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DPChallenge Forums >> General Discussion >> 30 Day Self Portrait Challenge.... AGAIN??
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Showing posts 826 - 850 of 1520, (reverse)
09/10/2006 07:47:36 PM · #826
Day 3 Day 4
As far as what I did to keep the glare off of my face with worklights I didn't really do much, except make sure that I set the exposure for my skin. I had the camera all set up in manual and then made several small adjustments with shutterspeed and aperture until I got what I liked. You can also take a white foam board or reflector and place the light facing away from you and bounce the light back towards you off of that. With my Day 1 SP I had the light like 20 feet away in my driveway and set the exposure for the bricks.
09/10/2006 07:49:55 PM · #827
Originally posted by xXxscarletxXx:

And Day 6

Day 5

Bumping for the other peoples >.> lol
09/10/2006 07:52:04 PM · #828
yeah, good time to bump it up.
09/10/2006 08:04:50 PM · #829
Originally posted by Elvis_L:

I DARE anyone to try this! Warning my shock some people.

Just a little bump. Just to be clear as well I didn't do this for the photo I had it done about 13 years ago.

Tune in tomorrow for another trick from my sideshow training days.

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 20:10:05.
09/10/2006 08:10:43 PM · #830
I am going to make a blanket comment for everyone today. You all rock!

I had a rough day and I am skipping today. I did look at all the new images and I will comment more later.


P.S. Eug congrats on the Yaris!

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 20:11:05.
09/10/2006 08:18:48 PM · #831
Thanks for the explanation, Joe - much appreciated.

Hugs, Erick! Hope you have a much better day tomorrow - look forward to "seeing" you again.

And Ken? I FOUND LIQUIFY!! Next thing you know, I'll be burning villages!

And now I must step away from the computer and do mundane things, like dinner, bills, balance the checkbook, put away the laundry.... Bah.
09/10/2006 08:45:16 PM · #832
Originally posted by JamesKW:

Day six for me....still playing with selective desat.

As long as we are bumping for the late crowd, or early depending on location, here is mine.
09/10/2006 08:54:15 PM · #833
I can't share a few of mine because they will most likely either be in challenges or will give away which challenge entries are mine but here are some.

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 20:56:53.
09/10/2006 08:56:25 PM · #834
I will comment tomorrow and Tusday and upload my images somtime soon. Must go to bed. Have a model shoot in the morning.
09/10/2006 09:09:54 PM · #835
OK - I'm one day behind but caught up to a degree (ie - no day 5 but I do have a day six). Jumping off the deck and over a camera when one has ebola is not a recommended cure-all, I'm oof to crashland.

I think I've commented on everyone but delirium has set in, if I've missed a photo please let me know - and rest assured the slight was unintentional.
09/10/2006 10:13:52 PM · #836
Great shot for day six, JP. Sorry you're not feeling well. Have some chicken soup!!

Just wanted to say that so far, I'm really really impressed with the effort all of the participants have put into this challenge so far. I think the bar is set much higher this time around than it was in April and I like that. Everyone should feel very good about their shots so far.
09/10/2006 10:21:12 PM · #837
Cindi, I feel bad now. After reading what you just wrote and then knowing what I will be uploading very shortly I feel I may be letting everyone down a bit. My Day 7 image is a bit of a snap shot...but one that resulted in my legs still shaking about an hour later. I think this may have been the one shot that shook the crap out of me the most in all of my photography.
09/10/2006 10:28:25 PM · #838
This started interferrin' with football. Way didn't work out as planned. Natural Light, 28-75mm @ f/2.8. Wanted long DOF but that was not going to happen. Between games (or slow points) I break out Madden 07 on the the Xbox 360. I (chargers) just won the superbowl at pro level on the set... blah, better luck next time.

Ended up:
Levels, Curves
Illustrator Filter
Guassian Blur Layer 50% Transparent
Transparancy brush 100% (eyes)

Seen a lot of instruments appearing recently; tomorrow I break out the Git-Fiddles myself, try to do something normal.
09/10/2006 10:30:17 PM · #839
Originally posted by Judi:

...but one that resulted in my legs still shaking about an hour later. I think this may have been the one shot that shook the crap out of me the most in all of my photography.

And this is why we're all here, right?
09/10/2006 10:30:50 PM · #840
Day 6...
09/10/2006 10:39:50 PM · #841
Originally posted by Judi:

Cindi, I feel bad now. After reading what you just wrote and then knowing what I will be uploading very shortly I feel I may be letting everyone down a bit. My Day 7 image is a bit of a snap shot...but one that resulted in my legs still shaking about an hour later. I think this may have been the one shot that shook the crap out of me the most in all of my photography.

Judi, you do some of the most imaginative stuff around! You're more than entitled to a "snapshot" (though I doubt it is one by my standards) whenver you wish.

I know my work isn't on the level with a lot of the folks here, but I am, surprisingly, having a blast with this. It's a whole lot more fun than I thought it would be. That said, I'm thinkin' I may be hardpressed to keep this up for 30 days, but it's worth a try!
09/10/2006 10:44:22 PM · #842
I completely agree with you, Deb. I even think I'm learning something about photography here, as well as having fun with this. I think this week, I'm going to focus more on photographically good portraits. Y'all are going to have to give me good criticism and help, though. I hope Saturday will be much better than Tuesday's. I already have a couple of shots in mind for tomorrow that kind of fit, but don't really.
09/10/2006 10:46:50 PM · #843
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

I'm going to focus more on photographically good portraits.

Work with simple concepts, such as my "yearbook" photo, so that you can concentrate more on lighting and focus.
09/10/2006 10:48:54 PM · #844
My biggest issues with lighting right now are the fact that the only things I have are sunlight and regular lamps. And no backgrounds right now.
09/10/2006 10:50:18 PM · #845
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

My biggest issues with lighting right now are the fact that the only things I have are sunlight and regular lamps. And no backgrounds right now.

Can you manually adjust white balance?
09/10/2006 10:52:10 PM · #846
Originally posted by wavelength:

Originally posted by cryingdragon:

My biggest issues with lighting right now are the fact that the only things I have are sunlight and regular lamps. And no backgrounds right now.

Can you manually adjust white balance?

Yes, it says you can. I don't know anything about it, though
09/10/2006 10:54:34 PM · #847
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

My biggest issues with lighting right now are the fact that the only things I have are sunlight and regular lamps. And no backgrounds right now.

Don't underestimate that...

This series uses only daylight from a North-facing window.

ETA: Learn to work with natural window light and strobe lighting is easy when/if you move up to that.

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 22:58:59.
09/10/2006 11:00:14 PM · #848
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

My biggest issues with lighting right now are the fact that the only things I have are sunlight and regular lamps. And no backgrounds right now.

I'd loan you my newly purchased spiffy two-lamp-combined-to-give 500W shop light, but it's kind of a long drive. I haven't quite yet figured the most effective way to use it yet.

Natural light is probably your best bet, though I rarely get the chance to use it during the week. And indoor light can be used if you can adjust white balance to remove the yellow cast - and use slow shutter speed.

The techniques are the same regardless of the light source - that's what I need to focus on.

09/10/2006 11:10:14 PM · #849
Originally posted by Melethia:

I haven't quite yet figured the most effective way to use it yet.

Shop lights can put out some good light, but also be kinda harsh. There are two things you can do to help this:

Diffuse the light... white garbage bags work well for this. Just don't get them too close or allow them to get too hot. Just shoot the lights through the garbage bags suspended by something. I often used clothse hangers taped to the front of my lights.

Bounce the light... bouncing the light off a white wall works. Also making a bounce out of cardboard covered with wrinkled aluminum foil works quite nicely.

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 23:10:58.
09/10/2006 11:12:09 PM · #850
Day 6 - My Town

And if you want to know where I was...I was at the top of this tower. 35 meters (115 feet) up in the air.

Message edited by author 2006-09-10 23:13:01.
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