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DPChallenge Forums >> Challenge Results >> Waste of your time and mine!
Showing posts 1 - 25 of 70, (reverse)
01/19/2007 01:34:22 AM · #1

I'm so silly that even thinking about taking part of the competition on this page. I remember when I joined for the first time and loved all the comment's and good tips I got, and that was what I really wanted to do! Learn!

Ok... frigging great that you guys can absolutely shoot down a asshole that insults your intelligent with photo of buildings and what a stupid asshole you must think I am :)

I'm not sad, bitter of results!. I'm disappointed by the members here. I took the picture, thought it was cool and submitted it. Instead of getting friendly tips you wasted your time shooting me down with nasty comments (same time and effort for a friendly one). If you got offended by the picture. POINT it out with friendly tips and I will not do the same mistake again!

1. I will not pay another member fee.
2. I do not want to learn from the experts here anymore because there is nothing to gain. And learning is by doing mistakes, and I did learn that you people think newbies like me are in your way and we insult you intelligent.
3. I do not see the point seeking for tips and comments when people waste time shooting other people down.

So what are my benefits for joining DPchallenge?
At least I got a private message from a member telling me to not give up. I'm not, I just don't want to share my work with you guys any more.

It's not that I lost or was in the last place! I don't care (take a look at my other submission's places) I wanted to hear from the community of photographers!

Those who gave me friendly comment's, thank you and good luck :)

Bye bye
01/19/2007 01:37:23 AM · #2
Dude... just chill... it was a mistake.. everyone makes them...
01/19/2007 01:39:02 AM · #3
Couldn't be more chilled :) I'm from Iceland *grin*

"Dude... just chill... it was a mistake.. everyone makes them..."

YES!! My point exactly!! But I did not learn any tips from it, and I wanted that by joining :)

...dude :)

Message edited by author 2007-01-19 01:42:18.
01/19/2007 01:46:08 AM · #4
Uhm, I read the comments on your entry, I must say, I don't really get the feeling that you were being picked on, or that anyone was really being mean.
Remember that there are a lot of images to vote and comment on, so you may get short chirps on your entry, it is not meant in a degrading way.

Don't take the comments so personally, I think I get a lot of similiar comments on many of my entries, rather learn from it then cry about it.

Chin up buddy, we all have to take some criticism some time.


Message edited by author 2007-01-19 01:46:49.
01/19/2007 01:47:05 AM · #5
don't worry....im Canadian
01/19/2007 01:47:34 AM · #6
I see one comment that could *maybe* be considered borderline nasty but certainly nothing worth quitting over. Even the longer, more substantial comments you didn't seem to find helpful. If you're having difficulty understanding challenge topics, ask for help. Or do some of your own investigation. Any challenge title that is followed by a number is a repeat and all previous challenges can be found under the Challenge History menu. Look at what did well and what didn't. And then be prepared to take some criticism...even some that you don't like.

You might also consider leaving some comments for others. People generally feel more inclined to leave comments for someone that they feel is willing to put forth the same effort.
01/19/2007 01:50:49 AM · #7
Ok, I actually read all of the comments. Exactly one person called the shot a "timewaster," and if you go read his comments, he's often sort of harsh.

Everyone else pretty much said the same thing: that's not a portrait. But many of them said it in a very friendly, even supportive, way.

You even got a nice, detailed review from at least one person.

So where's all the anger coming from? I mean, I have yet to see the higher-scoring folks around here make snide comments or try to keep anyone down, and it didn't happen here, either.
01/19/2007 01:52:20 AM · #8
Not many people give real critiques in challenge comments. I suggest you post the pic in the forums and ask for useful comments on specifics of your pic.
01/19/2007 01:58:06 AM · #9
I can understand your being so upset zeolite and its wrong on the [art of people to be harsh. Its so much easier to pass on a harsh comment rather than to give a constructive crisitcism (it takes time and knowledge for that. Like any art form the definitions are blurred and concepts are to be played with and the rules are to be broken. A voters button provides a momentary sense of power which many people tend to get carried away. Tolerance to other people view is something we all have to work upon and a picture is something even the most dumb person can have an opinion on. So cheer up and take it with a pinch of salt and keep going. There's enough to be learned here so dont lose heart
01/19/2007 01:59:10 AM · #10
OUCH! Mark bit you on the ass

Chill man. pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back on the horse
01/19/2007 02:00:46 AM · #11
oooh, well somebody doesn't take criticism very well [insert sarcastic tone here]. I don't understand where the sheer amount of frustration and anger is coming from. People told you why they thought the subject matter didn't fit the challenge, someone even gave you a definition, and shamer gave you plently of useful tips in my opinion. If you knew that it wasn't a portrait, but you wanted to enter it anyway because you liked it and it was black and white, then it's more understandable. It's just that people around these here parts are very technical about everything, especially fitting the challenge.

If it happens again where you like an image, but it doesn't nessasarily dit a challenge, enter it into the Free Study for the month. Until then, I suggest you not call members "Assholes" for their opinions, especially if they aren't blatently or personally offending you.
01/19/2007 02:02:57 AM · #12
I didn't get around to this shot (actually didn't make the required 20%) but I did run across another shot that was a lovely shot (I think) and commented that it wasn't a portrait. I did go as far as to say why I liked the shot though.

I've stated a few times here that we all must remember that English is not everyone's native language on this site and sometimes people get confused.

To me, it is obvious that this shot was a misunderstanding and would have tried to comment accordingly if I commented).

zeolite, do what you feel you must, but do understand that quite of your commenters likely misunderstood. :-) *I hope I made myself clear on that.*

And darn you, I've tried several time ON PURPOSE to get that coveted brown ribbon and you swooped in and took it with a quite nice photo. :-)

01/19/2007 02:22:36 AM · #13

it's just not a portrait. as say all the comments. they are not mean, they are correct.

suck it up and live with it.

at least now you've learned that there's a difference between landscape and portrait :-P
01/19/2007 02:34:08 AM · #14
this is stupid. why even a rant - it's obvious! this guy knows his english very well, from his sentences on the post. so if your teacher asks for a self-portrait photo for class graduation, would you go out and take a photo of your house? man, i think you're still wrong - new user or not!

Message edited by author 2007-01-19 02:34:26.
01/19/2007 02:43:28 AM · #15
I don't understand this. OP entered a shot of skyscrapers in a portrait challenge, and he seems to be upset that he got no "constructive" feedback. From this I infer that he somehow thinks it's appropriate that images entered in challenges should be seriously critiqued as images even if they don't come close to meeting the challenge topic. And I think that's asking too much, I really do.

If he wants an image critiqued, he can post it to a forum thread.

Am I missing something?

01/19/2007 02:45:18 AM · #16
Well, my first comment here was *direct quote here*


But, I marked it as helpful because obviously I did something that someone did not like. It was my VERY FIRST challenge entry too. You have some pretty nice scores in your PF zeolite. Please don't give up because of one photographs comments. Put that picture on the wall and look at it every time you go to enter a challenge. It will help you to think harder.

Whatever you do, don't quit. Then they win.

01/19/2007 02:47:42 AM · #17
Originally posted by TCGuru:

Whatever you do, don't quit. Then they win.

darn... and we've almost got him too, hehe
01/19/2007 02:51:17 AM · #18
Originally posted by crayon:

darn... and we've almost got him too, hehe

Quit being mean, don't you have some evil women to ogle?
01/19/2007 02:57:16 AM · #19
OK just to clear up!

The point was made in this post. And I did not call anyone asshole other than myself. I don't take this personally that my picture got voted to last place :) Not at all, and yes I misunderstood the Portrait word. To me portrait is something still like... buildings :)

Misunderstanding, BUT! I still got shoot to ground because of that. I know there is one and one good in there.


"I don't understand this. OP entered a shot of skyscrapers in a portrait challenge, and he seems to be upset that he got no "constructive" feedback. From this I infer that he somehow thinks it's appropriate that images entered in challenges should be seriously critiqued as images even if they don't come close to meeting the challenge topic. And I think that's asking too much, I really do.

If he wants an image critiqued, he can post it to a forum thread.

Am I missing something?


YES! I didn't know!

this is stupid. why even a rant - it's obvious! this guy knows his english very well, from his sentences on the post. so if your teacher asks for a self-portrait photo for class graduation, would you go out and take a photo of your house? man, i think you're still wrong - new user or not!

Thank you, very helpful !

It's NOT ABOUT THE SCORE!!!!! Is nobody getting my point here? This is what I was talking about. You get all defensive and attack the noob!

And I'm not quitting :) I just don't want to be killed because I misunderstood the point :) And because I felt bad doing that, the comments sure did not help me!

Now, who is taking this personally? Me or the guys here doing the same thing I was talking about in the first post.

01/19/2007 03:02:01 AM · #20
Does everyone agree that a portrait has to be of a person's face?

I was under the impression it could be full-length or even of a non-human such as the recent pet-portrait.

I always thought that a portrait was meant to convey the essence of it's subject, remembering Bears famous SP here.

However, I am prepared to admit that a portrait of an inanimate object would probably be called a still-life.

Still it amazes me every time I see the dnmc tag in my comments that the commenter does not think for one moment that despite the fact I am capable of operating a PC & a digital camera that I am incapable of understanding a simple challenge.

While it is certainly possible, I usually just assume the photog has found an interpretation that I haven't or can't see, in which case I may give a lower score, but I don't assume the submission is incorrect.
01/19/2007 03:05:05 AM · #21
Originally posted by zeolite:

It's NOT ABOUT THE SCORE!!!!! Is nobody getting my point here?

And I'm not quitting :) I just don't want to be killed because I misunderstood the point :) And because I felt bad doing that, the comments sure did not help me!

Now, who is taking this personally? Me or the guys here doing the same thing I was talking about in the first post.


I got your point about it not being about the score hon, I used that reference to point out that you have obvious skill because you have some good scores :)

Now, go get a massage and get ready to enter the next challenge ;)

Just let the harsh run off your back... try to keep in mind that no one can put you down unless you let them. Don't be baited into a fight. Some people live to argue ;)

SO glad you are not quitting DPC, it would be just awful to lose anyone to circumstances like that.

01/19/2007 03:07:02 AM · #22
01/19/2007 03:09:27 AM · #23
Originally posted by zeolite:

And I'm not quitting :)

double darn it! you're strong man, STRONG! you win... :)
01/19/2007 03:12:38 AM · #24
You entered a shot that got a lot of comments. None seem rude. If you get a lot of DNMC then you should be able to learn from that...DPC voters are very literal in their interpretation of challenge titles and descriptions.

Message edited by author 2007-01-19 03:13:06.
01/19/2007 03:12:46 AM · #25
Originally posted by zeolite:

It's NOT ABOUT THE SCORE!!!!! Is nobody getting my point here? This is what I was talking about. You get all defensive and attack the noob!

Now, who is taking this personally? Me or the guys here doing the same thing I was talking about in the first post.


I must say that, no I don't understand your point. Nobody was attacking you...until you started attacking others. There was no way somebody could know that it was a nooB image during the challenge. And as for being a nooB, it appears you have been in challenges for almost 4 years now, in that time you could have entered hundreds of shots and gained a vast amount of information. Maybe you aren't taking it personally, but your tone is that of an extremely irate person, but I suppose it can be misinterpreted when you can't actually hear the person.

I know alllll about misunderstanding things around here. I was upset that I had missed the deadline for a challenge and immediately made a post asking people to tell me how they thought it would have done. Apparently people get very angry when you do things like that, but how could I have known that being a nooB? I realized I was (partially)at fault and I moved on. My point is to learn from this and not react with violent words, as it only leads to more vilolent words and sometimes actions.

Message edited by author 2007-01-19 03:14:22.
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