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DPChallenge Forums >> Photography Discussion >> Help! Trying to order Photo Calendar in Canada
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11/17/2006 03:05:12 PM · #1
I loved the one costco.com had that allowed adding picture not only to the month, but individual dates (scansnap hosts it) (however it doesn't seem to allow me to ship it to canada?!?!!?). Please anyone know of a great place to do calendar's on-line that works in Canada? pretty please?

Message edited by author 2006-11-17 15:05:51.
11/17/2006 03:06:21 PM · #2

The photo place at Londonderry Mall does calendars. You supply a CD of images, choose a format and they do the rest.

11/17/2006 03:14:08 PM · #3
I use www.photolab.ca for my prints and stuff.

You could also try Walmart WalMart Canada

both will send out the products.
11/17/2006 03:45:59 PM · #4
I have ordered a sample one from Walmart, but was very disappointed in the features available to me, especially after having tried the Costco.com one (which sadily only accepts US address to mail too, which is pretty short sighted, since if they would just charge me the extra in shipping I could have it up here). I will take a look at photolab.ca ... any other suggestions? I was hoping to add pictures to the individual dates (the calendar from costco.com allows that) and is 9.99 (us but still cheep!)
11/17/2006 03:56:55 PM · #5
i'm curious where the photobooks are created for costco.ca ...
i doubt if they are shipped up fromthe US ..
11/28/2006 04:52:27 PM · #6

If you're still looking for a place to order photo calendars, Black's does this through their website.


I don't know what their quality is but will be checking them out for myself.

Message edited by author 2006-11-28 16:52:35.
11/28/2006 04:56:40 PM · #7
I just got the order from Walmart (yes it took that long). Decent quality but only 12 pictures, so could not put in custom dates and pictures.
11/28/2006 09:26:32 PM · #8
We have costcos in canada...
11/28/2006 10:45:52 PM · #9
Have you tried Costco Canada Photo Centre. It seems this site is for Canadian Customers only.

Hope this helps.

11/28/2006 10:55:08 PM · #10
but no calendars available at the Canadian costco photocenters
11/28/2006 11:13:45 PM · #11
I know :-( doen't that just make you feel like a second class citizen. I couldn't even order from the us site and pay for shipping.

11/28/2006 11:26:02 PM · #12
what if . . .
you have it shipped to someone in the US, and they mail it to you. The US to Canada rate is not that bad if you ship it at the media rate.
11/30/2006 07:50:33 PM · #13
I've been looking for a place to have calendars made as well. I went to Costco's web site, but could not find anything on personalized calendars. Does someone have a link to the Costco page that shows them?
11/30/2006 09:31:23 PM · #14
I'm ordering one from these guys, www.myreflections.com.au
They are Australian but I'm pretty certain they ship over seas. They don't have their calendar template up yet however i've spoken to the person in charge and was told to select an A4 flat book and only do 13 pages of it ( one for the cover and 12 months) then when you upload explain in the section for comments that it is for a calendar. They only charge $20 Australian. I've seen some examples at a trade fair and they looked great! Any way I haven't uploaded mine yet so can't give you a guaranty on how they will look but as I said the example ones were great.
12/04/2007 04:14:28 PM · #15
Lots of places do photo calendars now. Even my local CVS. They look plain vanilla boring though. I found this really gorgeous photo calendar templates from joyremembered.com it was designer-beautiful. And the best part, it was free. You do need Microsoft Word to customize it like adding your photos, adding text for Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary. But after I got them printed at Kinko's (home color printer broken) and bound them, they far surpass those plain boring cvs calendars. O, I almost forgot the link, here it is: //www.joyremembered.com/photo-calendar-using-microsoft-word/28/

Good luck.
12/05/2007 04:28:27 AM · #16
Thank you very much! I will try the link.
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