Thanks for all the wonderful, well thought out and brilliantly articulated advice, you guys.
I should clarify: when I said "Street People" I wasn't refering to only the homeless and downtrodden. I was refering to ANYONE and everyone out in public, in the streets or parks, whether it be a woman sipping coffee at an outdoor cafe or a mother and child having a tender moment, a man on his way to a business meeting with his eyebrow knit in concentration, a skateboarder with a purple mohawk, a tough looking tattooed man in a kilt, a guy in a frog suit on stilts, a baby petting a dog for the first time, whatever it may be. My reason is simple: I love reality: candid, authentic, raw moments in everyday (and not so everyday life). I love to share them and I love when they are shared with me. Photography is an amazing thing, isn't it? We can capture these little moments in time... moments other people would never get to see if it weren't for the camera and the eye of the beholder! It gets me so JAZZED!!!
I think what i'll do for the downtown Portland people is get some coupons to this cafe in town called Sisters of the Road that caters to the low income folks (I think they even let people work there for their meals) and I'll offer a food coupon to someone after I've taken their picture... I won't do cigarettes because I don't want to contribute to any addiction.
Thanks again, y'all... and to my fellow Portlanders: INVITATIONS ACCEPTED! I would love to meet you and go on a photo safari! you can e-mail me at |