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Showing posts 326 - 350 of 2180, (reverse)
01/04/2007 10:26:43 AM · #326
My Free study is still sucking along at Maximum Suck but my Centered is still unbelievably high for me.

Free Study XVI

Votes: 94
Views: 117
Avg Vote: 4.7872
Comments: 1
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/04/07 10:10 am

Centered Composition II

Votes: 75
Views: 96
Avg Vote: 6.6400
Comments: 2
Favorites: 0
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/04/07 10:10 am
01/04/2007 10:28:02 AM · #327
Originally posted by Melethia:

And NikonJeb - you definitely fit in here, both from your forum banter to your cat issues to your very enthusiastic comments in challenges, one of which I just received. Danke!

Hey, I'm a happy camper......every day above ground is a good'un!

As far as the comment goes.....it was obviously a pic that just "Did It" for me.....I am actually more careful to include a comment if for some reason I give out a 3 than a 7 or 8. I have troll issues.....

I actually started a thread about responsible voting stating that I thought you should be guided to comment if you give someone a low vote and got pretty roundly admonished to get a grip.....then I noticed the little pop-up stating that very thing appeared the next time I gave out a 3.....I was a little disconcerted since I made a comment, but then I realized that was the way it was tagged.

Anywho.....I am vehemently anti-troll, I know what I want in the way of a comment if I submit a photo....CONSTRUCTIVE, helpful critiques that will teach me, so I strive to do the same.

As far as raving over the good ones? Where else do you get to look at this kind of great stuff every single day?

I have learned a mind-boggling amount since I've been here.....I've made some terrific friends, and I even glommed onto some poor decent soul as a mentor who is an incredibly talented guy half my age!

Team Suck?

I *LOVE* this place!!!!

Okay....what the heck happened below????

Message edited by author 2007-01-04 10:30:54.
01/04/2007 10:52:21 AM · #328
Welcome, NikonJeb! You'll find Team Suck a friendly place, with a healthy sprinkling of good-hearted sarcasm. The word "uptight" doesn't exist here. It isn't even a real competition. Team Novice has gotten the brown so many times we're swimming in it, and none of us cares.

On another note, I'm really excited - I've gotten 3 favorites on my Twelve Days entry! It is hovering just above 5.9 - hoping it will cross back over that "magical" 6 line before the contest is over. My Free Study entry, on the hand, is just hanging onto that elusive 6. It's making me bite my nails - I admit I'll be bummed if I end up with two entries at 5.98 or something just below the line...
01/04/2007 11:03:02 AM · #329
Hey, I want a mentor! Where do I apply??
01/04/2007 11:24:46 AM · #330

This is some of the cat in the light box photos I've got. The lighting works well and tord me is the only way out. Althow this is a 2 person shoot, you need a petter, to give the cat some attion between shots.
01/04/2007 12:32:33 PM · #331
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Okay....what the heck happened below????

Don't leave a space between the img tags and the URL.
01/04/2007 02:02:30 PM · #332
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Okay....what the heck happened below????

It looks like you need to take out 1 space before http: and the space after .jpg
01/04/2007 02:03:55 PM · #333
Originally posted by bryantbus:

This is some of the cat in the light box photos I've got. The lighting works well and tord me is the only way out. Althow this is a 2 person shoot, you need a petter, to give the cat some attion between shots.

Is this a light box for viewing film negatives or a light dome/tent?
01/04/2007 02:24:14 PM · #334
It is a dome/tent. I use this for product work. This is why I have good luck in white challenges, I take product shots all on white- some of the items are white over and over agin. My husband & I have a printing Co. and I take all the shots for the print work.
01/04/2007 02:27:42 PM · #335
Very cool on the light tent thing! No way would I get my cats in that unless I didn't want them in there, then of course they'd be in there all the time...

But gosh that would be nice for a shot of Miss Emma. May have to look into getting one of those. And lights. Lights would be good. I had a shop light in Texas but it was the wrong voltage for here so I gave it away. :-( May have to go visit the German equivalent of Home Depot and see what I can find.
01/04/2007 02:27:57 PM · #336
Originally posted by NikonJeb:

Okay....what the heck happened below????

Good thing you got here when you did, Jeb - what with everyone shouting out "no spaces", it's a wonder they had room for you.

Funny thing - if I type in
and leave no space between them, they show.
If I type them in with a dot between them:

then nothing shows, not even the dot.
2 dots?

OK, so three dots should show two:

but if I leave a space between [img] and the first dot:
[img] ...[/img]
and I can do all this by typing in the message window and (repeatedly) hitting the preview button.

Have a go!
01/04/2007 06:09:05 PM · #337
Originally posted by bryantbus:

It is a dome/tent. I use this for product work. This is why I have good luck in white challenges, I take product shots all on white- some of the items are white over and over agin. My husband & I have a printing Co. and I take all the shots for the print work.

I could see my two cats crawling into a light tent together and deciding to have a boxing match.
01/04/2007 06:16:16 PM · #338
Trying again.....

Okay....I know it looks like there's a space in there, but there is NOT in the signature block where I have it.....could I have to paste it or type it all out without pasting?

Okay, and again....I typed it all in anew and now let's see.

And AGAIN!!! This time without the first part. This thing splits at the first [img] and that's all that ends up on the first line.

Message edited by author 2007-01-04 18:26:36.
01/04/2007 06:26:36 PM · #339
Looks good on your profile.

Another way to do it is to use the thumb html code. If you quote this post you can see the code.

Message edited by author 2007-01-04 18:29:29.
01/04/2007 06:28:56 PM · #340
Trying again to see if I have this signature thing/avatar issue.
01/04/2007 06:29:50 PM · #341
bryantbus - what kind of lights are you using with your light tent, if you don't mind sharing? Do you prefer results with two sidelights like you have set up, or do you switch things around? Never tried a lightbox and am curious.
01/04/2007 06:33:27 PM · #342
Question for the Team: I hate voting low (usually don't vote below a 5 unless lack of effort is obvious), and hate the whole "troll" thing. But sometimes there are photos that are just ... utterly awful (out of focus, totally under or overexposed, you get the idea). What do you say in comments when you don't even know where to start? I really hate giving a 2, 3 or 4 without comments. Any tips are appreciated, as some of you have much for technical expertise than I.
01/04/2007 06:43:09 PM · #343
Originally posted by noraneko:

Question for the Team: I hate voting low (usually don't vote below a 5 unless lack of effort is obvious), and hate the whole "troll" thing. But sometimes there are photos that are just ... utterly awful (out of focus, totally under or overexposed, you get the idea). What do you say in comments when you don't even know where to start? I really hate giving a 2, 3 or 4 without comments. Any tips are appreciated, as some of you have much for technical expertise than I.

Hey, I'd like to pipe up because of my feelings on it. I hate to give low scores too, so I'm much more attentive to the message. I pretty much assess the picture as if I had taken it and wanted to know what was wrong with it. I won't give out a 3 or lower EVER without what I feel to be a considerately put critique, and am careful generally to specify that *I* am sometimes the one who doesn't get what's trying to be conveyed.....'cause sometimes I just don't get what some pics are trying to say even a little bit.

As far as just a bad pic.....focus, shake, light blasted (a specific problem of mine), pixelated, hammering the contrast too hard.....I give specifics as to why I voted low.

Excuse the mess below as I am still trying to figure it out.
01/04/2007 06:44:51 PM · #344

It seems to be fixed and I have *NO* idea what I did.

I'm not going to mess with any tagline......(LYING!!!)
01/04/2007 06:48:51 PM · #345
Drum roll.....
01/04/2007 06:50:45 PM · #346
Now I'm just trying to figure out if it's a refresh kinda thing.....
01/04/2007 06:58:31 PM · #347
Originally posted by noraneko:

Question for the Team: I hate voting low (usually don't vote below a 5 unless lack of effort is obvious), and hate the whole "troll" thing. But sometimes there are photos that are just ... utterly awful (out of focus, totally under or overexposed, you get the idea). What do you say in comments when you don't even know where to start? I really hate giving a 2, 3 or 4 without comments. Any tips are appreciated, as some of you have much for technical expertise than I.

Most of my scores are between 5-6. Occasionally, I'll give a 4 but usually I just say something like " This is a nice idea but the focus is way off" or "The compostion is nice but everything is too washed out etc.

I have only give a few 1's in the entire time I've been here. It has to be a total mess or very disturbing like the one in Patterns. I know some people liked it but I thought it deserved a 1.

Hope that helps some.
01/04/2007 07:11:49 PM · #348
Okay.....now that I'm done screwing around with my avatar/signature, I'm reporting in on my suckage.

My Centered Composition started out at 6.2 which is the highest I have ever scored, then jetted downwards to Hoover the bottom of the stream putting itself as a fairly constant 5.3/5.4 for the past coupla days.

The funny part is that it started off almost two full points ahead of my Patterns entry, which was a last-ditch effort and ended up as a 4.9554. You could have knocked me over with a feather on that one 'cause it SUCKED!!! 8>)

My Harsh Environment started out as a mid- to high-5 and has been a rock-solid 5.4 for the last week.

My B&W entry I hope to get blasted on here 'cause I think I may have accidentally have gotten a pretty good shot. Of course, now I have to wait 'til the 10th before it even starts to get looked at.

I got here in August, my first challenge got me a 3.8851, and with the exception of a couple of half-decent flashes, my growth has been consistent to where I can usually get 5ish now. I intend to keep the upward curve.

Except for the fact that it's embarrassing to admit, I am totally stunned by the depths of my ignorance of this art and how much I have gotten in the short time I've been here. I actually feel like I know what I'm doing.....not that it works, but at least I am getting a feel for WHY I suck! 8>)

Originally posted by Melethia Hey, I want a mentor! Where do I apply??

I dunno if you're yanking my chain or what, but this guy has been so terrific....he's taught me more in the last six months than I've ever learned. I have talked to various people here and have found that most are more than willing to share ideas and give suggestions.

Besides, aren't you kinda good? Why are you here????? 8>)

Message edited by author 2007-01-04 19:14:43.
01/04/2007 07:25:32 PM · #349
catherine, you were wondering about low scores and comments. i usually only leave comments on scores under 5, unless i'm completely blown away by something. mainly because time is short, and i'm lazy.

so here are three of my comeents on low scores, i think two 3s and a 5, if my memory serves. this is the kind of crit i used to get in university, and the kind i used to give as a teacher. it seemed to work well there, and i think most people find it helpful. it's pretty self explanatory - find the good, then point out to improve the bad. and i do my best to never, never be rude. luckily, we don't have thaa probelm on team suck, which always makes me proud to be here.

a nice idea, but the resolution really brings you down in this one. the composition is good, but i would like to see more done with the exposure. this is advanced editing, you could have played with the levels much more than you have, creating more drama and visual interest.

an intersting idea - is a fake face not a face? however, with the focus on the candles rather than the nun or cross, it is very distracting. well exposed, but the focus really needs to be improved, or the candles placed more prominently in the compostion, to lessen the importance of the nun figure.

very nice image, but i think a little less neat image on the lower section would be better. it works beautifully on the leaves, but it's distracting on the grass, fir tree and deer, as the small details in those make them real. without, they kind of look plastic.

Message edited by author 2007-01-04 19:25:59.
01/04/2007 07:55:46 PM · #350
Originally posted by Melethia:

Very cool on the light tent thing! No way would I get my cats in that unless I didn't want them in there, then of course they'd be in there all the time...

But gosh that would be nice for a shot of Miss Emma. May have to look into getting one of those. And lights. Lights would be good. I had a shop light in Texas but it was the wrong voltage for here so I gave it away. :-( May have to go visit the German equivalent of Home Depot and see what I can find.

Deb, I got mine on Ebay for $5. It folds up and fits in a little carry case and has 4 colored backgrounds. White, black, red and blue. And it's big! It shipped from China or Hong Kong (don't remember which), so you shouldn't have a problem getting one delivered to Germany.

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