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DPChallenge Forums >> Side Challenges and Tournaments >> 30 Day Self Portrait Challenge.... PART TWO??
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Showing posts 626 - 650 of 1679, (reverse)
09/24/2006 01:07:03 PM · #626
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

I guess the problem lies with the fact that I have to leave it on the floor. I just don't have anything to hold it up.I really wish I had things I could use to to set up my lighting. I have to set my bucket/light with a 60W on the dog kennel in my bedroom, then I attach my 100W clamp light to my extra tripod. Then the reflector has to lay on the floor and not be used. And when I do this, I can't focus my camera, because I don't have the tripod to set in there. If I use the tripod to focus, then I have to lay the clamp light on the floor.

I have 1 chair in the house, and it's the blue and yellow folding one that y'all saw in one of my SPs.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR learning sucks when you can't implement.

HMMMmmmmm. tough situation. nothing to put the clamp lamp on like a curtain or window blinds. a lamp stand? we need a pic of the room to tell you how to arrange. lol. it has to be possible. anythings possible.
09/24/2006 01:09:34 PM · #627
Originally posted by jaded_youth:

HMMMmmmmm. tough situation. nothing to put the clamp lamp on like a curtain or window blinds. a lamp stand? we need a pic of the room to tell you how to arrange. lol. it has to be possible. anythings possible.
Picture an empty room, with a white sheet nailed to the wall. As you look at the sheet, in the left corner is a dog kennel, about 2 1/2 feet high and a window where almost no light comes through right above that. I have no curtains in the house to hang things on.

OK...here's why I have nothing: When the wife left, she took almost every single piece of furniture and everything else with her. She brought the kids back a couple months later, but didn't bring a single thing back to the house. She's also emptied my bank accounts and I'm just finally getting back to normal money wise. On the bright side, the beginning of December, I'll be completely debt free and have some extra money, even after furnishing the house and buying the things I need. Just have to last 2 more months.

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 13:12:16.
09/24/2006 01:18:41 PM · #628
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

Originally posted by jaded_youth:

HMMMmmmmm. tough situation. nothing to put the clamp lamp on like a curtain or window blinds. a lamp stand? we need a pic of the room to tell you how to arrange. lol. it has to be possible. anythings possible.
Picture an empty room, with a white sheet nailed to the wall. As you look at the sheet, in the left corner is a dog kennel, about 2 1/2 feet high and a window where almost no light comes through right above that. I have no curtains in the house to hang things on.

OK...here's why I have nothing: When the wife left, she took almost every single piece of furniture and everything else with her. She brought the kids back a couple months later, but didn't bring a single thing back to the house. She's also emptied my bank accounts and I'm just finally getting back to normal money wise. On the bright side, the beginning of December, I'll be completely debt free and have some extra money, even after furnishing the house and buying the things I need. Just have to last 2 more months.

Well, that sucks! hmm. maybe you could stack some groceries like the litter and soda box in your other pic and get them up higher against the wall and lean the board on them. Or we could get ya a time machine and fast forward you to december. but I think the gorcery item stackign may be quicker. lol ;p

OOO! better idea! well use the time machine to REWIND you to when your wife took all the stuff and you can punch her in the face. j/k ;) or i'll do it to avoid spousal abuse issues.

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 13:20:54.
09/24/2006 01:50:26 PM · #629
I just realized that I totally forgot about the challenges.. and I'm not even particpating in the sps.. and still the insanity got to me.. woah..

Originally posted by cryingdragon:

GRRRRRRRRRRRRR learning sucks when you can't implement.

I totally agree with you.. I've stopped photography for some time because of this reason.. The frustration of not being able to do things because of lack of resources got to me..
09/24/2006 02:10:39 PM · #630
Day 20 for me. We are on Day 20, right?

I'm really kinda gettin' tired of seeing me so today was a day to be goofy.

There's a bonus shot, too.
09/24/2006 02:32:46 PM · #631
Completely unsolicited - Deb's Dating Tips

Given the rash of unhappiness associated with romantic-type relationships, I thought I'd offer up my unsolicited advice: Date people who aren't real.

Yes, you read that right. I date fictional characters - TV characters, characters in books - that sort of thing. I've been in love with Aragorn since I was 16 (and casting Viggo Mortensen in that role didn't hurt that any). I've dated TV charaters - very convenient, I might add. They come into your home on schedule, usually only for an hour at a time, then they leave. You don't have to clean or get dressed up. You can eat whatever you want. If you miss them for some reason, you can Tivo. Very convenient indeed!

Oh, sure, they're useless for going to movies and plays and out to dinner and such, but it's a tradeoff. :-)

Can't guaratee it'll work, and it's really a bummer when your date's series gets cancelled, but it may be worth a shot.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled SP browsing.
09/24/2006 02:35:57 PM · #632
Originally posted by Melethia:

Completely unsolicited - Deb's Dating Tips

Given the rash of unhappiness associated with romantic-type relationships, I thought I'd offer up my unsolicited advice: Date people who aren't real.

Yes, you read that right. I date fictional characters - TV characters, characters in books - that sort of thing. I've been in love with Aragorn since I was 16 (and casting Viggo Mortensen in that role didn't hurt that any). I've dated TV charaters - very convenient, I might add. They come into your home on schedule, usually only for an hour at a time, then they leave. You don't have to clean or get dressed up. You can eat whatever you want. If you miss them for some reason, you can Tivo. Very convenient indeed!

Oh, sure, they're useless for going to movies and plays and out to dinner and such, but it's a tradeoff. :-)

Can't guaratee it'll work, and it's really a bummer when your date's series gets cancelled, but it may be worth a shot.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled SP browsing.
And they never complain about you or to you. If you don't want to deal with them right now, you can turn them off. Aside from the fact that I love to cook and need someone to eat my food other than me and the kids, they're almost perfect.
09/24/2006 02:42:52 PM · #633
Originally posted by cryingdragon:

And they never complain about you or to you. If you don't want to deal with them right now, you can turn them off. Aside from the fact that I love to cook and need someone to eat my food other than me and the kids, they're almost perfect.

Invite the neighbors, coworkers, etc. Not only do you have someone to feed, you'll get favors in return! :-)
09/24/2006 02:46:13 PM · #634
Originally posted by Melethia:

Day 20 for me. We are on Day 20, right?

I'm really kinda gettin' tired of seeing me so today was a day to be goofy.

There's a bonus shot, too.

Re: your "bonus outtakes", have you ever heard of "gurning", the sport/art of making distorted facial expressions? Think of gurners as "contortionists of the face". You'd be a fine candidate to enter a gurning contest. take a look at google images for some gurning shots.

Maybe we can do a few of you while you're here?

Mwah, Robt.

PS, regarding your tips for "dating", I have two questions:

1: does your sojurn here qualify as a "date"? (doubtful)
2. do I qualify as a fictional character (probably)

PS 2, "The World Gurning Contest takes place annually in Egremont in North West of England, and to the best of anybodyĆ¢€™s knowledge has done so ever since 1267." Obviously, a sport with an ancient tradition :-)

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 14:51:06.
09/24/2006 03:02:26 PM · #635
LOL!!! Oh my. And by garsh, yes, my visit there counts as a date. My goal has been one every decade. Well, I missed the last decade, so at least I'll get this one covered! :-) But you're legendary, not fictional.
09/24/2006 03:10:15 PM · #636
Day 20...game day

09/24/2006 03:25:29 PM · #637
Originally posted by idnic:

OMG I just got 400 views in 18 hours on my SP #20. I have never gotten that many views so quickly on a challenge entry!!! And it was only posted here, in this thread. That amazes me. How are portfolio shots seen so much more than challenge entries? *boggles*

Cindi I put this in the nude gallery and look how many views it has gotten?

09/24/2006 05:42:20 PM · #638
09/24/2006 06:36:22 PM · #639
Inspired by CD and UrfaTheGreat...

09/24/2006 07:32:12 PM · #640
Day 20 - Full Circle
Football day (sorry Steelers fans)...My Chargers don't even play this week... (for that matter I never sit in this chair)

Crop, Sharpen

...Soft Vignette layer + Gradual Tranparency (center)
...Emphasis (lighten background layer)
...Super Smooth
...Fall Colors

Resize, final sharpen
09/24/2006 07:40:49 PM · #641
Day 17

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 19:41:00.
09/24/2006 07:45:46 PM · #642
Day 20...
09/24/2006 07:46:20 PM · #643
And now it's time for "DPC Tips 'N' Tricks!"

*cue somber music*
Friends, are your viewers befuddled? Lost? Not able to find your latest self-portrait? Thrashing around your portfolio like a fish that's been tossed on the front lawn and left to die?

*cue happy music*
Well, DPC has the answer! Yessirree Bob! Lookie riiiight down there at the bottom of the page where ya manage yer portraits collection. See that thingamobob labeled "Sort collection"? Well, that there's the darnedest, rootin'-tootinest, handiest little thing since the cotton gin, and it's one heck of a lot easier to run (pardon my cussin')!

Give that little feller (or gal if yer so inclined) a click, and you'll be amazed! It lets you sort your collection! You can put yer latest right on top, meanin' it'll show up at the top of the page. And friends, that's not all! You can also put the latest one at the bottom. Either way, you'll let everyone know where to find each photo.

As opposed to random order, which DPC seems to bestow on us.

Now, I know yer askin' yerself "Jeffrey, how much does this feature cost? Is it $50 extra a year?"




No, friends, it's free! Although if you wanna send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to me with a check for $50, I'll be happy to call ya and walk ya through the steps. For $1500, I'll even come to yer house and show ya (Australia and Iceland 25% extra).

*cue announcer*
This offer not associated with DPC. If you mention it to the SC or the site admins, I'll deny it all.

*fade to black*
09/24/2006 07:49:01 PM · #644


Hehe - I told my wife that we needed to set this up again with better lights... and no kids!!! (somehow, we was fergettin to 'stop' just because the lights popped! LOL)
09/24/2006 07:54:46 PM · #645
Originally posted by levyj413:

And now it's time for "DPC Tips 'N' Tricks!"

*cue somber music*
Friends, are your viewers befuddled? Lost? Not able to find your latest self-portrait? Thrashing around your portfolio like a fish that's been tossed on the front lawn and left to die?

*cue happy music*
Well, DPC has the answer! Yessirree Bob! Lookie riiiight down there at the bottom of the page where ya manage yer portraits collection. See that thingamobob labeled "Sort collection"? Well, that there's the darnedest, rootin'-tootinest, handiest little thing since the cotton gin, and it's one heck of a lot easier to run (pardon my cussin')!

Give that little feller (or gal if yer so inclined) a click, and you'll be amazed! It lets you sort your collection! You can put yer latest right on top, meanin' it'll show up at the top of the page. And friends, that's not all! You can also put the latest one at the bottom. Either way, you'll let everyone know where to find each photo.

As opposed to random order, which DPC seems to bestow on us.

Now, I know yer askin' yerself "Jeffrey, how much does this feature cost? Is it $50 extra a year?"




No, friends, it's free! Although if you wanna send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to me with a check for $50, I'll be happy to call ya and walk ya through the steps. For $1500, I'll even come to yer house and show ya (Australia and Iceland 25% extra).

*cue announcer*
This offer not associated with DPC. If you mention it to the SC or the site admins, I'll deny it all.

*fade to black*

ROFL!!!! Get off my back old man! You can't hold me down!! I'll sort the way I wanna sort!!!! ;)

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 19:55:56.
09/24/2006 07:58:22 PM · #646
Day 21...
09/24/2006 08:10:22 PM · #647
Originally posted by rossbilly:

(somehow, we was fergettin to 'stop' just because the lights popped! LOL)

Aw... Ain't that sweet? ;)
09/24/2006 08:18:25 PM · #648
Err day 18

I promise to comment back on everybody tomorrow from my two shots of today ;) I started with some already :)

Good night its time to hit the sack ;)

Message edited by author 2006-09-24 20:19:05.
09/24/2006 08:20:12 PM · #649
Originally posted by jaded_youth:

oh, come on! I love your duck as much as the next girl but that's not an SP it's a cop out ;) get your ass back in front of the camera already.

We should be careful what we wish for!

09/24/2006 08:23:34 PM · #650
Gah I don't feel weel >.<
Day 21
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