Author | Thread |
01/06/2007 04:25:14 PM · #476 |
Of course the EXIF is recorded with .jpg. Alot of people on here don't even have RAW as an option. I only shoot in .jpg because I don't have enough memory for RAW.
01/06/2007 04:26:17 PM · #477 |
.jpeg files extracted from a digital camera have exif data.
In photoshop, when you save for the web, the exif data is stripped. |
01/06/2007 04:33:34 PM · #478 |
Svetlana, Be careful because if the dates are messed up like the one you got DQ̢۪ed for because of year on date stamp, you might get in trouble again.
01/06/2007 05:03:29 PM · #479 |
well now im in it for "best of". it's not an architectural shot again and it will be interesting to see how it's recieved.
i've shot some for procastination but i keep putting off post proccessing.
i'm still thinking about the open challenges. i don't see song titles having anything for me because i've hated rick dees since i was young and that includes the music he plays.
01/06/2007 05:11:30 PM · #480 |
Originally posted by sickdog: i've shot some for procastination but i keep putting off post proccessing.
Yep, that's where I am. I've shot my idea. Now I'm going to help my daughter play her Harry Potter video game. I mean, I have until tomorrow night to edit and enter. :)
Svetlana, I can't shoot in RAW, only JPG. Trust me, every shot I take has the date and other EXIF data!
01/06/2007 05:12:50 PM · #481 |
i can shoot in raw but i'm a tad ignorant of the benefits of it so i don't bother.
01/06/2007 05:20:36 PM · #482 |
Having the camera record raw images and tweaking the white balance and exposure in the conversion process is worth the effort. Also if I decide to print having a large digital "negative" is advantageous in not having to upsize as much. |
01/06/2007 05:26:56 PM · #483 |
A lot of my candidates for best of don't have unaltered originals. gnarg. |
01/06/2007 05:49:29 PM · #484 |
I'm still doing good with my centered shot but I've fallen .1 since last night when I was at 6.54. Don't know what happend all of a sudden.
Centered Composition II
Votes: 151
Views: 193
Avg Vote: 6.4437
Comments: 4
Favorites: 1
Wish Lists: 0
Updated: 01/06/07 05:45 pm
01/06/2007 05:53:09 PM · #485 |
if a shot relies a great deal on the texture of the subject is it better to shoot it in raw?
01/06/2007 06:01:33 PM · #486 |
Originally posted by sickdog: i can shoot in raw but i'm a tad ignorant of the benefits of it so i don't bother. |
Same thing with me. I have shot a few pictures in raw and played with it a little but I don't trust myself to use one in a challenge. Maybe when I learn more about it.
edit: Here is a thread I started a while back about raw. It might help a little.
Message edited by author 2007-01-06 18:04:53. |
01/06/2007 06:23:35 PM · #487 |
If you have a camera that can record raw images I would highly encourage you to do so.
In your camera if you shoot with the .jpeg option, the camera actually converts a raw image to .jpeg and stores it on the card. The camera makes the decision on how to convert that image. Some of these decisions are white balance, exposure, saturation, contrast. You are basically stuck with those decisions when the image is stored on the card.
If you use raw files, you make the decisions after the image is stored on the card and you have the option of trying different conversions. The photographer is making the decision not the camera.
01/06/2007 06:27:24 PM · #488 |
Originally posted by quiet_observation: If you use raw files, you make the decisions after the image is stored on the card and you have the option of trying different conversions. The photographer is making the decision not the camera. |
so I will wait until I'm smarter than the camera, then I will use RAW. :)
01/06/2007 06:35:23 PM · #489 |
I can shoot RAW but I can't find a program that supports the conversion for my baby camera, the software that came with converts straight to Tiff with no adjustments so there's no real advantage to it at the moment. One day I'll get a "grown up" camera. |
01/06/2007 06:42:31 PM · #490 |
I wish digital cameras were smart-I haven't found one yet-all mine lie about things like focus and exposure.
Of course, this is from someone that thinks film photography is better than digital photography.
Message edited by author 2007-01-06 19:03:32. |
01/06/2007 06:59:15 PM · #491 |
Film photography is better than digital photography insofar as resolution on film is molecular. Maintenance of files is tangible, too, but that may or may not be an advantage.
Jpegs out of my coolpix are better than RAW files out of the D100, if I don't make any adjustments to the RAW file and before I do whatever processing... As far as I know, it's generally true that point and shoot cameras produce jpegs that are more saturated and have a certain amount of adjustment in what is called levels in Photoshop, as well as a bit of sharpening. In any case, with the two sliders at the bottom being equal, a USM sharpening of 50 on coolpix files is about the same as 100-150 on the D100.
High-spending amateur photographic enthusiasts are empowered by sophisticated cameras that oblige them to do lots of extra work to get half-decent pictures. Suckers.
01/06/2007 09:14:27 PM · #492 |
Originally posted by Wildcard: I can shoot RAW but I can't find a program that supports the conversion for my baby camera, the software that came with converts straight to Tiff with no adjustments so there's no real advantage to it at the moment. One day I'll get a "grown up" camera. |
This is also another reason for me. There's no advantage because you can't do anything with the image until you convert it to .jpg.
01/06/2007 10:13:58 PM · #493 |
Originally posted by noraneko: BTW, is anyone else in Procrastination? I've got a seriously OOB entry for that one. People will love it or hate it. Luckily Team Suck tends to go for the OOB stuff, so I can probably at least count on a few decent votes from the Team. So far, only 50 entries - Team Suck could rule this challenge! |
I got this entry that I'm debating.....or procrastinating on....'til the last minute 'cause it's only gonna work if the title's right.
Does anyone else have that as their Procrastination entry issue?
Oh, and my B&W entry ain't even within spittin' distance of the box!
Message edited by author 2007-01-06 22:15:24.
01/06/2007 10:17:08 PM · #494 |
i ahve two ideas for procrasitnation. one i came up with a few days ago, it's funny and silly. the other i came up with today in my fevered, highly emotional state. it's not atall funny, and highly emotional. both do depict things i have truly procrastinated.
so, which is it to be. i, of course, haven't shot them yet. even if i wasn't sick, i'd still leave it 'til the last minute...
01/06/2007 10:18:09 PM · #495 |
Originally posted by noraneko: Originally posted by levyj413:
I'm gonna be. I swear. LOL.
My usual pattern is to think all week and shoot the day it's due. I LIVE the challenge theme. I should just do a self-portrait. ;) |
Maybe the real challenge is that everyone who submits prior to 11:55 on rollover will get DQ'd just on principle :-) |
I laughed so hard when I read that I think I hurt myself!
01/06/2007 10:18:42 PM · #496 |
Originally posted by NikonJeb: I got this entry that I'm debating.....or procrastinating on....'til the last minute 'cause it's only gonna work if the title's right. |
Careful. Many people will vote down something that relies on the title too heavily. I speak from painful personal experience.
01/06/2007 10:29:13 PM · #497 |
Originally posted by levyj413: Originally posted by NikonJeb: I got this entry that I'm debating.....or procrastinating on....'til the last minute 'cause it's only gonna work if the title's right. |
Careful. Many people will vote down something that relies on the title too heavily. I speak from painful personal experience. |
Truth be told I really don't care too awful much if the voters don't like it all that much as an entry or a pic 'cause I'm so happy with it I printed it out, went down to the gallery that shows some of my work, and matted it, framed it, and it's on the wall right above this monitor!
Message edited by author 2007-01-06 22:57:51.
01/06/2007 10:56:47 PM · #498 |
Originally posted by kdsprog: Originally posted by Wildcard: I can shoot RAW but I can't find a program that supports the conversion for my baby camera, the software that came with converts straight to Tiff with no adjustments so there's no real advantage to it at the moment. One day I'll get a "grown up" camera. |
This is also another reason for me. There's no advantage because you can't do anything with the image until you convert it to .jpg. |
Okay.....I might be all wet, I'm no computer jock, but I have stumbled onto enough stuff in my computer to play with the RAW that my D70s shoots.
I have Microsoft Office 2003, which also has MS Picture Manager, and it has a camera/scanner wizard that'll allow me to open the files in a viewable manner enough that I can bridge them over to CS2.
The range of stuff I can then do to the pic before I convert it to .jpg seems pretty daggone cool.
I haven't even found vignetting anywhere else except as an adjustment in RAW. I even figured out how to store the RAW files intact so that I can get them out of my camera and use the space.
At least I think they're stored in RAW......I do know that I have to go through the same stuff to work the files as when they're still in the camera and save the changes to a different file.
I know once I screw around with a file at all and go to save oit, then it'll only go if it converts to I am assuming that the file is still RAW 'til I mess with it.
I still have the original RAW file left in the folder and it won't go away even if I play and save.....I have to delete them.
I wish I was more adept at this stuff so that I knew how to explain it......the bottom line is that the RAW pics that I've started playing with have a whole myriad of things that I can do to them before I even get to what I can do to the .jpg. And the resolution is MUCH better!
I know I'm supposed to use the disc that came with my D70s, but I had problems with it and just used MS Picture manager for the first five or six months that I had my camera.
Heck, I was so stupid about my camera I didn't even learn 'til the end of October how to set it to fine picture quality....and I got the camera in July. Between one seminar from the store where I bought my camera, and the tireless and patient tutelage of my DPC mentor, I is larnin' this stuff!
So.....I have a decent eye, and now I'm getting a little experience and my scores are consistent, predictable, and getting progressively better.
Anyway.....back on topic.....if *I* can get pics taken and up on site shooting RAW, certainly you guys can!
01/06/2007 11:00:58 PM · #499 |
Originally posted by levyj413: Originally posted by NikonJeb: I got this entry that I'm debating.....or procrastinating on....'til the last minute 'cause it's only gonna work if the title's right. |
Careful. Many people will vote down something that relies on the title too heavily. I speak from painful personal experience. |
I'm doing the same thing to a certain extent. I seem to be pulling it off in Twelve Days, but I think my photo would be scoring higher in a contest where is REALLY meets the challenge. Oh, well, still going to do it in Procrastination, and will probably get killed. Jeff's right - usually it backfires. |
01/07/2007 12:03:42 AM · #500 |
Okay, I'm in procrastination. This is my 52nd challenge and probably the 2nd or 3rd where I actually entered before the deadline day. How's that for irony? :)
Going purely for humor; it ain't much as a photo on its own, but maybe for this challenge people will appreciate it.
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