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DPChallenge Forums >> Individual Photograph Discussion >> DPC's Hidden Pearls Nr.2
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09/23/2003 11:27:51 AM · #1
HIDDEN PEARL NR. 2 - Selected on 23th September 2003

Time to display and comment another hidden pearl, the second one since I started this thread.

The selected picture is:

Hair today...

Quick advice, don't judge this picture by just looking at the thumbnail.

This photo could be easily confused with a snapshot or a candid shot, but a closer look will reveal features which are not found in those categories of photography.

As I mentioned last time, I do have a preference for pictures which have their main strength in the concept.

I was immediately impressed by this because I could feel a story.
Then I focused on how it did tell me that story and I found that:

[1] It smartly uses the DOF, by keeping in focus the past and blurring the present
[2] The small photo (in the picture) and the head of the person in the mirror are reclined at the same angle, enforcing the idea of connection among the two subjects.
[3] Even blurred, the eye of the protagonist coming out of the mirror keeps its somatic similarities with the younger man in the smaller photo, further enforcing the connection.
[4] Always very difficult to demonstrate that "The Rules of Third" as been applied properly, but I feel this picture as an excellent example of this concept.
[5] Last but not least, the old photo representing the past is B/W while the present is in color: another intelligent use of conceptual contrast to increase the depth of the narration.

There are actually plenty of little details more which make this photo special to my eyes and I look forward to see if somebody else on DPC shares my same opinion about this pearl of nostalgic irony.

Once again, given the high value of the brilliant idea of the photographer, I look forward to see his creativity in action in the near future.


Nr. 1: Romantic Mechanic
09/23/2003 11:49:19 AM · #2
i agree with this being a very good photo for the challenge
it was entered for.

i voted it a 6 because i thought the mirror could have been wiped down prior - still allowing the blurry current ME aspect.

also i thought the old photos top corner should have been complete allowing the top of the head in the background also to be complete.

it does a great job of telling a story


09/23/2003 11:54:17 AM · #3
This is an excellent choice for a Hidden Pearl. I admire glimpses' extremely thoughtful critique about the strengths of the shot.

Not to toot my own horn, but I'd like to contrast my shot for nostalgia since I went for the same concept.

I think it is a good idea, especially for newer photographers to show why one image is better (objectively, not subjectively) than another and since these two are similar in concept, they are good candidates.

I concede that johnm's shot is superior in both concept and in execution. I think it is interesting and fun to compare two shots that are very thematically similar yet achieve very different results in their technical and artistic merits.

In contrast to the strength's of johnm's shot, using glimpses' criteria, I'd say that my shot:

1. is weaker technically because of poor focus, bad color balance and a harsh choice of lighting.

2. doesn't tell the story as clearly. the comb is not as strong as a contrast element as johnm's then and now faces.

3. the aspect ratio was a bad choice. looks too tall and thin.

So kudos to johnm on a well deserved Hidden Pearl!

09/23/2003 01:51:06 PM · #4
Dave, nice personal evaluation. I think we all need to do that! Thanks for showing us how. I do like both shots and find the comb and expression to be as powerful as the two faces in/on the mirror. I do like the first, but really only because I like the goofy face in the photo on the mirror.
09/23/2003 03:28:37 PM · #5
I really liked 'Hair today'. It's a very clever shot and done very well.
Good pick glimpses.
09/23/2003 04:09:39 PM · #6
Originally posted by soup:

i voted it a 6 because i thought the mirror could have been wiped down prior.

Perhaps he was once a model for Brycreem or something and has fallen on hard times due to his hair loss (and subsequent loss of earnings) thus preventing him from buying a duster and polish. :D
09/23/2003 05:18:47 PM · #7
Totally overwhelmed.
I very nearly gave up DPChallenging this week due to the wife getting jealous of the web site.

But now I've seen the light.

glimpses - I love you.
(I wish I'd had time to change the angle of the background head but the wife was shouting from downstairs. I'd just read the Rule of Thirds tutorial before I took the shot. I don't know what 'somatic similarities' are but it's me in both shots. )

soup - sorry about the mirror. the wife bought it and it's an antique with lots of flaws that you can't wipe off (giving it lots of somatic qualities)

DSA157 - I wish I was married to you

dsidwell - goofy?

justine - I wish I was married to you too

Jon Lucas - Look I know that Brylcreem contract fell through but there's always plenty of work as a 'before' model for baldness cures.

Watch out for next week's challenge.
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