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DPChallenge Forums >> Tips, Tricks, and Q&A >> Colour on a "B&W" photo
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09/14/2003 12:29:48 AM · #1
In some of the challenges you see what is essentially a b&W photo but with some colour in it.

As you are not allowed to spot edit (and I am in no way suggesting that people do, quite the opposite in fact) how do you manage to achieve that?

For instance, one of my very favorite photos on this site is:


This is from the gallery and may not have been part of a challenge, so maybe this one is selectively adjusted (which I can do) - but if not then ... how?

Here's one I particularly like in one of the current challenges.

***OOps - deleted, didn't realise we could not discuss current challenge***

With that one I can see, or at least guess, how messing around with colour levels, at the whole photo level, might end up with this as a result.

However, this one which I also really like, I just can't work out how you can get such vivid colours on an otherwise b&W photo.

***OOps - deleted, didn't realise we could not discuss current challenge***

I did ask the photographer but haven't heard back yet, and want to know how as I have a photo I want to do this on for a current challenge.

Hopefully the links will work, and once again, I am looking to learn here, I am not suggesting anything done wrong in a challenge.

Message edited by author 2003-09-14 01:36:03.
09/14/2003 12:36:30 AM · #2
Originally posted by natator:

In some of the challenges you see what is essentially a b&W photo but with some colour in it.

As you are not allowed to spot edit (and I am in no way suggesting that people do, quite the opposite in fact) how do you manage to achieve that?

You should take off the one from the current challenge because we're not suppose to talk about current pictures.

Yes, It can be done legally without spot editing. If the color is showing is a unique color it can definitely be done.

Say you have a picture of a red rose and you desaturate the picture of all colors except red then the red will remain. If you had two red roses and you desaturate then both roses will remain.

If you had a red rose and a yellow rose and you desaturate all but the red then the red would remain but the yellow would be grayscale.

Of course in both examples you can select the one rose that you want to have color remain and masked it out and take color away from everything but the one rose.

You may ask for a DQ. The photographer would send copy to council to verify and no harm done. They can verify if the legal way was used when you submit the original picture.

Remember vote as if it was legal then ask for DQ. If the picture is legal the picture will get the score you gave it. If DQ'd then the score will be discarded.

I think this is a good explanation. Any comments or add ons.

ChallengePicture Desaturated.
Original Picture Non-desaturated.

As you can see from the original picture it had color but the band-aid is an unusually color. I went out to buy a box of neon colored band-aids.

I desaturated (take away) all colors except the cyan. That left the cyan (teal) color. The flesh colors and all colors in the figurine was taken away, but if you look carefully some of the cyan(teal) is left because of the reflection from the band-aid. The cyan color cannot be taken away from the figurine unless you spot-edit (select by using a wand, or other cursor).

Spot-editing is not legal in the challenge unless announced in the rules.

If you didn't know that neon colored band-aids existed. You can give my entry a score and ask for a DQ. If they request for the original picture and I didn't have an original copy. To bad for me- DQ'd. If I had a copy of the original telling them how everything was done. They could decide not to DQ and I would keep my picture in the challenge.

I could've cheated by using a regular flesh colored band-aid and colored it cyan but I would not have proof when the administrators ask for my original. I could tell them I don't have it (lie)and I would be DQ'd. I could send them a copy with the flesh colored band-aid and they would DQ because I had to spot edit.

If you gave me a low score because you think I cheated I would lose out and it wouldn't be fair to me. Best thing is to give fair score and ask for DQ and if they DQ I would lose the score you gave me.

REMEMBER- Always keep an original copy of the picture and only work on a copy.

Message edited by author 2003-09-14 01:46:01.
09/14/2003 01:06:04 AM · #3
Bela45s' picture.
Faidois' version.

The only way I know how to make my version of the picture is by selecting (Spot editing - illegal) and masking the green vine and desaturating everything else.

Why did I select(spot-editing- illegal)? I didn't want to keep the green of the background.

If I do this legally(OK). I would have to desaturate all colors except green and the background and the vine would have reminded. Only the trunk would be b/w. This wouldn't look good.

Message edited by author 2003-09-14 01:16:36.
09/14/2003 01:18:25 AM · #4

Message edited by author 2003-10-04 16:47:40.
09/14/2003 01:38:43 AM · #5
Hi faidoi

Thanks for the in depth answer there. Not too long winded in the least!

Funnily enough it was your photo of the band-aid that actually got me interested in doing this (I love that pic!) but I couldn't find it when I was looking for an example here.

I now have something else new to play around with and learn, thank you muchly.

OK (he says approximately 23 seconds later) wow that is easy on the right photo! Just had a practice with your original of the band-aid and within seconds had just the band-aid in colour. Very neat!

I also agree with you about not making too many assumptions about how a photo has been produced. In the examples I gave I assumed they HAD been done legally, as I recognise that my level of expertise is not sufficient to definately decide if something is "fake" or not. If I am unsure I either ask or err on the side of generosity ...... I'd rather have someone get away with something than trash their entry incorrectly as the error was mine.

P.S. Have removed the referances to the pics in the current challenge, didn't realise they could not be discussed (which is fair enough) but I can now also see how they have been done.

Message edited by author 2003-09-14 01:48:43.
09/14/2003 01:49:39 AM · #6

Message edited by author 2003-09-18 21:48:54.
09/17/2003 01:14:11 AM · #7
I guess the explanation was pretty good. I was asked to submit my original and how I came to my entry.

I used Photoshop Elements 2.0 to rotate the image, cropped, played with the contrast and brightness, tweaked the levels and hue/saturation settings.

Unfortunately this windmill didn't work anymore. I really wanted to show the hues in the sky to emphasize windpower. I was very lucky that the weather cooperated. It was a sunny day with the winds blowing pretty strong and the clouds with go by really fast.

Always work on a copy and not the original.

Message edited by author 2003-09-17 01:43:06.
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