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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> Camera Ticketing
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08/29/2003 01:44:13 PM · #1
In the spirit of last weeks hotly debated suv post...I will continue the auto trend...

I got one of those big brother camera tickets for running a red light, I wish I had seen the following website before last month!

Check out the video's...very informative! I'm not sold on the spray yet...but I'll probably go in w/ a friend and give it a try. Anyone use this stuff? I'd love to know.

08/29/2003 02:17:30 PM · #2
You could always just not run red lights ?
08/29/2003 02:26:00 PM · #3
Not everyone is actually running a red light. In Los Angeles, it was discovered that the timing of the lights had been adjusted to shorten the yellow, both "luring" people into an intersection they used to have time to cross, and sometimes actually not allowing adequate time to cross even if the intersection was entered legally.

Of course, that fact that the camera systems are PRIVATELY OWNED FOR PROFIT (cities get a "percentage" of the fines) probably has NOTHING to do with this situation.

But stopping whenever possible is a good idea for all of us ....
08/29/2003 02:45:54 PM · #4
=`) lol gordon.

I definately went through the light knowing that it was yellow - but i guess they deemed it was too late. I personally want a human police officer making the judgement call as to whether my yellow light crossing was safe or not. i.e. did I accelerate, or did I maintain speed, was i too late, etc.

The whole 1984 george orwell camera thing scares me, and the gov't can say what they want about saftey - it's all about the money. It starts with the traffic cams in the dangerous intersections...and then gradually it goes everywhere...it always starts out small and "for the public good"...
08/29/2003 02:56:31 PM · #5
We already have "sidewalk cams" in certain areas of Oakland, not to mention in all kinds of buildings, subways, and busses.
08/29/2003 03:12:30 PM · #6
that's crazy. I'll be out in San Fran at the end of sept...so general, I can assume that I'll be on "candid camera"?

I live in PA which is a predominently conservative state - so we are more slow to adopt such things as you are talking about gen. Do you know if anyone monitors these or are they "just" recorded?

08/29/2003 04:05:38 PM · #7
They just put up four of these cameras in Garland Texas as a test. The cameras take three different pictures of each car as it goes through the intersection running the light. This is for real. Other cities are considering the same.

Message edited by author 2003-08-29 16:06:20.
08/29/2003 04:20:05 PM · #8
How was the ticket delivered to you? You have to check your state laws, but usually you have to be served in person or by certified mail. These tickets aren't usually served properly, because doing so would cut into the revenue that they generate. But who cares about serving the ticket the legal way, since no court should be violating your sixth amendment right to face witnesses against you (can't cross-examine a camera so easily). This is assuming that it's one of those unattended cameras that snaps automatically. Go to court and get it thrown out.

EDIT: I just realized that I managed to get a legal rant off without the obligatory lament about how messed up the courts are that I have to explicitly remind everyone that...

"Nothing in this post should be construed as legal advice. Please consult a real attourney."

Message edited by author 2003-08-29 16:33:30.
08/29/2003 04:20:25 PM · #9
i'm kind of surprised to hear of that in texas. I've never been, but it's portrayed in a very rugged - I'm doing it my way - not yours kind of state. (especially with the recent power grid thing - interestingly texas is on it's own power grid...the only state to do it that way)

Yeah, with the combination of the camera's and the gps technology that the public is embracing ( such as onstar - which can unlock your car for you - scary) the cops could potentially in the not too distant future know where everyone is at any time.

Reference the superbowl in florida recently - they employed a face recognition technology and scanned everyone walking into the stadium...I don't see it as a stretch for them to employ the same thing with traffic cams...if your plate matches one they are looking for...

it's not the publics fault for embracing admittedly cool technology like gps, and surveilance technology...but it's the gov't who abuses it. i.e. traffic cams...

okay i just scarred myself into purchasing the spray for sure! As a great man once said..."you're not gonna catch me coppers!" ;)
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