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DPChallenge Forums >> Rant >> Saddam Verdict - Death by Hanging
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 211, (reverse)
11/06/2006 06:04:53 AM · #1
I understand the culture in Iraq is very different from the culture in other parts of the world.... but death by hanging? How barbaric!
11/06/2006 06:07:01 AM · #2
Am not sure barbaric even comes close to some of the things he has done though?
11/06/2006 06:08:34 AM · #3
Originally posted by talj:

Am not sure barbaric even comes close to some of the things he has done though?

Very true, but does that make it okay?
11/06/2006 06:26:15 AM · #4
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by talj:

Am not sure barbaric even comes close to some of the things he has done though?

Very true, but does that make it okay?

This is a very difficult situation to offer a personal opinion on, mainly because lots of people have very strong views I suppose. Me, I believe that executing him just helps to make him in to a martyr and I'm pretty sure thats something he'd be happy with.
11/06/2006 06:28:20 AM · #5
Originally posted by idnic:

I understand the culture in Iraq is very different from the culture in other parts of the world.... but death by hanging? How barbaric!

I think that you could leave that at "death... how barbaric!" - I don't think that the mechanism really matters.

This is not a good way to try to introduce the rule of law and reverence for life into a country. This is particularly so when the trial appears to have been so very partial (the second judge was removed because he appeared not to be sufficiently anti-Saddam...!!).
11/06/2006 06:40:12 AM · #6
Oh and lets not overlook -- the verdict was released the day before US elections...... that doesn't look contrived, nooooooooo, I'm sure it was a coincidence! NOT!
11/06/2006 06:49:09 AM · #7
bet there will be a video of it on the internet in seconds, no matter how much of a naughty boy no human should have to be treated like that.
11/06/2006 08:05:19 AM · #8
Wow! What are the odds of Sadam being convicted and the States going to the polls. 2 to 1? :P
11/06/2006 08:16:07 AM · #9
Actually, the verdict was announced Saturday night. According to the orginal story I read (sorry, don't have the link), he could die of natural causes before the sentence is ever carried out. There will be many, many appeals.
11/06/2006 08:19:39 AM · #10
Originally posted by idnic:

Originally posted by talj:

Am not sure barbaric even comes close to some of the things he has done though?

Very true, but does that make it okay?

Not our call. Different culture ... different way of doing things ... different values of right and wrong.

In a lot of ways he is responsible for the culture that convicted him -- if not created, at least perpetuated. I would call that a bit of poetic justice, if nothing else.

11/06/2006 08:25:02 AM · #11
Originally posted by David.C:

Not our call. Different culture ... different way of doing things ... different values of right and wrong.

In a lot of ways he is responsible for the culture that convicted him -- if not created, at least perpetuated. I would call that a bit of poetic justice, if nothing else.


Very well put David
11/06/2006 08:31:41 AM · #12
Originally posted by David.C:

Not our call. Different culture ... different way of doing things ... different values of right and wrong.

I think that is very debateable - method of execution, maybe, but the decision to prosecute in Iraq and to retain the death penalty were determined by the US.
11/06/2006 08:36:44 AM · #13
Originally posted by legalbeagle:

Originally posted by David.C:

Not our call. Different culture ... different way of doing things ... different values of right and wrong.

I think that is very debateable - method of execution, maybe, but the decision to prosecute in Iraq and to retain the death penalty were determined by the US.

Let's take a vote in Iraq and see what they want to do to him.
11/06/2006 09:19:31 AM · #14
Originally posted by idnic:

I understand the culture in Iraq is very different from the culture in other parts of the world.... but death by hanging? How barbaric!


I do not know your politics, however based on your posts in this thread I would suspect you lean left. Why is the "death" of Saddam via capitol punishment a bad thing?

Some believe (as leaglebeagle has alluded to in his post) that any capitol use of a death penalty is "wrong". Is this your point as well?

What is your view on a woman's "right to choose"?

What is your view on embryonic stem cell research?

I hope your views are consistent.

My views are consistent. I do not have a problem with a woman's right to choose. I do not have a problem with embryonic research. And I certainly do not have a problem with a death sentence being carried out by the state. Whether that be hanging, firing squad, electracution, lethal injection, beheading, fed to the lions, or any other manner approved of by the population wronged.
11/06/2006 09:36:04 AM · #15
The real question is, would you watch him swinging from the rope? In the old west, hundreds would go to the public hangings. I think society hasn't changed that much. Many will and want to see him swing for the thousands his murdered.

I admit, I would watch, with a smile too.
11/06/2006 09:37:26 AM · #16
Originally posted by Flash:

...fed to the lions.....

That I might want to see!

Would that be considered cruelty to animals..having to eat Saddam et al? <:-/
11/06/2006 10:40:17 AM · #17
Well, Saddam had it coming. After killing countless people [even some of his relatives] he finally is on the other end of the rope. hehe.

I'd go and watch. An eye for an eye, I say.

I suppose it all has to do on which end of the "felon" you were on. For someone thousands of miles away you have no contact with him and he did nothing to you.

If you were the mother of someone who Saddam had ringed up, and tortured with devices that you can't even conceive; you'd have a different opinion on that.
11/06/2006 11:01:06 AM · #18
The death penalty is too good for him. It actually let's him off easy and is a squadered opportunity to really punish him in a more meaningful way.

A guy like him would really be in pain sitting the rest of his life away in a small cell. In the case of a greedy, cruel, power hungry prick like that, being condemned to a box would be far, far worse than death.

The death penalty may have it's time and place in some instances but this would have been a perfect opportunity to exercise a different kind of rule in that part of the world.

...but in The Middle East who would expect anything different?

11/06/2006 11:03:21 AM · #19
Originally posted by idnic:

I understand the culture in Iraq is very different from the culture in other parts of the world.... but death by hanging? How barbaric!

Much of the world considers the death penalty barbaric no matter the method.

Are you opposed to the death penalty itself, or just the method that will be used?
11/06/2006 11:08:10 AM · #20
Originally posted by pawdrix:

The death penalty is too good for him. It actually let's him off easy and is a squadered opportunity to really punish him in a more meaningful way.

A guy like him would really be in pain sitting the rest of his life away in a small cell. In the case of a greedy, cruel, power hungry prick like that, being condemned to a box would be far, far worse than death.

The death penalty may have it's time and place in some instances but this would have been a perfect opportunity to exercise a different kind of rule in that part of the world.

Intelligent until...

Originally posted by pawdrix:

...but in The Middle East who would expect anything different?

C'mon. What kind of statement is that?

Message edited by author 2006-11-06 11:08:30.
11/06/2006 11:13:50 AM · #21
Stupid. It will probably make him a martyr. And hanging? Aren't we supposed to drag Iraq into the 21st century?
11/06/2006 11:24:33 AM · #22
Originally posted by idnic:

I understand the culture in Iraq is very different from the culture in other parts of the world.... but death by hanging? How barbaric!

why is it barbaric ?

when a man is hanged the spinal cord is severed within 1/10 sec after the rope tightens, so he won't feel a thing, however, if he's lucky and chokes to death at least he will have sex with him self for the last time, as men tend to ejaculate just before they die by suffocation, so it's a win win situation for Saddam ;)

either he feels nothing or he feels more plesure than he's felt since the invasion in Iraq.

but I think he's getting off too easy, he should be put in a tank with flesh eating beatles and fire ants and let them work on him for a few days, then throw the remains to a pack of hyenas...

11/06/2006 11:26:22 AM · #23
Originally posted by jonr:

Stupid. It will probably make him a martyr. And hanging? Aren't we supposed to drag Iraq into the 21st century?

Yeah! We should be killing him with lasers or, at the very least, heavily saturated fat products from McDonalds!
11/06/2006 11:30:24 AM · #24
Originally posted by Flash:


I do not know your politics, however based on your posts in this thread I would suspect you lean left. Why is the "death" of Saddam via capitol punishment a bad thing?

Some believe (as leaglebeagle has alluded to in his post) that any capitol use of a death penalty is "wrong". Is this your point as well?

What is your view on a woman's "right to choose"?

What is your view on embryonic stem cell research?

I hope your views are consistent.

I'm not Cindi, but I'm rather 'right' and I generally go Republican, but my views on these particular issues aren't right-wing at all. I'm against capital punishment, I'm pro-choice, and I'm VERY supportive of stem cell research.
11/06/2006 11:32:45 AM · #25
Originally posted by Flash:


I hope your views are consistent.

My views are consistent. I do not have a problem with a woman's right to choose. I do not have a problem with embryonic research. And I certainly do not have a problem with a death sentence being carried out by the state. Whether that be hanging, firing squad, electracution, lethal injection, beheading, fed to the lions, or any other manner approved of by the population wronged.

I share all of your views except for the death penalty. Is this inconsistent? Not to my way of thinking. My objection to the death penalty in any form has nothing to do with the sanctity of life thing. My objection is purely that death is NOT a form of punishment, it is a form of release. If my child were to be raped, I would not want the person killed. I would want him put in prison where he himself will be raped nightly for the rest of his days! That is punishment. Prison is a form of torture. That is where the true criminals belong. Not dead, where they have no pain. For a man who ruled a country and had every luxury, a stark prison cell of the 8x10 dimension with no end in sight would be much more of a punishment.

edit for spelling: I meant sanctity - not sanity

Message edited by author 2006-11-06 11:47:56.
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