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Showing posts 326 - 350 of 668, (reverse)
07/01/2007 04:22:04 PM · #326
am sorry, cannot post my thumbnail here coz I'm not a member yet... would you guys mind to react in this one? //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=539350
07/01/2007 04:35:16 PM · #327

Message edited by author 2007-07-01 18:15:00.
07/01/2007 11:09:37 PM · #328
Originally posted by kundimansabuwan:

am sorry, cannot post my thumbnail here coz I'm not a member yet... would you guys mind to react in this one? //www.dpchallenge.com/image.php?IMAGE_ID=539350

07/01/2007 11:10:21 PM · #329
Originally posted by slytennis:

just making things easier for my club... :)
07/04/2007 07:43:02 PM · #330
Okay......I will be honest. I'm embittered by the response I got from the voters in this challenge.....Burst of Color II "Description-Use a colorful impact to offset your subject from the rest of the photograph."

Especially after looking at the challenge results, I'm even more baffled. I mean......if you use an index card or something to cover the woman in turquoise, it's a really ordianry street shot.....and that woman is IMNSHO, a colorful impact. Is my opinion that skewed?

1st, 5th, and 10th certainly hit the mark in Burst of Color, but I'm just not really seeing much on that first page that really strikes me as befitting the description.

And I definitely got spanked on my entry at 4.5179. I certainly don't think it was necessarily any 6+ guarantee or anything, but the combination of the true burst or impact and the ordinariness of the rest of the scene just struck me as such a perfect fit.

So.....I'm here, asking for the no-holds barred reactions, and I'm especoially looking for why it doesn't work in the eyes of the viewer.

Oh.....and here again, let me qualify my statement by saying "IN MY OPINION".....with as much as the general populace bitches about surreal post-processing, how did the orange version of the Golden Gate Bridge against the blue the sky never is, get 9th place????? I do *NOT* get it!

I'm pretty disheartened and am seriously thinking about giving up on my ability to produce anything for the voters since I've been shooting for what motivates *me* these past couple months. I really like the side projects where we exercise and develop our individual styles and tastes to display our takes on the world around us......I don't have to fit something into someone else's parameters, generally unsuccessfully, I might add. My Free Study actually dipped into the 3s the other day and I'm totally demoralized about that.

I dunno if this is the appropriate place to voice all this or not, but I'm soooooooooo frustrated!

07/04/2007 08:07:24 PM · #331
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

I'm soooooooooo frustrated!

first of all please take a nice deap breath for me, or you may just soil yourself

Its my opinion that this may not be the best place for this or at least the way you have gone about it. My reason for that is that it now hard for somebody to react to something after feeding them all of these thoughts.

My reaction to this image is that its a bit of a piss take. (I personally am not a huge fan of making fun of somebody in public, although you may find a couple in my portfolio that i couldnt pass up :) BUT the subject IS bringing all the attention on herself by wearing that burst of colour so if she's happy im happy.
If you are concerned with the score, i would have probably given it a 5 or 6. I just dont think you chose the right moment, what is different about this moment to any other that is interesting for the viewer?

See its not really a reaction anymore is it.

put the challenge to the side, what is your reaction to the image?
07/05/2007 05:58:17 AM · #332
Originally posted by boysetsfire:

put the challenge to the side, what is your reaction to the image?

Maybe you're right......this wasn't the place for this.

What I am wondering is why this didn't seem to work and I've tried other venues to find out.

I guess I'll just never get the feedback I'm looking for.

Never mind.......I'll just stick to side projects and givbe up on challenges.

I will never understand what works and what doesn't here.

So I'll just not bother.
07/05/2007 06:47:05 AM · #333
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Originally posted by boysetsfire:

put the challenge to the side, what is your reaction to the image?

Maybe you're right......this wasn't the place for this.

What I am wondering is why this didn't seem to work and I've tried other venues to find out.

I guess I'll just never get the feedback I'm looking for.

Never mind.......I'll just stick to side projects and givbe up on challenges.

I will never understand what works and what doesn't here.

So I'll just not bother.

You've done well with other shots. Do you think this one compares to those?

To do well in the challenges you need to do these things:

A) Meet the challenge theme.
B) Have decent/good technicals.
C) Have wow factor.
D) Don't piss people off.

You did well with A and B but unfortunately you failed miserably with C and D, which often carry more weight than the first two, IMO. As Nick mentioned many people probably thought you were making fun of the woman and not being serious and thus gave you very low scores because of that. The fact that it was shot from behind and didn't offer any new perspective on the subject gave you no wow factor to work with and you need that to counteract the low votes that most entries get regardless of subject.

Anyway, just my opinion. We can now go back to our regularly scheduled program. :)

Message edited by author 2007-07-05 06:48:07.
07/05/2007 06:54:18 AM · #334
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

I will never understand what works and what doesn't here.

That's easy - beautiful images that you would hang on your wall. This may have met the challenge, but would you print it? Could you sell it? If you answer yes to those, then you're close to understanding what works here.

Oh and what yanko said :)

07/05/2007 08:21:22 AM · #335
Originally posted by rinac:

That's easy - beautiful images that you would hang on your wall. This may have met the challenge, but would you print it? Could you sell it? If you answer yes to those, then you're close to understanding what works here.

I agree. There's a difference in taking a picture and creating an image. What emotions does the image evoke in the viewer? Does it inspire? Does it evoke a sense of awe, admiration or beauty? How does the viewer relate to the story you tell with your image?

Also as far as technicals are concerned, the most useful advice I've ever learned in composition is the 3 pillars of composition and photography:

1. What is the theme or subject of the picture?
2. How can you draw attention to your theme or subject?
3. How can you simplify the composition?

I've found that just asking those questions when composing a picture improved my photography a 1000 times. Taking your image as an example, the theme that you intended to get across is color (if we take the challenge as the theme), but color is not the first thing that strikes me about the image, the first thing that strikes me is a large bottom (which is also probably a sensitive subject for a lot of people who may have been a little offended by this candid portrayal without the subject's knowledge). The direct sunlight produces hard shadows which is unflattering. Drawing attention to your subject and simplifying can be accomplished by a tighter crop and perhaps a shallower depth of field. Are all the busy background details adding to the subject and theme you are trying to portray or are they a distraction? You need to lead the viewer's attention to your subject and there's too many things to look at in the picture.

Just a few thoughts. Hope it helps.
07/05/2007 12:59:37 PM · #336
can we steer this thread back on course? How about some people post photos they'd like a reaction to?
07/05/2007 01:08:53 PM · #337
Well just to help out here you understand . . .

This was going to go into the Free Study, but I decided it would get 100 times more views than votes - so I put in something totally different.

Message edited by author 2007-07-05 13:11:04.
07/05/2007 01:43:24 PM · #338
to help out a bit more ;)
07/05/2007 02:28:58 PM · #339
And one from me . . .

. . . 'cause I'm a helpful kinda guy, too :)
07/05/2007 03:02:13 PM · #340

reactions please????
07/05/2007 04:07:08 PM · #341

thanks, Jack

07/05/2007 06:10:30 PM · #342
07/05/2007 09:49:03 PM · #343
07/06/2007 04:34:56 AM · #344
07/06/2007 06:22:58 AM · #345
Originally posted by alexjack:


thanks, Jack

Thanks for the really helpful comments. Really appreciate them. Here are the other two versions, if you get a chance a quick take on which you prefer. Cropped slightly differently, but otherwise the same.
Thanks again, Jack


Message edited by author 2007-07-06 06:23:27.
07/06/2007 08:31:39 PM · #346

new one!
07/07/2007 04:54:20 PM · #347
This is the last shot my Nikon D70s shot before it died.....
07/07/2007 06:57:23 PM · #348
07/07/2007 08:40:28 PM · #349
07/07/2007 11:15:35 PM · #350
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