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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Macro Lens vs Zoom Lens with Diopter
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08/27/2006 06:34:30 PM · #1
Can someone tell me the advantages of a macro lens over a zoom lens with a diopter?


08/27/2006 07:55:01 PM · #2
1)macro lenses tend to be primes (not all but most) so they are sharper (opticly easier to manufacture)
2)sticking anything infront of a lens will degrade the optics of a lens
(though with a good diopter (multi element, coated) this is minimized IE> canon 500D is supposedly excelent )
3)i find macro lenses have beter manual focusing capibilities than zooms
(distance you rotate the focusing mech. is longer so manual focusing is easier)
4) snob/equipment geek factor

i'm only missing the 70-180mm macro then my lineup is complete
next year IF i ever sell a image or 10 :)

08/27/2006 09:03:47 PM · #3
I love macros. See my portfolio...

When I first got my d70 I bought 70 bucks worth of the "filter type" screw on magnifing things. I couldn't understand why I couldn't get a good macro shot. After reading on DPC and other places, I exchanged the "lenses" and forked out more cash for a 60mm Nikon f2.8 ....the rest is HISTORY...

08/27/2006 09:39:15 PM · #4
Although a good prime macro lens is awesome, its also alot of $$$. A good telephoto lens with a nice inexpensive kenko extension tube will do wonderful macros as well. I'd suggest a good fast telephoto lens with a kenko and you can cover 2 things for alot less then a a good telephoto and a good prime macro.


Taken with a 70-200 f2.8 with a kenko 25mm extension tube.

08/27/2006 10:30:23 PM · #5
I'll agree that kenko are nice - you will loose a stop or so using them
but they don't degrade the optics (besides darker) & also on the plus side they do allow all the contacts (for nikons) as opposed to nikons own tubes (PK-xx series) ... so atleast you get metering & AF ..

*to get 1:1 with the 85pc , 70-180mm AF Micro & the older 200mmMF you have to use extention tubes - so they are always usefull ...

that said - a true macro lens is fun to use ..
08/27/2006 10:42:45 PM · #6
I would not trade anything for my Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro. That lens rocks!
08/27/2006 11:16:16 PM · #7
Originally posted by slickchik:

I would not trade anything for my Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro. That lens rocks!

Me either.
08/28/2006 08:15:46 PM · #8
Thanks for the replies.
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