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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Free 300D!
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 143, (reverse)
06/30/2006 11:10:30 AM · #1
I̢۪ve got a Canon Digital Rebel 300D sitting around collecting dust. It worked fine last time I used it other then one small blemish on the sensor that shows up when using a small aperture, but it is easy to photoshop out. It̢۪ll come with a battery and a charger but you̢۪ll need to supply a CF card and a lens.

Now of course I can̢۪t just give it to the first person that responds, so either post here, or send me a PM stating why I should give it to you and what you plan to do with it.

Also, I don̢۪t want to make this too big of a thing, but if anyone has a lens or a CF card they want to throw into the bucket I̢۪ll give you a say on who gets it. PM me or post it here. Maybe we can give someone a whole set up?

06/30/2006 11:24:38 AM · #2
I LOVE this and can't wait to see the responses! Great idea Louddog! :-)
06/30/2006 11:27:44 AM · #3
Wonderful generosity, LoudDog. It's acts like this that make DPC so great. Can't wait to see what comes of this, and may karma pay you a visit. :-)
06/30/2006 11:29:36 AM · #4
That's really cool man! What a very nice thing to do!
06/30/2006 11:41:00 AM · #5
I sent you a PM, this is an awesome thing to do. : D
06/30/2006 11:47:06 AM · #6
This is indeed awesome.

Another place to give and receive is Freecyle. I've participated there for about a year and given away a lot of unused stuff that is valuable to others.
06/30/2006 11:51:54 AM · #7
I might wanna throw my "Sigma 70-300mm f/4-5.6 APO Macro Super II" in the bucket, but let me think for a while :)
06/30/2006 12:02:39 PM · #8
You da' man, Louddog. That's what makes DPC great.

Edit to add:

If you find a worthy recipient, I'll throw in a Tamron 19-35 zoom. A good starter lens!

Message edited by author 2006-06-30 12:03:54.
06/30/2006 12:16:54 PM · #9
I could think of a few people from this site to give it to but not off the top of my head. WTG LoudDog.
06/30/2006 12:25:20 PM · #10
i remember someone a while ago posted a thread about a friend of his who is wild about photography but can't afford a camera... i'll try to dig it up...
06/30/2006 12:26:30 PM · #11
Originally posted by rami:

i remember someone a while ago posted a thread about a friend of his who is wild about photography but can't afford a camera... i'll try to dig it up...

I believe that thread was asking for donations and the person got the money. I also believe that thread was locked for that reason.
06/30/2006 12:55:16 PM · #12
Free Bump

I got a Tamrac Holster case I will add to the cause. I will be in NYC until the 9th so PM me if you decide and I will get it to you.

06/30/2006 01:08:30 PM · #13

I've had a personal love affair with the 300D, or as those not as close to the camera called it, the 'Rebel'. But I saw it's softer side.

I snuck (borrowed) the 300D a few times from a camera shop I worked at, despite the fact there were newer and 'better' cams on the shelf I could've taken.

Customers would come in and comment how they didn't want to buy the 'Rebel' because it was outdated and too big, like the puppy that gets left behind in a pet shop.

But I made friends with it. Alas, I no longer work at that shop and the relationship has all but ended.

If you give me the camera, it'll reunite me with an old friend and bring my photography to the next level.

I actually was able to shoot a challenge entry with the 300D once, and with almost zero processing, it did this for me:

Thanks in advance for your consideration. This is an honourable thing for you to do.

06/30/2006 01:15:02 PM · #14
This is really a great gesture. Wow, I don't know of anyone that would do this. Thanks.
06/30/2006 01:24:59 PM · #15
I would love a shot at a DSLR. So, I'd like to throw my name into the hat for people who would like it. It's not currently something I could afford. Though I do have a decent enough camera if there is someone more in need. BTW - this is an awesome thing for you to do!
06/30/2006 01:29:45 PM · #16
I would love a DLSR as well and have no hope of ever buying one, but at least I have a decent P&S. I would like to see this go to one of the promising talents who is currently working with a POS P&S :)
06/30/2006 01:42:55 PM · #17
I would like to see Joey Lawrence recieve this gift. I mean, look what happens when he picks up a dslr. He is a great example of amazing talent at a young age, so i would like you to seriously consider him.
06/30/2006 01:50:54 PM · #18
My son corwin
canot quite get the shot he wants
with his Hp photosmart 317

He Has the eye thow
So consider this 10 year old
06/30/2006 01:52:06 PM · #19
You will go to haven man!
I own a painful P&S and I would love to have the 300D. But I'm not going to add myself on the list because I don't deserve it. I definetly think that this should go to one on the talented people who can't afford a good camera.
06/30/2006 01:54:21 PM · #20
I suspect Joey made enough off his video to get a dSLR AND a plane ticket to the GtG in Germany. :-)

06/30/2006 01:57:43 PM · #21
Originally posted by Melethia:

I suspect Joey made enough off his video to get a dSLR AND a plane ticket to the GtG in Germany. :-)

I think he's spending it all on a video camera...
06/30/2006 02:11:25 PM · #22
sent you a pm for a good canidate
06/30/2006 02:13:34 PM · #23
Originally posted by mo5988:

Originally posted by Melethia:

I suspect Joey made enough off his video to get a dSLR AND a plane ticket to the GtG in Germany. :-)

I think he's spending it all on a video camera...

Choices Choices! :-)

I would think there are others that might be more in need.

Nothing against Joey he is quite a talent but he seems to have control of things. I bet before to long Joey will be making A LOT OF CASH!

Message edited by author 2006-06-30 15:27:19.
06/30/2006 02:26:45 PM · #24
I'm going to go out on a limb and throw my name into the hat. I've been looking into getting a dSLR for quite some time as my Panasonic is really starting to limit what I can do. I love doing night shots and night time landscapes, but the Panasonic has horrible noise for any long exposure shot and a max shutter time of 8 seconds. I would also like to start getting into portraiture sometime soon, but again, the camera I have cannot take an external flash and has no way to trigger studio strobes. Although I'm sure there are people that deserve this more than I do, I would love to upgrade to a dSLR to improve my photography overall and also to help me move into areas of photography that my current equipment limits me.

This is a really great thing that you're doing and I hope whoever ends up getting this camera will make very good use of it.
06/30/2006 02:31:48 PM · #25
Wow now this is pretty awesome!
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