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DPChallenge Forums >> Web Site Suggestions >> DPCmod: Script to show profiles images in threads
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 160, (reverse)
12/02/2006 02:11:50 PM · #1
Hi all,

Inspired by mssnare's thread on keyboard voting, I decided to try writing a GreaseMonkey script for DPC. Note that you must use FireFox and install the GreaseMonkey extension for this to work.

I'm the kind of person who likes to put a name with a face. So this script gives you a new option on the My Preferences page which allows you to see people's profile images in forum threads.

Here's a couple screenshots:

1. Get the GreaseMonkey Extension here: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/748/
2. Restart Firefox so GM will load
3. Click here to install my DPC Profile Image script. Click "Install" when prompted. (If you are not prompted to install, GreaseMonkey did not work. Go back to step 1 or 2.)

Now you should have the checkbox in your proferences page, and you can choose to view profile images in forum threads!


PS0: Thanks, James, for introducing me to GreaseMonkey. Mmm, website-modifying powefulness! =)

PS1: I do not guarantee this script to work forever. In the unlikely event that Langdon makes significant changes to the preferences page or the forums, it's possible that it could stop working.

PS2: I apologize to the non-Firefox users for whom there is no love.

PS3: I tested it using Firefox Will some test it with Firefox 2?

PS4: I also coined the term DPCmod, which will make it easier to find these types of threads when searching.

12/02/2006 02:20:51 PM · #2
Originally posted by smurfguy:

PS2: I apologize to the non-Firefox users for whom there is no love.

There IS GreaseMonkey love for IE. According to the GreaseMonkey Wikipedia page, "For Internet Explorer, GreasemonkIE, Trixie and Turnabout offer similar functionality."

Why you'd want to use IE is another story...
12/02/2006 02:22:13 PM · #3
HA! Now THAT'S COOL. Good work.
12/02/2006 02:28:19 PM · #4
Yup, works in FF2
12/02/2006 02:29:30 PM · #5
People who use dpchallenge.com without the www will want to add the two extra urls into the script or it won't work properly. Otherwise, seems to be working fine in FF2...very cool!
12/02/2006 02:29:32 PM · #6
Holy crap that's weird seeing all these peoples faces AS you read their words.
12/02/2006 02:30:20 PM · #7
Originally posted by _eug:

There IS GreaseMonkey love for IE.

Cool - good find. It looks like the GreaseMonkIE project is now longer. I installed TrixIE (it even works in IE 7!), but my script isn't working in IE. I'll try to debug it some, but it would really help if anyone knew of a JavaScript debugging tool in IE. Their default debugger is utterly useless.

12/02/2006 02:32:24 PM · #8
Originally posted by mk:

People who use dpchallenge.com without the www will want to add the two extra urls into the script or it won't work properly. Otherwise, seems to be working fine in FF2...very cool!

Thanks, mk. Added.

12/02/2006 02:37:49 PM · #9
Stop looking at me!!!
12/02/2006 02:39:06 PM · #10
Originally posted by smurfguy:

Originally posted by _eug:

There IS GreaseMonkey love for IE.

Cool - good find...

Thanks to one of my favorite FF extensions Googlepedia. It combines Google results and Wikipedia results in one window. Muhahahaaaaaaa!
12/02/2006 02:45:16 PM · #11
Can you write and online status stalker mod? Someone needs to host a dpc-mods page. I have extra space (like 900mb extra).

Message edited by author 2006-12-02 14:46:41.
12/02/2006 02:50:05 PM · #12
Originally posted by wavelength:

Can you write and online status stalker mod? Someone needs to host a dpc-mods page. I have extra space (like 900mb extra).

Langdon would probably add them to the Community Projects page. Online status stalker is scary and mine never seems to be accurate anyway. I can go out for three hours and come back and it'll say I've been online for four.
12/02/2006 02:54:38 PM · #13
Originally posted by wavelength:

Can you write and online status stalker mod? Someone needs to host a dpc-mods page. I have extra space (like 900mb extra).

I plan on writing more and perhaps building a small repository around my collection.

So exactly what you can do is tricky. You can do anything you want to with the data that's available on the page. For example, for the profile images, your USER_ID was already on the thread page. And it so happens that your profile image is at a URL defined by your USER_ID.

Another useful thing that could be done (I think) is alert you when you have received new comments. This could be done because all the data is there on the profile page. The script would merely have to read it, remember what was there before, and then let you know when it changes.

Of course, my motivation for writing scripts can be greatly improved by stroking my ego, and/or with cold hard cash. =)
12/02/2006 02:55:11 PM · #14
Originally posted by mk:

Originally posted by wavelength:

Can you write and online status stalker mod? Someone needs to host a dpc-mods page. I have extra space (like 900mb extra).

Langdon would probably add them to the Community Projects page. Online status stalker is scary and mine never seems to be accurate anyway. I can go out for three hours and come back and it'll say I've been online for four.

I just like to know sometimes if the person I'm responding to is online or not, call me weird, but I don't like talking to empty rooms. :/
12/02/2006 02:58:29 PM · #15
Originally posted by wavelength:

I just like to know sometimes if the person I'm responding to is online or not, call me weird, but I don't like talking to empty rooms. :/

That would be nice, actually. Stalkerific or not.

Now I'm off to read other threads because I'm already tired of the mugs in this one. ;)
12/02/2006 03:21:38 PM · #16
I wonder if in that script, profile image resizing down 50% would be better.
It would be a little easier for those on dialup and wouldn't overwhealm the page as much.

Great tweak by the way.
Works fine on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061025 Firefox/

Message edited by author 2006-12-02 15:23:00.
12/02/2006 03:25:05 PM · #17
This absolutely rocks!!!! Thanks for doing this for us!
12/02/2006 03:30:12 PM · #18
Will this cause "Profile View" stat to be artificially inflated? I am just assuming this script goes to the profile URL in order to retrieve the picture.
12/02/2006 03:30:20 PM · #19
Awesome script :)
12/02/2006 03:37:33 PM · #20
Thats cool - really like that.
Thanks for posting and developing.
12/02/2006 03:40:47 PM · #21
Wow, it works!

Funny to see those profile images stacked on each other, like Brad's stick figure right above mk's fantastic mug. They look strange together.

It would be nice if they were clickable, that is, a link to the user's portfolio.

Message edited by author 2006-12-02 15:41:44.
12/02/2006 04:02:43 PM · #22
Originally posted by BakerBug:

Will this cause "Profile View" stat to be artificially inflated? I am just assuming this script goes to the profile URL in order to retrieve the picture.

You'll notice that your profile link is at the beginning of each post:

While your profile image is:

Your image is 100% "guessable". For every user their profile pic will be //www.dpchallenge.com/images_profile/USERID.jpg. This can be displayed without incrementing the profile views UNLESS profile views are programmed on image hits (less likely) instead of page hits(more likely).

ETA: I missed my point. The script never goes to the profile URL to get the image.

Message edited by author 2006-12-02 16:04:48.
12/02/2006 04:11:07 PM · #23
Brad, your profile image looks so sad... I'll give you control over the image size if it will cheer you up! =)

Just reinstall my script. There is now a image size option in our preferences.

EDIT: Hmm - I rescind my previous comment. It looks like GreaseMonkey is smart about installing new versions of the same script. However, if you have any problems, try uninstalling old versions as described below:

1. Tools -> GreaseMonkey -> Manage User Scripts
2. Select "DPC Prpfile Images in forums" on the left
3. Click "uninstall" on the bottom.
4. Try reinstalling: //www.onetacoshort.com/DPCmod/dpcmod_profileimagesinforums.user.js


Edit: The default is 100%. Smaller percentages look a bit choppy because FireFox's image scaling is actually not that great. Note that this will not save bandwidth, because the full image is still being loaded - it's only an aesthetic option.

Message edited by author 2006-12-02 16:40:12.
12/02/2006 04:22:27 PM · #24
Originally posted by _eug:

Originally posted by BakerBug:

Will this cause "Profile View" stat to be artificially inflated? I am just assuming this script goes to the profile URL in order to retrieve the picture.

You'll notice that your profile link is at the beginning of each post:

While your profile image is:

Your image is 100% "guessable". For every user their profile pic will be //www.dpchallenge.com/images_profile/USERID.jpg. This can be displayed without incrementing the profile views UNLESS profile views are programmed on image hits (less likely) instead of page hits(more likely).

ETA: I missed my point. The script never goes to the profile URL to get the image.

Cool! Thanks!!!
12/02/2006 04:50:23 PM · #25
Cool script, but the second version gives me a bug, it shows the image in 100% and then again in 50% (my choice) underneath.
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