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DPChallenge Forums >> Hardware and Software >> Need someone to help build me a new site...
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05/23/2006 06:58:11 PM · #1
I've decided I'm going to try and a get a portrait photography business off the ground this summer while I have some time. There's really only a few on-location photographers in this area...so it shouldn't be too hard to get some business....we'll see.

The first thing I want to do is build a new...more proffesional looking website aimed soley at my business, not just photography as a hobby.

I have no clue where to start and what to do... I want the site to be very stylish...yet simple and effective also. Maybe a flash intro and some other jazzy stuff, lol.

Anywho...if anyone wants to be my sitebuilder (or at least guide me on how to build a site) I will pay you....it won't be a whole lot, but I'll do what I can. Probably like a $100 or so... :P ...but I will drive to where you live and do your portraits for free :P

Anyone interested can drop me an email or a PM. Thanks!

05/23/2006 08:28:51 PM · #2
05/24/2006 02:40:09 AM · #3
05/24/2006 02:52:43 AM · #4
I am just starting to build my own by myself and loving every minute of it. I would help you with what I know...but I doubt you could drive to my place though...lol!!
05/24/2006 02:58:34 AM · #5
Will you drive to Norway? ;)

05/24/2006 02:59:43 AM · #6
I was lazy and just used Frontpage to do mine and then used SimpleViewer for the galleries!
05/24/2006 03:05:46 AM · #7
Stare at the sun,

Well first off unless you know flash and all that jazzy stuf I would tend to stay away from it. As it is easy to load up with the jazzy stuff and make the page very slow loading and nobody will want to visit it.

I would start off with an index page that is optimized for a browser that is set at 800x600 rez. With a nice clean simple background, some nice complentary colors for text links and whatnot. Carry the same color scheme thruought the site.

Through out the whole site make sure you use alot of text on the page it self in the alt tags that describe the image incase the image doesn't load. All this helps later in getting postions in search engines. search engines don't index websites very high if there is nothing but images. They love the text.

If there is any specfic questions you like to know feel free to ask. I may not know all the answers but I am sure I could point you in the right direction.
05/25/2006 12:49:42 AM · #8
Hmmm...I'm sill not sure what to do.

Can anyone point me out a mac-friendly program that can build sites?

Also...after I build the site how do I get it on the net exactly?

Thanks :P
05/25/2006 12:57:22 AM · #9
.Mac and iWeb
05/25/2006 01:08:02 AM · #10
Might I recommend Digital Ink? I know these guys personally and they are really great. One of them I actually introduced to this site so I will point him to this thread.
05/25/2006 01:10:10 AM · #11
Originally posted by stare_at_the_sun:

I have no clue where to start and what to do... I want the site to be very stylish...yet simple and effective also. Maybe a flash intro and some other jazzy stuff, lol.



I would suggest you investigate some existing providers that provide templates for very professional sites which can include flash, taking payment, etc. It's much better than building your own site, IMO, it's managed and continually improved by professionals and you can give it your own look and feel. A bit more expensive than something like smugmug but much cheaper than building and managing your own site and very easy to set up.

I researched this a lot recently for my new site and eventually went for a company called foliolink (www.foliolink.com). They are a small company but pleasant, helpful and I've been very pleased with them. Take a look at my new site (www.jzlimages.com) - and any comments and suggestions would be very helpful.

Take a look at foliolink's site. You can do a lot of things with their templates but there are some things that cannot be done. I only found these limitations out when building the site. They are minor limitations and in most cases there are workarounds.

There are other similar providers but I don;t have the details with me at the moment and I thought foliolink was the best.

PM me if you want further details.
05/25/2006 05:02:30 PM · #12

I hope we can work something out. :-D
We'll be in touch soon.

Carl @ Digital Ink

Message edited by author 2006-05-25 17:03:48.
05/25/2006 05:18:25 PM · #13

While I generally try to avoid "help me with my site" types of threads due to the fact I do it for a living, I do like to help. If I can, I will, but I can't say I'll build you anything.

It's great to want a slick looking, professional looking site, but while you're starting a new site, be sure it DOES what you want it to, before you try to get it to LOOK like you want it to. It won't do you any good to have a slick looking site that is hard to edit/updte...hard to sell from...isn't searchable via google etc or only works in IE 6.

The look is definitely important, but it's the 3rd thing (IMO), to put on the list. 1. Function (e-commerce, editing etc) 2. User/search engine friendly/easy to navigate and 3. of course making it pretty.

It's alot easier making a functional site pretty than to make a pretty site functional.


05/25/2006 05:27:00 PM · #14
Yeah I've also been wanting to make a website, so if anyone can help that would be great.
05/29/2006 02:26:08 AM · #15
I would be happy to help you you with your site work as well. I might be able to offer up some sort of help. Just send me an im if you still are looking for some assistance.

Message edited by author 2006-05-29 02:27:02.
05/29/2006 05:35:05 AM · #16
Have you considered going with SmugMug? It was $145 (after a referral coupon) for a year and then I paid like $20 to transfer my domain and register it for 2 years.

I know nothing about webdesign and started with their basic set-up. By itself, it is pretty professional looking. I started reading through the dgrin forums and one thing at a time I am customizing it to my liking. It's a bit of work and frustration, but it's worth it :)

I love how you can set your own print prices. I do my portrait session, and then upload the pics. From there, my client can order the pics and smugmug does the rest.

So far, I have only been with them for a few weeks but I am very happy.

My SmugMug site :)
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