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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> Pictures of a Beautiful Girl
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 38, (reverse)
08/05/2006 01:40:26 PM · #1
I met her during one of my workshops in Manila... appointed as my model during the shoot. Her name is Kharu...the same model featured in my Gold Challenge entry. She's very pretty and enthusiastic, very self-directed and initiative when it comes to costumes and poses. She's every photographer dream. I took over 2,000 shots of her.

As of today, after less than a week, my pbase gallery of her made it to the top 8 (7 day period category). You can view the gallery here. And please vote as I would like to have her noticed (also as my way of thanking her for all the wonderful poses:


And here are some of my favorites from the gallery:

08/05/2006 02:00:22 PM · #2

My comments on this one say it all.
Congrats on a shot that took my breath away finally.

I can't say enough about this shot. It's on par with the best anywhere, by anyone.
08/05/2006 02:41:30 PM · #3
Originally posted by BradP:

My comments on this one say it all.
Congrats on a shot that took my breath away finally.

I can't say enough about this shot. It's on par with the best anywhere, by anyone.

Coming from you Brad, I am so honored and humbled and overwhelmed.

Most of these phtos were taken during my workshops in the Philippines. I am glad you like them.
08/05/2006 02:43:48 PM · #4
well, what can I say...?


(but that is an understatement)

Message edited by author 2006-08-05 14:44:02.
08/05/2006 03:46:06 PM · #5
Thanks for all the comments. Actually, just bumping this up.:)
08/05/2006 04:03:58 PM · #6

I'm hesitant to reply at all... what meaningful words can I offer to someone with your phenomenal talent? I'm sure that many of us "regulars" feel that way. Just let me say thanks for taking the time to post your work, it is truly incredible. Kharu is fabulous too, of course, and I hope to see her in your work for a long time to come.


08/05/2006 04:25:02 PM · #7
I'd run out of superlatives if I tried to comment on all the images, so suffice to say ... super.
08/05/2006 05:44:17 PM · #8
Every one of those shots are absolutely amazing and inspiring. You really have a truly incredible talent. The model is beautiful also!

Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
08/05/2006 05:44:25 PM · #9
Originally posted by cerebis:

I'd run out of superlatives if I tried to comment on all the images, so suffice to say ... super.

what he said. :O
08/05/2006 05:50:38 PM · #10

I'd love to see this one on DP too, so I can add it to my favorites ;) :


Love that one.
08/05/2006 06:24:34 PM · #11
She is lovely, absolutly stunning manny!

08/05/2006 08:35:18 PM · #12
Not sure what the good of all the clapping I did when I looked through the gallery was but I did it anyway just in case you could hear me.


you always make me want to get into model photography.
08/05/2006 08:36:37 PM · #13
i'm pretty sure your work could make anyone look beautiful.

even me.
08/05/2006 08:43:56 PM · #14
Do I dare be the first in this thread to critic the master?

The apprehension that I feel when I consider criticizing Librodo must epitomize what it's like for a newbie to offer their first real critique or comment that isn't just a nicety.

In a couple of the photos (the closeups), it appears that the base make-up or foundation, is caked on. I think that she is beautiful enough without so much foundation that it wrinkles from it's thickness. If smoothness of the skin and evenness of color is the goal when it comes to make-up, then perhaps it would have been better accomplished in post-processing.

Now the niceties...otherwise I love the shots, especially R A I N, and Z E S T. In HOMEBOUND, I like how the image has been composed so that the car is tilted and she is more upright...very creative.
08/05/2006 09:12:20 PM · #15
Originally posted by librodo:

Coming from you Brad, I am so honored and humbled and overwhelmed.

I see you got my check Manny - a simple thanks would have been more than enough.
btw, is this going to cost me extra?? :))

oh, and I get dibs on your recycle bin - your discards have to be better than my keepers!
08/05/2006 09:57:34 PM · #16
Originally posted by yakatme:

Do I dare be the first in this thread to critic the master?

In a couple of the photos (the closeups), it appears that the base make-up or foundation, is caked on. I think that she is beautiful enough without so much foundation that it wrinkles from it's thickness. If smoothness of the skin and evenness of color is the goal when it comes to make-up, then perhaps it would have been better accomplished in post-processing.

Completely agree with you. I would have loved to shoot her sans make up. But we have a make up artist and I was not in a liberty to suggest.

Originally posted by saintaugust:

i'm pretty sure your work could make anyone look beautiful.

even me.

So when will the session be? It will be an easy task (no post-processing)...I'll do it for free...

Originally posted by BradP:

Originally posted by librodo:

Coming from you Brad, I am so honored and humbled and overwhelmed.

I see you got my check Manny - a simple thanks would have been more than enough.
btw, is this going to cost me extra?? :))

oh, and I get dibs on your recycle bin - your discards have to be better than my keepers!

And I will in your recycle bin too for your landscape.:)

08/05/2006 10:03:57 PM · #17
Don't be surprised if you get a call from Revlon, unless you already have.
08/05/2006 10:10:23 PM · #18
Really like this shot. Very raw.
08/05/2006 10:40:59 PM · #19
Holy smokes....just incredible shots of this lovely lady. Just about any of these would have placed high for the free study as well!

What great creativity, talent and vision you share here.
08/06/2006 09:49:51 AM · #20
Originally posted by jpochard:

Holy smokes....just incredible shots of this lovely lady. Just about any of these would have placed high for the free study as well!

What great creativity, talent and vision you share here.

Oppsss...I forgot there is a Free Study...

Anyway, thanks for the comment everyone. Please visit the pbase site for more as I intend to post almost every day. Click here for the LATEST.
08/06/2006 10:10:30 AM · #21
B E A U T I F U L ... :-D

Love your work so much!!
08/06/2006 10:19:17 AM · #22
Manny, I love looking at your work! You must be on a tremendous high with such a great model and so many tremendous images.

Next time you have a workshop, let us know. It would be worth flying around the world to be able to shoot like this. As a Team Nikon teammate, I keep hoping that some of your expertise will rub off, but not so far. Again, excellent!

08/06/2006 10:47:43 AM · #23
Originally posted by rjkstesch:

Next time you have a workshop, let us know. It would be worth flying around the world to be able to shoot like this. As a Team Nikon teammate, I keep hoping that some of your expertise will rub off, but not so far. Again, excellent!


My next big workshop will be at Boracay Island, the Philippines, on December of this year. Portraits with the use of natural light.

To those who are interested about Boracay, here are some pictures I took from that beautiful island two years ago.

08/06/2006 07:05:33 PM · #24
Damn it Manny,
it's not fair... you have a really hot (for lack of a better term) model there. If my wife found me with another women of that caliber I'd be divorced with in minutes. You have taken some astounding shots. If I ever decide to shoot glamour I am going to lean on you for direction and advise. VERY impressive work.
08/07/2006 10:13:13 AM · #25
And now the Gallery at pbase is No.1 exactly a week after I created it. Just got the message from Kharu and she said "thanks" to all your appreciation of her work. She calls it an art... the art of posing and planning. She decided her own theme and prepared her own costume. She styled herself.

I will have her as my model in my next workshop in Singapore on August 26. I was requested by a group of Filipinos to bring the workshop there. What was intended as a workshop for 20 participants has now 32 listed participants. Quite daunting. But with Kharu around...it will be a blast!
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