...that was the title of the forum post...and that wasn't meant to make fun of these women? |
04/17/2006 11:58:22 PM · #50 |
Locking this thread. The horrific stereo-type comments and discrimination shown to the woman in the OP photo are totally uncalled for and completely un-DPC.
For the sake of all the different people in the world, please keep ALL COMMENTS constructive and non-discriminatory. Thanks.
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